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"He..was my everything, but I guess he always found a way to replace me then come back wanting me again," Bianca sat in front of me pouring out her feelings as far as Malcom. One thing I'll give to him, he ain't hit on women like Darrien. Glad the nigga gone though. She was a little cute thang, but I'm more into chocolate, not these little caramels walking up and down.

When it came to tracking her down, that wasn't an issue until she started asking for sex in return, but I honestly wasn't trynna pipe nobody down, so I just agreed in order for her to come down here. Apryl already breathing down my neck, so I had to end it and now this chick? Nah, I need my woman back.

She got an invitation to the wedding, but she's been paid fifty thousand dollars not to stand up and object to the wedding. Damn Malcom, you just love to throw money at your problems huh? Good thing I ain't going no where anytime soon cause I'm gonna be the one to marry Parker someday.

"Tell me this, what did you feel when you found out he was first dating Parker?" Leaning in, I had placed my hands in my lap and looked deep in her eyes. I needed as much answers out of her as possible.

Taking up the glass of water that was next to her, she took a sip before setting it back down on the table and turning her head back to me, "Well...I was hurt because I was pregnant with his child, but he had paid me to get an abortion, plus he gave me more hush money not to say anything."

That little bastard is something else huh? Instead of you owning up to the child, you'd rather let her kill ya'll baby just so you can be with someone else? What a piece of shit he is. I gotta hurry up and buy a tuxedo cause I will be Bianca's plus one to the wedding. Parker wanted to invite me, even told me over the phone, but her nigga thought otherwise.

"Bianca, what do you want from Malcom?"

"I kept the baby and decided not to get an abortion. His son's name is MJ and I want our son to get to know his father. Yes, Malcom can be brutal at times, but I will FOREVER and always will love him no matter what. Besides, you want back Parker, so why not team up to get what we both want? In the end, I can split the hush money with you that he gave me for the wedding. What do you say Dave?"

She began to lean over to me seductively and rested her chin in the palm of her hand while her elbow rested against one of the legs that crossed the other one. I mean, she had a good plan, but my ass don't need the money, I can do just fine without it. Yes, Parker would be mad as hell right now, but the things I do for her is out of love and I pray that one day she understands that. Plus she's carrying my flesh and blood.

"I'm in..but you can keep the money."



"You ready for the bachelorette party tomorrow? Or should I say a night back to Vegas," with my fluffy pink scarf around her neck, Regina was twirling it around her shoulders before she took a pair of sunglasses out of my box and put them on. I mean don't get me wrong, it'll be fun and all, but my goodness, I hope they aren't going all out and doing a bunch of crazy shit.

"I am, but please make me remember myself by tomorrow morning and I be damned if ya'll let me embarrass myself enough to get on TMZ. My whole reputation is gonna be on the line tomorrow and I don't want everyone at work to laugh at me cause of some crazy thing I did the night before."

Pressing against my shoulder,  Alex's fingers made their way onto me just for comfort, "Girl you don't have anything to worry about because we got you covered and that's a promise."

Something about that statement told me otherwise, but I'll be sure to keep it in the back of my mind. Boy oh boy when it comes to these girls, they are beyond crazy, but I always wonder how I have them as my friends. They are great listeners, amazing when it comes to fashion, and great cooks, but when it comes to going places, you can't take them anywhere.

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