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Once all the women left the house with the kids, it was just me and Sean. he had brought a tool box and popped up the hood of Naomi's trunk. Examining the oil levels, he dug deeper in the car.

"Aye, you know Naomi's son that's staying wit us? Sean, I think that he's mine," clenching my jaw, I looked down.

Feeling just as shocked as I was, he lifted his head, hitting it on the hood, "Wait, what? How in the HELL you figure that shit out? Ouch," he began to rub his head while slowly moving from underneath the hood to turn towards me.

I slowly began to think back to when me and Naomi were dating and things had gotten serious between the two of us.

Flash Back

"Baby, where are you taking me?" She began to chuckle as I had my arms wrapped around her torso. We were walking along the busy streets of New York City and I wanted to give her the surprise of her life. She had a purple bandanna wrapped around her eyes so that she couldn't see.

"Baybeh, relax. It's aight, just follow me," taking a hold of her hand, I pulled her into an old building where we headed inside old elevators that rose up towards the top of the sky rise.

With the excited feeling in my gut, I began to kiss along her smooth collar bone which made my lips trail closer to her neck. The touch of my lips on her bare skin made her tuck her lip in before soft moans escaped from her lips. My hands moved away from being at my sides to slowly gliding against her hips as I continued.

The elevator came to a halt and I used my hand to lift up the door before she was able to walk out with me following behind her. As I looked around the balcony and it's amazing views, the plan was set and in motion.

Going behind her, I moved my fingers towards the knot in the bandanna, untying it and pulling it down away from her face. As she looked around in amazement, my heart felt blessed. Small red balloons were bundled up in corners for decoration, a small table with a white cloth had a bucket of wine sitting on ice, small gift bags surrounded the table, and a small blanket out in the middle of the balcony for us to watch fireworks.

Since we had already ate from our date previously, I wanted to toast for being together for five years.

"Dave this is so beautiful and I love it!" Turning her body back to me, she jumped up and hugged me tightly. Wrapping my arms back around her, my nose inhaled her sweet scent of perfume. Everything about her was so perfect, ya couldn't tell a nigga nothing bout his girl.

Letting go, we headed over to make a toast with the wine.

"To us. A relationship with battles, blessings, and long-lasting memories. I love you Naomi Shantell Wright and for what it's worth, I don't ever wanna loose you at any cost," raising my glass, she tapped hers against mine.

"You have been nothing but PERFECT to me. Through me being at college for nursing and you staying here and doing you. Yes, we've had ups and downs with you and your little thots, but they are only a phase compared to me.  Although I don't agree with you dealing, I can't force you to quit. You made me love again and inspire me to do wonders," with such powerful words, I was beyond shook.

Once we tilted the glasses to our head, the wine went down our throats as the celebration came to an end. Taking up one of the three gift bags, I opened up a Pandora necklace that hand two hearts attached to one another and our initials were graved in on the back. Placing it around her neck made her feel secure and happy.

Yes, she was gone off to college, but I wanted her to know that I was always gon be there for her. With the second gift, it was nothing more than some clothes. As always, she loved it and kissed me on the cheek.

Love Me Naked|Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now