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My sight began to feel blurry as I opened up my eyes and look around. For what it seemed to be, I was surrounded by people in blue suits trying to rush me somewhere, but the real question is, where am I?

Looking down at me, they grew shook to see that I was up, but at the same time, I still felt confused.

"Mr. Brewster I am Paula your former nurse. You were in a car crash and now inside the ER. We're gonna get you better okay?" her words began to slow down as my eyes closed making everything pitch black again.


Feeling deep in my sleep, I held Kairi close to me once staying up since 12:00 a.m in the morning for Dave to get back home.

Once figuring he wasn't laying next to me, I gave up and took my ass to bed.

A loud ringer from my phone soon woke me up causing me to startle in my sleep, but Kairi was safe and sound. Since the brightness was turned up bright on my phone, I could feel myself literally going blind.

Seeing that it was Sean, I wasn't aware if this was serious or not..it should be since it's now 2:45 a.m and I'm sleepy as hell. Sliding over the answer bar, I took the phone off the charger and the phone against my ear.

"Hello?" my raspy tone escaped from my mouth due to being sleepy.

"Parker come to the hospital quick! It's Dave, he got into an accident and it's real bad!" I could sense pain in his voice which only caused me to feel terrified.

  My chest began to heave up and down as Dave came across my mind. The last words we shared was about Darrien and for what it seems like, he was mad at me.

"O-Okay, I'm on my way," trying to physically hold back the tears, it was no use.

Waking Kairi up after drying my eyes, I told her the bad news and held her close for a little while as she cried.

"We gotta be strong for daddy okay? Now go put your shoes on, no need to change honey. I'm gonna go put on some leggings, here," I turned on the TV to Animal Planet.

"I'll be back love," getting up from out of the bed, I walked towards my dresser and took out one of my many black pairs of leggings.

Heading towards the bathroom, I took off my pajama shorts and put on the leggings before going to wash my face. I wanted to try and look a bit decent going to the hospital. Once finished, Bio Oil was applied to my face and Kairi came in to brush her teeth with me.

Settling out of the bathroom, we shook off the feeling of making the bed up and grabbed our jackets to scurry up out of the house. Don't worry, I made sure the TV was turned off as well as the lights.

Our shoes were on and we were rushing out of the lobby towards the car. Shit, I don't have a car seat for Kairi. How the hell am I supposed to get her to the hospital now? Keeping a hold of her hand, I turned towards a Salvation Army bin that had a Dora set on top of a box.

Walking towards it, it looked fairly new with no marks on it at all.

"Well it's gon have to be used today," walking back towards the car with it in my hands, I unlocked the doors with my keys and opened the passenger door.

Once pulling the seat upward, I placed the car seat inside and placed Kairi inside, reassuring that she was buckled in safely before heading towards my side and getting in.

Driving off and heading towards the hospital, I had called up Regina and talked with her through the speakers of the car.

"Hey girl, I'm on my way with Kairi...any news yet?" I began to push a little harder on the gas petal, just a little bit towards 55 mph.

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