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Flash Back One Month...


"Oh please, I'm pretty sure you'll be fine, go ahead and take one," smiling over at one of the clients of the other therapists, I gave a bagel to her. 

Today we are celebrating all the clients together and having a small party for all of them. Of course there are some who aren't well with social skills, but overtime, they've adapted and we have brought them together to just let this day be all about them. 

"Thank you," giving me a hug, I looked down at her name tag and it marked Lily. Earlier, she was looking over at the bagels and began tempted to eat it, but I just wanted her to know that she's fine and to enjoy life. Thinking back to her file, I think that she's in the system for an eating disorder, but Tina has done well by taking her to the gym, making workout plans, and even helping her mentally face the challenge on when to know you're full. 

Getting away from all the socializing, I went to the bathroom just to freshen myself, plus I drank a little too much water today. Pushing the door to the bathroom, I went inside and headed for one of the stalls before stepping out three minutes later. Once I washed my hands and dried them down, I went back to the party to enjoy everyone's company. 


"Have a great afternoon Mr. Gibson," waving after our friendly janitor, he returned the favor before putting in his headphones and get to cleaning. He's such a nice person and great to hold conversation with as well. 

Just as I hopped inside my car, I backed out and wanted to head straight home. It's been a long day and I deserve to just kick back and chill. Making my way out of the parking lot, I just remembered to pick up my dry cleaning. I know that Malcom wants me to try and fit in with his ways and lifestyle, but I still got a nine to five and I won't change for a soul. 

Parallel parking in the spot and grabbing my quarters to put in the machine, I grabbed my purse and opened the door once it was safe to do so before walking around to the other side. As I opened up the door, I was greeted with a smile as normal before telling the clerk my order number. 

Once she went around back, I waited patiently and looked around. This place used to be so disgusting when the fat white man and his crazy ass wife ran it, now that you got the black folk showing up and out, it looks nice and it smells like fresh detergent every time you walk in.  Coming back with the jacket and shirt, she set them down and took the tag off before having me sign.

Having paid when I first came, I didn't really have to do much. Once I made my way out of there, Already there was somebody trying to steal my car. 

"Yo what the FUCK are you doing to my damn car? Move nigga," getting furious I tried to pull the man away from my car, but he soon pulled a gun on me.

"Say another damn word and it'll be more than just the car gone," clocking it in the middle of my forehead and getting ready to shoot, I soon heard a familiar voice. 

"Mil, just leave the girl alone, not a damn soul don't want problems with you now pick your poison," turning my head towards the voice, I saw Dave in a sweatshirt, black joggers, and men UGGs. 

Clenching his jaw and looking back at the both of us, Mil quickly punched me in the nose before running off and leaving me to bleed and holding my nose. 

"Shit, you okay?" rushing over to me, Dave quickly grabbed my hand and rushed me over to his shop before having me sit down in the waiting chair before taking off his shirt for me to use to stop the blood leaving him bare. Walking to the back that was his office, he grabbed rags that were warm for me to put up against my nose. 

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