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Leaving the house in Dave's car made me feel so excited about going to get Kairi. We have such a fun relationship, and the car rides are starting to become fun. We are fans of R&B music, so if we ain't rocking the old school Aaliyah or any other artist, it's the current stuff which will mainly consist of H.E.R. That girl has AMAZING vocals.

As I began to cruise down the road, the feeling of the car crash dawned on me. Yes, they got the vehicle fixed, but what if Mug has it out for Dave? By driving the vehicle, I could get hurt. It can't be that, maybe my mind is playing tricks on me and I'm overreacting things. Besides, Sean said he was gonna take care of Mug.

Continuing down the road, my thoughts ran on Christmas and all the shopping I'll have to be doing with Kairi, honestly can't wait. We really didn't get to do Black Friday shopping since I was so focused on Dave coming back home, but everything will work itself out.

Getting side tracked, Regina called me. I haven't heard from her in a minute. Placing the phone in my lap, my pointer finger tapped on the answer button and the speaker button. I wasn't sure how to connect bluetooth in Dave's car, so I held my phone down low. Ain't nobody gon ticket this heffa today, I know that's right!

"Hey love, what's good with you?" my hand was steady on the stirring wheel as my eyes focused on the road.

"Hey P, I just pulled out from the bank to withdrawal some money to splurge on Sean for Christmas. We put up the Christmas tree last night before going to bed. I'm glad we moved in together instead of going from house to house. He decided to sell his home and move in with me. How is things with Dave? Are you guys still not talking or he still mad about Josh?"

"We made up this morning so everything is all good. His therapist came in not too long ago. She seems okay for the most part. I'm now on my way to pick Kairi up from the day care center."

Turning on my signals, I made a right turn before hearing nothing but a sudden police siren coming from behind me.

"Parker, what's that? You good?" Pulling off on the side of the road, I explained to Regina the small situation and hung up on her. Come on dude, I was literally not even five minutes away from the day care.

Putting the car in park, I made sure to have my wallet on top of the glove compartment. Slime did drop the vehicle back off once the guys fixed it, so there's no need for the officer to say, "Your tail light is this or your windows are to that," ain't nobody here for all that!

My hands were lightly pressed against the steering wheel as I could see the officer coming out of his car, making his way towards me. Oh brother, give me a break already.

Approaching the car, I rolled down the windows and he asked for my license and registration. Grabbing my wallet, my fingers opened up the zipper before handing over my license briefly to him. Once that was done, my body slowly flipped down the glove compartment to only find a dime sized bag of weed, a gun, rolling papers, a lighter, the car manual, along with the registration.

Shit! There's nothing stopping me now. My entire career is on the line. Grabbing the slip slowly, I handed it to him before he looked at it thoroughly. For what seemed like forever, he gave them back to me.

"Ma'am, will you step out of the vehicle please? I'd like to search your vehicle."

If my day couldn't get any worse, great, "Is there any probable cause for you pulling me over sir?" This boy think he's slick and for him not to give me a reason will make matters worse.

"I'm not gonna ask YOU again, get out of the  damn car, now!" He shouted with a piercing tone that even made me feel scared. It almost felt as if my heart wanted to jump right out of my chest instantly.

Love Me Naked|Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now