Chapter One

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Elsa's P.O.V

I hated being cooped up in my room all day. I sat on my window seat with a book resting on my lap, looking out the window. It was a nice summer day. the sun was shining, birds were singing, and it seemed like everything was green.

I caught sight of my little sister, Anna, playing with her dog, Aksel. I longed to go outside and play with her again like we did when we were younger. I missed Anna more and more every day, but. . . I couldn't. I didn't want to hurt her again.

You see, I was born with ice powers. Anna thought they were so cool. We played often in the great hall until I accidentally hit her with them. She had almost died, luckily my family went to the trolls. They saved her but warned me if I didn't control my powers fear would destroy me.

Every day I could feel my powers growing. Lately, random snowflakes would fall from the top of the room, when I was frustrated, or when I was sad ice would follow me wherever I stepped. The only to conceal my powers were gloves my father and mother gave me.

Guilt wracked my body, every time I saw the white-blonde streak in her fiery red hair. I watched her until she looked up at me and waved. I bit my lip and moved away from the window.

I was restless. I had to get out of here. I wanted to go outside freely without fear of hurting anyone. I put my book on my ever growing shelf. My favorite book was about a girl who was shunned in her community. I related to her. It was for my own good. Well, that's what my father said.

Someone knocked on my door. I jumped in surprise. "Who is it?" I asked.

"It's Anita." She was the only servant who knew of my power.

"Come in."

"My, my, it's very cold in here," She commented, pulling her shawl closer to her. She observed the room, and her eyebrows went up when she saw everything covered in a thin layer of frost.

"This is one way to cool down," She joked, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes and shrugged. "I don't mind the cold."

"Of course not."

She stepped in, shutting the door behind her and began picking up my room. I sat back on my window seat and was disappointed when I saw Anna wasn't outside anymore.

Like she was reading my emotions she said, "Princess Anna misses you."

I hugged my legs to my knees and blinked away tears. "I know."

"Why don't you go see her? I'm sure she'd be happy to see you again."

I shook my head. "I can't."

"Why not?" I glanced at her and saw her looking at me seriously.

"You know why!" I sighed in frustration. I looked up half expecting snowflakes to fall down. "I can't control my powers. What if I hurt her again. If I hit her in the heart..." I couldn't go on. I bit my lip and closed my eyes tight. No, I was not going to cry!

"What do you want then? Do you want to stay in your room for the rest of your life?"

"Well. . . No. I just need to protect Anna. I can't hurt her again."

I heard Anita sighed and she silently cleaned up the rest of the room. "It's too bad your father and mother are going to be out tomorrow. They'll be gone all day," She gave me a little wink, curtsied politely, and left.

I rested my head on my legs and thought of what Anita said. What did she mean by that? I wondered.

I heard a snuffling outside I turned to the door, half expecting Anita to come back in. But instead, I saw a card laying on the floor. It was shoved through the small opening between the door and the floor. I quickly got up and picked it up.

It was a card from Anna. It said in her messy handwriting, 'I miss you, Elsa. We should go out and play!' She drew a picture of us riding a sled down a snowy hill together. I traced the picture of us gently.

Suddenly I knew what Anita was talking about. I was going to sneak out. 

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Hey guys! I hope you like this story. Sorry, I put On the Loose on pause just to write this because I just adore Jelsa!

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