Chapter Thirty-One

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Jack’s P.O.V

With a heavy heart, I flew to Arendelle to tell the news to Anna. I opened to the window to Elsa’s room and slipped inside. From there I went to Anna’s room. I took a deep breath as I knocked on the door. “Anna?”

The door flew open and Anna came out. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes red from crying.

“Where is she?” She demanded. “Where’s Elsa?”

I shook my head. “She didn’t make it. I’m sorry.”

Anna put her hand over her mouth to cover a sob. I wasn’t surprised when she punched me in the face. Pain exploded in my jaw. In a way, the punch was welcoming. It took my mind off of Elsa for a split second. I rubbed my jaw. “I deserved that.”

“Get in here,” Anna said, grabbing my sweatshirt and dragging me into her room. I sat on her bed. “Now tell me everything that happened.”

I told her everything, not leaving out a single detail. “And-and I killed her,” I finished. Anna’s face was impassive. “I killed Elsa,” I whispered again. It felt good to let it out. “I-I’m sorry.”

Anna’s lips quivered and she hugged me. “I forgive you,” She whispered. “If Elsa forgave you then I’ll forgive you too.”

I moped around the castle for a week. Anna set a funeral date for Elsa. I wasn’t going to stick around for it. I felt like everywhere I went there was a sign that said I WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED ELSA! over my head. For the first time in my life, I was glad no one believed in me. Why would anyone want to believe in a murderer?

I sat on a bench seat and looked up at the moon. “Manny, why did you let it happen? Why did you let Elsa die?”

No answer.

“You could have stopped me from doing it! If you had then she’d be with me right now and everything would be fine. Why did you let me fall in love with her? If she was just going to die then why did you let me, an immortal guardian, fall in love with a mortal? She was so much to me. She was my world and now she’s gone… I feel like my life isn’t worth living anymore. I promised her I wouldn’t leave her alone. I was supposed to be her protector but instead, I left her and murdered her.” I sniffled. “I miss her so much.” I wiped the tears from my cheeks. “That’s all I wanted to say.”

I looked out the window, refusing to look at the moon. That’s when I saw it. Lights. Pale blue lights coming from the direction from the lake where Elsa was. My eyes widened. “Elsa,” I whispered. I opened the window and jumped out of it. I willed the wind to take me to the lights as fast as it could.

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Short chapter! Sorry! ONE chapter left to update!!! This story is about to end. #depressed 😭😭😭

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