Chapter Eight

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A.N: Jack and Jack Frost are the same person btw!

Unknown's P.O.V.

It was working. The boy- Jack- was teaching the girl with her powers. Every day her powers were getting stronger, and in time she'd be the most powerful human on Earth. Then, she'll join me. The thought sent chills down my spine. I relished the thought of children bowing down in fear when I ruled the world, with Elsa at my side. Yes, the plan was going just perfectly.

Elsa's P.O.V.

Something odd was going on. While I was in my room, trying to make the time go faster, my father would randomly come in and watch me. Sometimes commanding me to do things with my powers. I would do them flawlessly. I knew he was testing me, but for what? I found out a week after his strange behavior began.

"Elsa," He said, coming in my room with Mother on his tail.

I looked up from my work and looked up expectantly at them. "Yes?"

He looked extremely nervous. "I have something to tell you."

"Okay," I said slowly. I didn't like the look of things.

"Your mother and I have decided. . . You are now a grown woman, almost sixteen, in fact, and decided you need a life outside the castle walls."

I looked at them confused. "What are you saying?"

"We've found a suitable husband for you so you can start a family."

The world seemed to spin around me. A husband? Could they really make that decision for me? All my life I expected to have a family and everything but an arranged marriage? I put my hand to my forehead and closed my eyes to stop the world from spinning. I felt nauseous. "Who is it?" I managed to whisper after a minute of awkward silence.

"Marius of the Southern Isles."

"Oh." Marius? Who was that? I looked up at Father, holding back tears.

"You're to go to his palace tomorrow morning. I'd suggest starting packing." He pressed his lips together and briskly walked out of the room. Mother followed him after she gave me a sad, sympathetic smile. I waited until they were out of the room before I let tears fall. What would I tell Jack?

Jack's P.O.V.

I took one glance at Elsa and knew something was bothering her. "What's wrong?" I asked.

She looked up me with her large doe-like eyes. "How do you know something's wrong?" I pointed at the frost that was forming on the ground. That only happened when she was stressed. "Oh," She chuckled softly then she grew sober.

"Tell me about it," I said, sitting down and patting the ground next to me.

She sniffled and sat down next to me. She pressed her legs up to her chest. "My parents. . . they arranged a marriage for me." She wiped a tear from her cheek.

"With who?" I asked curiously.

"Some guy from the Southern Isles. Marius, I think his name is."

I've never heard of him. "I'm sure it's not that bad," I tried comforting her.

"It is when my parents decided to do it without my permission!" She snapped. "I have no choice. Everything is all set with stone."

She started to cry. On impulse, I started patting her back. "It's okay, Elsa," I whispered in a soothing voice. "It's okay." I've never comforted a crying girl before. I didn't know what to say or do. Crying girls confused me. There were a few times where Em would cry about a scraped knee or a bruise but Mom always took care of her. I'd never seen Bente cry.

"Jack," She whispered. "Can we stay out here with me tonight? I need someone with me. Just for tonight."

"Of course." She leaned against me, and after hesitating, I put my arm around her tiny shoulders. She fell asleep on my shoulder after a while. I listened to her gentle breathing. I could see steam coming out of her mouth when she breathed. I was freezing out. I was glad I dressed warmly before I came.

Elsa getting married. I couldn't wrap my mind around it. I couldn't see Elsa married or having children. Would she be happy? Would she be happy without me? I was losing another sister, I realized.

When I lost Bente I thought I'd never forgiven myself. I felt so empty without her. But Elsa filled the gap in my heart. Now I was losing Elsa too and that feeling was coming back. The thought terrified me.

I studied Elsa in the moonlight. She was so beautiful. I felt a little twinge of jealousy when I thought of her and Marius. I gently tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. My skin tingles when I touched her slightly warm skin.

"Jack," she whispered in her sleep. My eyes widened in surprise. Was she dreaming about me? I felt her tense and flinch.

"Elsa, you're okay," I said slightly alarmed. I held her tighter to comfort her. She relaxed at the sound of my voice. She looked so vulnerable asleep, like a child. I suddenly had the desire to kiss her but stopped myself. Was I falling in love with Elsa?

No way! I screamed in my head. She's like my sister! I couldn't love her. Not in a romantic way, anyway. I pushed those thoughts away. There was no way in God's green Earth I was going to fall in love with Elsa. No way.

I focused on my attention on the moon. It was so big! It seemed to be watching me and Elsa. Was it alive? Could it see us? What if there was someone living on the moon. I laughed at how ridiculous that sounded.

I soon lost feeling in my legs from sitting for so long but I refused to move. I didn't want to wake up Elsa. I leaned my head on the top of her head and listened to the night noises around us. I felt my eyes grow heavy and in the first time in weeks I fell asleep with no troubles.

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