Chapter Sixteen

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Elsa’s P.O.V

After my date with Jack, I slipped back into my room without getting noticed. Or so I thought. Before I got into bed there was a soft knock on the door. I walked over and opened it to find my father standing before me. He didn't look too happy.

"Come in," I said, trying to be polite.  I stepped aside as he strode into my room.

"How was your evening stroll," he asked in a hard voice.

My heartbeat quickened and I felt my face start to burn. "It was good, Father."

"I see you met a new friend. What's his name again?"

I gulped and choked out, "Jack." I couldn't stand looking into his eyes so they settled on his chest.

"How long have you guys been 'friends'?"

"Almost two years."

Father let a little gasp. "And you kept this from me, why?"

I raised my eyes to look at his face. In all my life is never seen my father so angry. His face was bright red and he had murder in his eyes. Mother wasn't with us to sooth his temper. Without her, he could do something he regretted... I immediately felt scared.

"I'm a grown woman, Father. I don't need your permission for everything I do." We were both taken back at my words that tumbled out of my mouth. It sent an odd feeling through me. Bravery. "He's my best friend. My BOYFRIEND. He has been there for me. He helped me with my powers. He's been there for me since... I'd first met him."

"Elsa," he said through clenched teeth, "you don't know what I know. Stay away from him."

My temper flared. "What don't I know? What's so wrong with Jack Overland? What do you have against him?" I almost yelled.

Silence. Father was staring at me with a sad expression. Any trace of anger was gone. "He never told you what his family tried to do to us?"

My blood seemed to turn cold. I remembered the look Anita gave me when I told her about the village. She told me to keep it a secret. Jack never explaining why he couldn't meet my family. But why exactly? "W-what happened?"

Truth be told I was scared of what my father was going to say. What secret had Anita and Jack held from me?

Father sighed. "When you first started showing you held ice powers someone found out and started spreading it around the kingdom. Of course, many subjects cast it off as a crazy rumor but... others believed it. There was a rebellion against us, saying we were harboring a demon child. Late one night they snuck into the castle looking for you. To kill you-" he put his hand on my shoulder. "-they almost succeeded too. They found you but luckily the guards caught them before they could do anything to you. We put them on trial and banished them. The leader of the group was Athena Overland. Jack's mother."

My head was spinning. Jack's mother tried to kill me? She was so nice and caring when we talked. No. No, it couldn't be! But when I looked into my father's eyes I saw it WAS. Father would never lie to me.

"I'm sorry, Elsa. But you need to stay away from the Overlands'. They could be just plotting to kill you."

"Forever?" I whispered.

Father nodded. "Forever," he confirmed. "I'm doing this because I love you, Elsa."

I closed my eyes and thought if Jack. I loved Jack. I knew I did. What if he was plotting to kill me? Was Emma too? Was this all an act to get my guard down? I believed my father and I am going to obey him. I hated myself for being so weak.

"Leave me be," I snapped, my eyes still closed. I heard my father retreat out the door. Anger burned at my soul. My power started to flare up. I wanted to unleash my powers on anything and everything.

The prophecy, a voice whispered. Remember the prophecy. I nearly laughed. The prophecy was probably just a made up story to get me to trust them. How could I be so naive?

Tomorrow, I'll ask him about it, I decided. Tomorrow is when the truth would come out.

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Hola my Jelsa fans! My writers block is FINALLY resolved and I can get back to my writing. Unfortunately, it took me over a week to resolve the block so I'm FAR behind on my writing. So I'm aiming to get this done by the end of November... if nothing stops me (like a stupid writers block again😐) Also if you have any questions don't hesitate to message me or comment. I'll definitely answer any of your questions. Hope you enjoyed!!

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