Chapter Seventeen

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Jack's P.O.V

It wasn't like Elsa to be late. She was always on time or a little early. I've waited for a good ten minutes in the garden and there was no sign of her. I had a surprise for her that I couldn't wait to show.

My Father, a blacksmith, made a necklace for Elsa out of pure silver. The silver cost almost as much as our house plus the land. Luckily, mom had some jewels she'd had stored in her jewelry box and traded.

I pulled it out of my pocket and looked at it again in the moonlight. I couldn't wait to give it to her and see her reaction.

I heard footsteps approach so I quickly put the gift back into my pocket.
"Snowflake, is that you?" I whispered. I strained to see anything in the bushes but everything was just so... dark. "Elsa?"

A pause. "Yeah, it's me." Se stepped out into the light. She was dressed in her dark outfit, her hair up in a bun, and her face showed she was troubled.

My heart constricted. "Snowflake, what's wrong?"

"Don't call me that," Elsa snapped. "You don't deserve to call me anything but Princess Elsa."

I flinched her the tone if her voice. It was so venomous. I'd never seen Elsa act so hostile before. She'd always been so sweet and caring. Why was she so angry at me? Confusion clouded my mind. "What are you talking about? What did I do?" I asked gently.

"Don't play stupid with me, Jackson. You knew it all along and you didn't tell me!" She was holding back tears.

Suddenly it clicked. The secret I kept from her. She finally found out.

"Elsa, the thing you're talking about, is it about my mother and what happened when you were a baby?"

She nodded, sniffling. "Why would your mother want to kill me?"

I sighed. I knew I shouldn't have kept it from her. "Honestly, I have no idea. She refuses to speak about it. But now she loves you."

A pause. "I don't believe you," Elsa said. "For all I know you all are trying to kill me!"

How did she get these crazy things stuck in her head? "Elsa," I said softly. I took a step forward but Elsa put her hands up ready to shoot her powers at me in a moments notice. I froze.

"Don't come near me. Take one more step and I'll make you an icicle," she growled. "I was so foolish to think you actually had feelings for me."

"Elsa," I said again. "I would never hurt you. I love you."

She seemed to have a battle inside her. She blinked back tears as she said, "I hate you, Jackson Overland. Don't come near me. I don't want to see your face ever again."

I gaped at her. Did she actually mean that? Her eyes were a merciless blue.

I closed my eyes and took every ounce of strength to say, "Okay." I took the necklace from my pocket and dropped it on the ground. "Bye, Princess Elsa," I said sarcastically as I bowed to her. I took one last long look at her. I turned away and walked away, leaving the love of my life.

Elsa's P.O.V

I nearly dropped to the ground as Jack walked out of sight. Tears fell freely down my face. I put my hand over my mouth to silence my sobs.

"Why did you make me do this?" I cried, looking up at the sky. "Why?"

Who was I talking to? It was the most sensible thing to do. Wasn't Jack trying to kill me? Was my father wrong? I just lost the boy I loved. I told him I hated him and that broke my heart.

I sat on the ground crying until I had no more tears to shed. With a shaky breath I stood up. Something was shining on the ground. I walked over to it and saw a necklace. I picked it up and examined it.

It was a chain that had a snowflake pendant on it. Jack was going to give this to me? I bit my lip, tears threatening to spill again. "Oh Jack," I whispered as I clutched the necklace to my chest. "I'm sorry."

I'd just kicked him out of my life and I was regretting it. MAJORLY.

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Again, a short story. Hoped you liked it!!

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