Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Jack’s P.O.V

I flew over the tops of the tree looking. That’s when I heard it. “Jack!” It was Elsa’s voice. I flew fast towards it. Elsa’s voice was coming from a dark black hole that had a wooden bed frame over it like it was trying to conceal it. “Jack, save me!”

I took a deep breath and broke some wood off the frame with my staff to see it better. Doubt pierced my mind. What if Elsa wasn’t really down there? What if she’s somewhere else… and it was all a trap. Suddenly there was a high pitched scream. I knew it was Elsa. She sounded like she was in pain. I made up my mind and jumped into the black hole. I had to save Elsa.

I plunged into darkness. It wasn’t long before I hit the bottom. Surprisingly, there was light so I could see what I was doing but not light enough to illuminate everything all the way. I walked down a long hallway, trying to hear Elsa again. But all was eerily quiet. “Elsa?” I said, “Elsa, are you in here?”

No answer. I kept walking looking for something… anything to see where Elsa was. The hall seemed endless. I felt like I’d been walking for hours when I hit a dead end. I growled with frustration and hit my hand against the wall. I turned around to backtrack but I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a loud clanging sound. I looked over my shoulder to find the wall had swung open. “Jack?”

“Elsa,” I breathed. I ran through the doorway without a single thought. I stopped when I saw a figure laying on the ground, shivering. I knew that platinum blonde anywhere. “Elsa!” I said. I kneeled next to her and turned her face towards me. “Snowflake, are you okay?” Her eyes didn’t even flutter at the sound of my voice. I touched her neck and felt for a pulse. It took a minute to find it. It was faint but still there. Her clothes were bloodstained and torn and her skin was bruised. Especially on her wrists. They were blistered and burned. It made me sick. “Make it stop,” She whispered faintly. “Please.” It was so faint I could barely hear her.

“Snowflake? It’s Jack.” I held her hand, making sure I didn’t touch her wrists. She didn’t move. Could she hear me? “Snowflake, please wake up,” I pleaded. Unwanted tears welled into my eyes. What if she never woke up? I leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

“Jack?” Elsa muttered. Her eyes fluttered open.

I nearly cried with relief. “Good morning, sleeping beauty.”

“Where am I?” She moaned.

“Pitch’s lair. We need to get out of here before she catches us. Can you stand?”

Elsa tried to but her legs gave out from under her. “I can’t,” She said miserably.

“It’s okay,” I reassured her. “I’ll just carry you.”

I picked her up like she was my bride and started flying out the room. She was very light. “What happened in there?”

Elsa shivered in my arms. “He was trying to force me to join him to take over the world. When I said no he kept hurting me with these horrible chains that burned your skin. Then after I refused him again he put me into a nightmare. It was so horrible, Jack.” She snuggled closer to me. “Don’t leave me alone again, please.” She sounded broken. It nearly broke my heart into a million pieces.

“I wouldn’t dream on it,” I promised.

“Well, well, well, what do we have here,” Pitch’s voice boomed. Elsa whimpered as she put her face into my shirt. My strong girl was broken and he was going to pay for it.

I stopped and spun around. Pitch was standing not even a foot away grinning at us like we were amusing. “Pitch,” I growled. “Stay away from us or I’ll-”

“You’ll what?” He taunted. “You’ll freeze me?”

I glared at him. “Leave us alone, Pitch. Get away from us or you’ll regret it.”

Pitch smirked. “What can a useless boy do to Pitch, king of fear.”

“Is that a challenge?”

“Yes, I believe it is.”

I took a deep breath to control my anger. “You against me. If I win you leave Elsa and me alone and get away from here forever.”

“If I win?”

“If you win you can go with your plan and I’ll leave you be. I won’t interfere with anything.”

I looked at Pitch. He was grinning ear to ear. “It’s a deal.”

“No,” Elsa said.

I set her down and cupped my hand in her cheek. “I’ll win, I promise.”

Elsa sniffled and nodded.

“There’s no need to be scared. I’ll be right back.”

“Okay,” She whispered. “I love you, Jack.”

“I love you too, Snowflake.” I leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.

“Ugh. Enough of this. Get ready to lose, Jack Frost.”

I gripped my staff harder. I turned to face him. “Shouldn’t you be the one getting ready, Pitch? When I’m done with you, you’ll be crying for your mommy.” With that I ran at him, ready to win.

The next thing I knew everything around me illuminated with silvery-gray light and I felt myself being lifted up. There was a blinding light and I shut my eyes.

When I opened them, I found myself in a forest. Pitch was in front of me looking just as dazed as I was. What did the hell happen? I didn’t have time to register what happened. I saw Pitch through black sand at me. The sand transformed into a black horse. I shot it with my powers. It dissipated. “Is that all you have?” I asked, chuckling.

Pitch growled and threw three more horses at me. It was a little more difficult but I managed to dissipate them.

We fought for what seemed like hours. We both were getting tired. Our powers were a complete match. With the way we were going there was not going to be a winner or loser. I shot ice and snow at him he managed to dodge them and he returned black sand and nightmare horses.

“Jack, why do you want to win so bad?” Pitch asked.

I looked at him suspiciously. Was he that stupid? He looked genuinely curious. “I want there to be peace,” I answered honestly.

“Do you really love Elsa? After what she did to you?”

We stopped fighting. I seemed to freeze. “What do you mean?”

He looked shocked. “You mean you don’t know?”

“Know what?” I asked annoyed.

“How exactly did you get your memories back?”

“We were trying to see who I was and we kissed and-” I stopped. “Oh.”

“Do you really want to know what happened?” Pitch asked sympathetically. He held out his hand. “I’ll show you.” I knew I shouldn’t trust Pitch. He was evil. But curiosity got the best of me and I took his hand.

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Long time no see right? Sorry I didn't have my phone with me all week 😯 but hey that's alright though. I'm updating now and that's all it counts for.

Hope you like it!!!

- Jozie Noelle

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