Chapter Five

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Jack's P.O.V

Nightmares. I used to get nightmares every night after Bente died. But after I got over her death, they stopped plaguing me at night. Now they had come back, but not about Bente. They were about Elsa.

I love Elsa as a sister. She replaced Bente, so I could have a second chance at protecting her. As soon as I saw the hurt in her eyes, I felt like I should have been there for her. I could still remember my nightmare so vividly. . .

We were in the forest, I watched as Elsa battled two men at once. Ice was sprouting everywhere, but Elsa was getting overpowered. Instead of running out to help her I hid in the bushes watching. I saw her slip on ice and fall. One of the men came up and drew his sword.

"No!" I screamed, reaching out to her.

Elsa looked over at me and cried, "Jack, help me!" Just then the sword came down and she ceased to exist.

"You couldn't save her," A voice rang in my head. "It's all your fault she's dead."

I was sitting on a bench, staring at the moon when I heard quiet footsteps approach startling me out of my reverie. I'd been sitting there for twenty minutes.

"Jack?" I heard her say in a quiet whisper. I stood up and turned to her. My heart lifted with relief when I saw her unharmed. It was warm out but she had a blue long-sleeved dress on that suited her white hair perfectly.

"Hey," I said, stuffing my hands in my pant pockets.

"What are you doing here?" She asked in a sharp tone.

I flinched at her tone of voice. Did she know about my nightmare? I wondered for a moment. Then dismissed the thought.

"Are you okay?" Her voice softened. She must've seen how distraught I looked.

"Yeah, I'm okay. How about you?"

"I could be better," She responded honestly.

I nodded. "Did you get in trouble?"

Elsa shrugged. "Anita yelled at me for making her worried. Other than that no one has questioned me about it." Was it me, or did she seem disappointed about it?

"That's good."

"What are you here for?" Elsa said. "I know it's not for a friendly conversation."

I sighed. "You're right. I've been thinking of the prophecy."

"What about it?"

"I was wondering how you were going to control your power," I blurted. "I mean. You might want to."

That was the wrong thing to say. Elsa frowned and turned a bright red. "Why would you care? You don't have my powers. You don't know what it's like to be afraid if you hurt someone! Or if it kills you!"

She turned on her heel and started marching away. "Wait!" I grabbed her arm.

"Don't touch me!" She yelled, wrenching her arm out of my grip. Her eyes reflected fear.

"Elsa," I said gently. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean- I mean. I just want to help you."

"Why?" She snapped.

"Because. . ." how do I tell her? "Because I don't want to loose you like I lost Bente. I know we just met and everything but I feel like we've known each other forever. You're like my sister."

She stopped. "Sister?"

I went up to her. "Yes." I searched her eyes. God, I prayed silently, please don't let her leave.

She thought for a while. "What were you thinking?"

I almost collapsed in joy. I smiled and held out my hand. "Don't you trust me?"

Elsa hesitated before saying, "I guess we'll have to find out." She put her hand in mine, and right then I knew my prayer had been answered.

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Sorry, this is such a short chapter. I was trying to get it done before work!! I hoped you liked it! 

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