Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

(A/N: Anna does not come to get Elsa, she did build the snow monster to protect her castle while Jack was gone. Also, little morbid things happen so bare with me. Happy reading)

Jack's P.O.V

I jumped off the balcony and flew towards the forest. I knew exactly where I used to live. I flew down to the lake I rose from. I started walking towards my house. I couldn't believe I lived barely three hundred yards from where I rose from.

When I got to my house everything was deathly silent. Something was wrong. I opened the back door and stepped inside the dark house. A gruesome sight met me. I saw my mother laying on the floor, food was around her, like she dropped it. Her eyes were open but they were blank. I kneeled beside her and checked her heartbeat. Nothing. I noticed on her neck there was a bruised line. She was strangled to death. My mother. Tears welled into my eyes. I blinked them back.

I lifted my eyes to the other side of the room where my father was leaning against the wall. He had a knife suck out of his chest. Blood surrounded him. Bile rose to my throat.

"Emma," I breathed. I ran around the house calling Emma's name over and over. She was nowhere to be seen. I hung on to the hope she was okay and well.

"Emma!" I yelled. Suddenly I heard a small cry. I ran to her room and looked under the bed. She was huddled, crying softly. I was relieved that she was okay and well. "Emma? Are you okay?" She didn't move a muscle. She couldn't hear me or see me. "At least you're okay," I said, sighing. It was bad that your own sister couldn't even see me.

I ran out to the village and saw houses were burning and people on the ground dead. What happened here? "Help!" I heard someone scream. It was coming from a house that was burning. I ran into it, using my powers to quench the fire. "Help!" a girl screamed.

I charged into the house and found a girl cradling a little girl. "Camilla," I whispered. Blood covered her dress. Bruises and scratches covered her arms and face. She was barely recognizable. "Sammie," She whispered, holding the girl tighter to her chest. "I should have never left. Never!"

"Camilla," I said, "can you see me or hear me?"

To my surprise, Camilla looked up at me and nodded. "Jack?" She said, recognizing me.

"Yes, it's me."

"I-I thought you were dead," She sobbed. She wiped a tear from her cheek. Dirt smudged her cheeks.

"Look," I said desperately, "Emma is in my house under the bed. You need to go get her, okay? And find any other survivors."

"There aren't any," Camilla muttered looking down at her dead sister. "He killed them. Every single one of them."

"Who did?" I asked.

"Pitch Black. He killed everyone we loved."

I let that sink in. Suddenly I felt in my gut something tug. "Elsa," I whispered. I stood up. "Take care of Emma for me, okay? Tell her... tell her Jack loves her and I'll be watching over her."

Camilla nodded.

"I don't know if I'll be back. But just promise me to take care of Emma."

"I will. I promise."

"Thank you," I said gratefully. I ran out and flew out to see if Elsa was okay.

Elsa's P.O.V

Jack wasn't gone for ten minutes when I heard people outside my castle. I ran down the stairs to see who they were. It was Hans and some of his men. I gasped and slammed the doors shut. I heard the snow monster come to life and start fighting the men. I hoped it was enough. It wasn't.

I saw two men break away from the posse and ran up the staircase. I gasped and started to run up the stairs. I wanted to hide but there was no place to hide. Everything was see through. My best chance was to run.

"Up there!" One man said. "Come on!" I heard their pounding footsteps going up the stairs after me. I ran even faster until I reached the main hall. I had to stand my ground.

"We got her!" The same man said from before. I turned around and let out a scared gasp. They had their crossbows aimed at me.

"No," I said, trying to keep the terror out of my voice. I sounded weak and scared. I had my hands up to defend myself if I needed to, "please."

The biggest man lifted his crossbow and shot an arrow. I gasped, putting my hands up to protect myself. I closed my eyes. To my surprise, I felt no pain. I opened them and saw a sheet of ice with an arrow shot through it. It was barely an inch away from my face. I gasped in surprise, I couldn't stop looking at it. They weren't aiming to capture or to hurt me. They were aimed to kill. Adrenaline coursed through me.

The two men split up. "Stay away," I yelled. I pushed ice towards them. Like ocean waves, the ice traveled until it almost hit one man. I didn't want to harm them. I wasn't a monster like they thought I was. I wanted to show them I wasn't.

They both ran away from it. "Fire! Fire!" They both aimed their weapons at me. I realized if I wanted to live I had to knock their weapons away from them or to disable them somehow. At the skinnier man I hot a wave of ice at him, then to the bigger man I threw an icicle at him. They both dodged it easily.

They both were on each side of me. My head looked at one man to the other. Who was going to act first? The skinnier man put up his weapon to shoot. I shot my powers at him and spikes pinned him to the wall. A spike reached up to his neck.

Thinking I was too occupied to notice him, the other man pulled up this crossbow to shoot me. I shot my powers at his weapon and knocked it out of his hand. He ran to his weapon but I made an ice wall stopping him. He ran the other way but, again, I made an ice wall. Anger burned in my veins. How could they try to kill me? What did I ever do to them? My vision turned red and without meaning to I made a ice wall and pushed it towards the man. He backed into the door and tried to push the wall away from him. It was working a little bit so I pushed harder. The door broke at the force. The man fell down into the balcony. Instead of stopping like I meant to do I kept pushing the wall so he would fall off the balcony and to his death. He tried to kill me so why couldn't I kill him?

"Queen Elsa," I heard Hans say, "don't be the monster they fear you are."

I looked back at him and my vision cleared. I realized what I was doing and immediately stopped. What in the world was I thinking? Stared at him. I wanted to show him I wasn't a monster. I was just defending myself. Please understand...

I watched Hans run over to the man that was pinned to the wall. He had his crossbow up to shoot me. Luckily Hans pushed it up to the ceiling. I heard a ding and I looked up in horror. The chandelier was falling down. I picked up my dress and started running towards the guards. There was a sickening crash and I stumbled and fell down. Everything went dark.

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There we go! I'm updating 3 chapters. Merry very early Christmas!!!

- Jozie Noelle

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