Chapter Twenty

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Jack's P.O.V

Darkness... That was the first thing I realized. I was scared of it. I didn't know why but it seemed daunting and frightening. The cold surrounding me was the next thing I noticed. Every part of my body felt like a huge ice cube. Surprisingly I liked the feeling. It felt very... natural.

I opened my eyes and saw a pale blue light shining down above me. I was slowly moving up towards it. I pressed through a thin sheet of ice until it broke and I was lifted into the air. I couldn't stop staring at it. The pale light was coming from the moon. It was so big and bright and just looking at it made shivers go down my spine. There was something magical about the moon. Something but I couldn't quite place my finger on it.

Slowly, I was put down and the ice I went through magically iced over as soon as I touched it with my feet. I looked down at my hands. They were a white-gray color. Odd. I was wearing a brown poncho that was covered in frost. I took a step forward and chuckled as I almost slipped and fell. I looked around me and tried to remember where I was but my mind was blank. I couldn't remember who I was or how I got into the lake. Why was I in the lake? I looked back at the moon. I felt like it would give me answers if I just stared at it hard enough.

I sighed when nothing happened. Maybe I just had to wait. I took another step forward, again observing my surroundings when I touched a stick on the ground. I saw it and poked it with my toe. The stick turned white with frost. Fascinated, I picked it up and examined it. How was this possible? Did I just freeze it? More frost covered it and the stick's end slammed to the ground from a magical force. I flinched away from it. Out of curiosity, I looked at the frozen ground. The place where the stick landed was covered in ice and quickly spreading to other parts of the ground. Whoa. Was the stick doing this? Or was it me?

I had to try it out. I picked it up and brought it over to the nearest tree. At the end of the stick, there was a hook. I poked the tree. Beautiful frost designs appeared on the bark. I touched it to see if I was hallucinating. No, I wasn't. I could feel the cold radiating off and on to my fingers. I poked the tree next to it. The same thing happened. I gasped and a smile crept across my face. This was so cool! I jumped up and down staring at the stick. Could I have powers?

I ran across the lake, letting the stick hit the lake. Ice and frost followed me as I ran. I started laughing as I started to slip and slide. Not knowing exactly what I was doing, I started sliding across the lake, fast and faster until everything was passing me in a blur. I could feel the ice following me. It was like it was part of me.

The wind around me picked up and I felt my feet leave the ground. "WHOA!" I yelled as I flew into the air. I spun in the air until I yelled, "STOP!" in my head. I stopped moving. I was suspended in the air looking at the ground below me. Everything was covered in ice. The trees, bushes, EVERYTHING. Wow, I thought in amazement. Did I do that? I stopped thinking of being in the air and I felt myself fall. I slammed into the trees below me until I caught onto a large branch. I clutched at the tree hoping I couldn't fall.

Somehow got on top of the branch and winced. I touched my head. There was a huge bump on my forehead. Jack Frost, a little voice whispered in my head.

Jack Frost? Was that my name? I lightly felt the stick again. For some reason, I felt suited with that name.

"Jack Frost," I said out loud, trying the name on my tongue. Yes, it was perfect. The wind picked up again, and I heard a soft cry. My head jerked up toward the sound. I listened closely and heard the cry again. I jumped up from the branch and willed the wind to pick me up again. The wind obeyed and I was in the air again.

I flew through the air again towards the cry. Every second the cry got louder and louder. It was very loud but just loud enough that I could hear it.

I was surprised to see a huge castle in front of me. Who lived here? I heard the cry again, and I navigated my way to a window that was slightly open. I crouched down and peered into it. There was a girl sitting against a large door, her legs pressed against her chest and her arms around her head that was resting on her legs. The thing that surprised me the most was her room. Everything was white. My eyes widened. Did I do this? No, this was the first time I'd ever seen this room before. But why was it so familiar?

The girl let out another soft cry. I pushed the window open a little more, just enough for me to slip through it. "Are you okay?" I asked. I stepped towards her. She made no move that she heard me. I tried again, "Hey Lady, hello?" No response. She stayed where she was, crying softly. My heart went out to the young lady. I walked beside her and stood over her. She lifted her head. I gasped when I looked into her eyes. Blue. Crystal blue.

My heart leaped to my throat. Deja vu spread through my mind like ice in the lake. Did I know this girl? She looked oddly familiar. I looked closer at her. The deja vu fled and I shook my head. Maybe I was imagining it. I surely didn't know this girl.

"Why?" She whispered. "Why do you do this to me?"

Could she see me? She wasn't looking at me but maybe... just maybe she could see me. "Do what?" I asked.

"I've tried so hard to be strong but whenever I think of him it feels like I'm dying inside. Him, now my parents... what's wrong with me?" The girl bit her lip and closed her eyes. A tear fell down her cheek. "Why does everyone I love die?"

I scrunched my eyebrows together. Her parents were dead? Who was him? She brought her hand to her neck. A necklace was hanging on her thin neck. It was a beautiful snowflake. "Can you see me?" I asked, waving my hand over her face. She didn't blink or flinch. I reached out to touch her arm. I gasped in surprise and wrenched my hand away when my hand went through her arm. What did this mean? Why could I go through her? Why couldn't she see me?

There was a soft knock at the door. "Elsa? I know you're in there. People have been asking where you've been. They say to have courage and I'm trying too, I'm right here for you just let me in. We only have each other just you and me what are we gonna do? Do you want to build a snowman?"

"Anna," the girl- Elsa- whispered almost to herself. "I'm sorry." The pain was evident in her eyes. She was holding so much pain in she looked like she was about to break. That's when I decided. I was going to watch after Elsa. There had to be a brighter side to her. It was going to be my mission to make her smile, to make her happier.

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There. I updated three chapters today!! Hope y'all liked it

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