Chapter Eighteen

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Jack's P.O.V

"Come on Jack, let's go skating!" Emma squealed as she ran into the house. She grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door. I haven't been out of the house since Elsa told me she hated me. My parents understood what I was going through so they left me alone. But for how long? Eventually, they'd make me find someone else and frankly I only wanted Elsa.

It was the hardest thing I have ever done. Staying away from her. Every morning when I wake up my first thought was her. I daydreamed about her constantly. It tore me up not being able to talk to her. To touch her. She might have shattered my heart but I was still in love with her. I probably forever will get over her.

"Leave me alone, Em. I'm not in the mood to skate," I said, wrenching my hand away from her.

Emma stomped her foot in frustration. "Please, Jack! I miss you."

I looked into her face and saw she had tears in her eyes which made me feel bad. Just because you're sad doesn't mean you have the right to make other people feel bad, I scolded myself. "Fine," I sighed. "Just let me get my things." I went into my room and changed into a white v-neck undershirt with a brown vest and brown trousers. I grabbed my skates and my brown poncho. "Emma and I are going skating!" I yelled.

"Be careful!" Mom yelled, following us out the door. Emma kept pulling at my arm which made me laugh at her enthusiasm despite my mood.

"We will!" I said winking at mom.

She leaned against the door frame and waved. "Be back in an hour for lunch!"

"Okay!" Emma cried. We ran to the lake and saw it was frozen over. We both put on our skates and started skating. I focused on my skating and not on Elsa. It was hard but I soon forgot all about her.

"Let's play a game!" Emma said all of a sudden.

"Like what?" I asked. I stopped for a minute and pretended to stroke my imaginary beard. "Tag?" I suggested.


"You're it!" I yelled tagging her on the shoulder and skating away.

Emma chased after me. "You tricked me!"

I just laughed. We skated around, Emma trying to tag me but failing epically. There silence then Emma's terrified scream. I skidded to a stop and turned to her. She was standing awkwardly looking at me with a petrified face. I heard a loud crack and saw the ice was giving away! My heart seemed to stop as I observed everything at once.

"Help me, Jack," Emma pleaded.

I nodded and started taking off my skates, not once taking my eyes off of Emma. When they were off and slowly straightened myself up. "It's okay. It's okay," I said, as I heard another loud crack in the ice. "Don't look down just look at me."

"Jack, I'm scared," Emma whispered as if she raised her voice she would fall into the frozen lake.

"Ah, I know. I know," I took a step towards her but where I stepped the ice cracked. I looked uncertainly down then back at Emma who was fighting tears. "You're going to be alright," I said motioning her to stay still. "You're not going to fall in. Uh," I needed something to keep her mind off the situation. I bright idea came into my mind. "We're going to have a little fun instead!"

"No, we're not!" She cried.

"I won't trick you!"

"Yes, you always play tricks!"

I took another step towards her. More cracks appeared in the ice. I chuckled so she'd be at ease. "No not-not this time. I promise. I promise you are going to be fine." Emma looked up at me with a little hope in her eyes.

"You have to believe in me." She sniffled and was breathing hard but didn't say anything. I could tell she wasn't fully convinced. I needed another idea. . .

"Do you want to play a game? We are going to play hopscotch like we play every day. It's as easy as one-" I caught sight of a hooked stick on the right. A plan sprang into my mind as I took a large step towards it. More ice cracked under my feet. I cringed at the sound. I looked up at Emma who still had a terrified look in her eyes. I smiled and laughed putting all my weight on my foot, pretending it was all fun and games. I was unstable on my non-dominant foot and started swaying. "Whoa!"

I got a laugh out of Emma. I must have looked ridiculous. I took another step to the right "Two!" The ice was thicker on that part of the lake so it didn't crack as much. "Three!" I exclaimed landing on solid ice. I reached down and grabbed the stick. "Alright, now it's your turn." I crouched down and held the hooked stick before me so I could pull her out of the way.

She looked at me and nodded. She looked down at her feet as I said, "One." She gasped at more ice cracked making a circle around her.

"That's it. That's it," I murmured loud enough for her to hear. "Two!"

Emma took another step and gasped again. The ice was sinking lower every step she took. She looked at me uncertainly. "Three!" I said lunging for her and swinging her to where I was standing. I stumbled back and landed on my bottom. I sat up and saw my plan had worked perfectly. She landed on the solid ice and was safe from harm's way. She looked up at me and laughed. I stood up and chuckled at my luck. I took a step forward, reaching my hand to her but yelled in surprise when the ground collapsed under me. I heard Emma gasp and yell my name.

Elsa! I thought before I hit cold water that took my breath away. My head exploded in pain and I couldn't breathe. I felt my consciousness slowly slipping. I flailed around trying to swim but failed. Darkness surrounded me.

In the dark cold lake she-Elsa- appeared, walking towards me. She was smiling with her arms open wide to hug me. Jack, She said, what are you doing, silly. It was so vivid and lifelike I felt like I could reach out and touch her. I love you, Elsa. That's when the darkness took hold of me.

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This is sooo sad!! Why am I so mean??? But I had to because I love these kind of parts to my story. Hoped you liked it♥️

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