Chapter Twenty-Three

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Elsa’s P.O.V

I ran through the halls and threw open the doors to the courtyard. At the sight of me, the towns people started to cheer and clap. I heard noises behind me. People were pursuing me. I gasped and started running through the crowd.

“My Queen!”

“Look it’s Queen Elsa!”

“It is her,” One man said bowing. “Queen Elsa.” I managed to sneak by him. I could hear my breaths becoming short breaths. People kept blocking my way. I couldn’t hurt these people- my subjects. I had to get out of here.

“Your majesty, are you alright?” A woman asked, looking deeply concerned. She was holding a small child. I backed away, looking at the crowd around me. They were still cheering. “No,” I said in a small hopeless voice. I backed into a fountain. Without meaning to I put my hand on the stone. The whole fountain became covered with frost. The water that came out of it turned into solid ice. I watched with horror and amazement. People gasped and backed away from the fountain.

“There she is! Stop her!” The saw two big men come out of the castle with the Duke of Weselton.

“Please, just stay away from me. Stay away.” I said away with so much emotion that a burst of ice shot out of my hands and hit the floor that the duke was standing on. The impact was so great they all fell down. People started screaming.

The duke sat up in a daze. “Monster. Monster!” I looked down at my hand. I didn’t mean to hurt anyone. I didn’t want to. I looked around and people were covering their children and backing away from me like I was going to hurt them.

I was confused and scared. I had to get away from here! I ran through the crowd. They all moved away from me like I had the plague.

“Elsa!” I heard Anna yell. I didn’t stop. I couldn’t hurt Anna. I was too dangerous. I ran until I hit the fjord. No escape now. I turned around I heard people pursuing me. “Elsa!”

My breaths were now short gasps from running. I backed away my eyes trained on the door. I heard crumbling under my feet. I looked down and saw my feet were freezing the ground below me.

“Wait, please!”

I placed a foot on the frozen spot on the water. A snowflake design covered in ice as I stepped on it. Looking up, I started to run across the fjord.

“Elsa stop!” I heard Anna yell. I didn’t stop. I had to get away from them before I did something I regretted.

Jack’s P.O.V

Where was I when all this happened? I was behind Elsa until she got to the door then started to chase after her as she ran. My mind was racing with questions. I followed her by flying as she ran through the forest and to the mountain.

She didn’t stop running until she almost got to the top. “The snow glows white on this mountain tonight not a footprint to be seen,” She sang. I recognize the song almost immediately. When she was in a good mood she would hum this song. “A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I’m the queen. The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. Couldn’t keep it in, heaven knows I tried.” I landed next to her and started listening intently.

“Don’t let them in. Don’t let them see. Be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal don’t feel. Don’t let them know!” Elsa looked at her glove. “Well, now they know!” She threw it in the air.

“Let it go! Let it go! Can’t hold it back anymore! Let it go! Let it go! Turn away and slam the door!” I watched in amazement as she just let her powers out. She made little snowflakes burst of her hand and made a snowman! “I don’t care what they're going to say! Let the storm rage on. The cold never bothered me anyway.” She let her cape off and let it go into the wind. Elsa was really enjoying herself. She dropped her depressing-always-serious act and for the first time in forever she smiled. A genuine smile. I couldn’t help but follow her.

“It’s funny how some distance makes everything seem small! The fears that once controlled me can’t get to me at all! It’s time to see what I can do. To test the limits and break through-” She made a staircase “-No right no wrong no rules for me! I’m free!” She ran up the solid ice staircase making it longer as she sang, “Let it go! Let it go! I’m one with the wind and sky! Let it go! Let it go! You’ll never see me cry!” I followed her up the staircase, staring at it in wonder. How in the world did she do this?

“Here I stand!” She stomped on the ground and a snowflake ice sprang from her foot. “And here I’ll stay! Let the storm rage on!” She looked around and lifted up… air? The snowflake ice started going up and ice structures erupted from the ground. I stepped back and gaped at what she was doing. I could hear her singing, “My power flurries through the air and to the ground. My soul is spiraling in frozen factors all around. And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast. I’m never going back. The past is in the past! Let it go! Let it go! That perfect girl is gone. Here I’ll stand in the light of day. Let the storm rage on! The cold never bothered me anyway.”

Silence followed her singing. I was still rooted to the ground, staring up at the now finished ice castle. Wow. Just wow. I ascended the stairs that lead to the entrance. I opened it and slipped inside. “Wow!” I said staring up at the ice fountain, the ice stairs, and ice walls. Everything was made out of… ice. “Now this is what I call awesome.”

“Who’s there?” I heard Elsa say. She appeared coming down the stairs. Her transformation was phenomenal. Instead of her coronation dress, she was wearing an ice blue dress that had a long cape that was sown behind her. Her hair was put into a french braid. She looked beautiful. Did she do that? “Who are you?” She glared at me. I looked behind me to see if there was someone behind me. Nope. Just me. I realized she wasn’t looking past me, she was looking at me. Into my eyes.

“C-can you see me?” I asked.

“Of course I can,” She said exasperatedly. “Wait a minute. I recognize your voice… you’re that person that keeps talking to me.”

I cracked a smile and put up my hands.“Yeah, guilty as charged, your highness.” I bowed so low to the ground that my nose almost touched the floor. I heard her gasp.

“No. I can’t be!”

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Did Elsa reconzie him?! Keep reading to find out... Love you guys!!!

- Jozie Noelle

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