Chapter Twenty-Six

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Jack’s P.O.V

I flew to her ice castle as fast as the wind would let me. Something was wrong. I reached it and saw multiple footprints in the snow leading up to her castle. I ran up the staircase and into the entrance. “Elsa!” I yelled. “Elsa, are you here?”

Silence. I ran up the flights of stairs and into the balcony. I gasped at the sight. There were ice fragments everywhere. I carefully stepped over them so they wouldn’t puncture my bare feet. There definitely was a struggle. I picked up an arrow. There was blood tinting the end. “Elsa!” I yelled in desperation.

I looked around the room. No sign of Elsa anywhere. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. Who could want Elsa this bad?

Anna? No, she’d personally come and try to talk sense into Elsa. Elsa wouldn’t fight Anna.

“Where are you,” I moaned, leaning against a wall. I looked down at my feet and saw a slip of paper. I picked it up and looked at it. I couldn’t read what it said. I growled in frustration. I stuffed the paper into my sweatshirt and flew away.

Where are you Elsa?

Elsa’s P.O.V

I woke up in a cold dark room. I felt an evil presence in it. I sat up from my position on the floor. I looked down at my hands and saw they were in chains. I tried to freeze them but nothing happened. I looked around and gasped. I recognized this room. It was the room from my nightmare years ago. The nightmare I had when I was attacked in the woods. The first time I met Jack...

“Oh, Elsa,” A voice said, “why do you make everything so easy?”

I looked around trying to find the source of the voice. “Who are you? Show yourself!” The figure came out into view. I wasn’t surprised. “Pitch.”

“Didn’t I tell you, you’d regret the day you hurt me with your powers? Well, that day has come.”

“Let me go,” I demanded. I knew it was no use. There was no swaying his mind.

Pitch sighed. He put his hands behind his back. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this moment, Elsa. Did you know that?”

I didn’t answer him.

“It took me a long time to plan all this but it was quite easy to put it in action. You see, when you were a baby I told a certain woman of your powers. She’d tried to get you for me but failed.” He sighed. “I was the one in the woods when you were attacked. I manipulated you into fainting so you could see in the future. I watched over you in the Southern Isles. Who do you think Pitla was? Why did I help you escape from the dungeon? So I’d gain your trust. I told your father about Jack and you so he broke you two up knowing you’d be heartbroken and fragile. Why did I ‘help’ you with your powers? To know what you're capable of. Why do you think I brainwashed Hans to marry your sister? Knowing you, you’d refuse so you two would get in an argument and run away so I could snatch you up. You see, you were blind to my plans the whole time. Now it’s time for your decision. Will you join me and rule by my said as the queen or will you go against me.”

My insides turned into mush as I heard all this. How could I be so blind to all this? “I will never join you,” I spat angerly.

“Suit yourself,” He said. He snapped his fingers and the chains around my wrists started burning into my skin. I screamed in pain. It felt like burning hot coals smashing into your skin at once. The pain was crippling. I could hear Pitch’s laugh louder than my screams. “There’s no escape from me, Elsa. The pain will get worse each time you defy or say no to me. Just join me and all your pain will be over.”


Pitch remained unfazed. “You’ll change your mind in a few hours. I’m sure of it. Sweet dreams, My Queen,” He said as I slipped into the darkness.

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