Chapter Nine

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Elsa's P.O.V

The sun was just starting to peak on the horizon when I woke up. I yawned and was surprised when I found Jack's arms around me. Wait why was he holding me? I wanted to ask him but he was sleeping so peacefully. Lately, I've noticed how tired he looked. He always had bags underneath his eyes. I wondered what was happening at home. I remembered how he stiffened at the sight of his father.

I carefully slipped out of his arms so I wouldn't wake him and stood up. I brushed the frost from my dress and started to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

I turned to see Jack looking straight at me. His brown eyes questioning. "I gotta go. My ship lives in a few hours."

"Oh yeah," He also stood up and put his hands in his pockets. I put my hands behind my back. "Well, I guess this is a goodbye?"

"Yeah," I said softly. "I guess."

"Er, goodbye," He said.

"Bye." I started walking away.

"Wait!" Jack said, running up to me.


He took my hand and looked into my eyes. "Good luck."

I nodded, slightly disappointed. "Thank you."

"Promise to visit?"

I nodded. "I promise."

He still looked troubled. "Don't get too busy with your husband, you hear?" He joked weakly.

I blushed. "Oh be quiet you." I punched him in the shoulder. "Don't find a wife that's stiff. I don't want you too bored while I'm gone."

He laughed. "I'm never bored."

I smiled and nodded. "Of course not... See you, Jack," I said turning away before he saw the tears in my eyes. I couldn't help it, but when was was almost over the hill I turned to see him one last time. He was watching me leave when we made eye contact he waved. I was going to miss him so much.

Anita was waiting for me in my room when I snuck back in. She looked quizzically at me but don't question me. She must have seen the tears in my eyes. She helped me dress into a dark blue dress, and she put my hair up in a bun. I stared at my hands the whole time. I couldn't stop them from shaking, which frightened me. I knew my powers got worse when I was nervous and sometimes I would accidentally freeze something. I grabbed my gloves, just in case.

When Anita and I packed everything, it was time to leave. I met my parents downstairs. They looked at me with pride and in approval.

"We're proud of you," My mother said after I curtsied, laying her hand on my shoulder.

I blushed sheepishly. "Thank you, Mama. Papa."

"I know it's hard, but trust yourself. We love you."

Tears sprang into my eyes. "I love you too," I cried hugging them. They hugged me back. "Where's Anna?"

"Right here." I turned to see fourteen-year-old Anna standing behind me. She was wearing a green dress that matched her red hair perfectly. Her white blonde streak popped out. I felt guilty for not talking to her earlier.

"Anna," I said softly.

She looked at me with curiosity. She rocked on her heels nervously. "So you're leaving?"

I nodded. "I'll visit as often as I can," I said. Anna bit her lip and ran to me, hugging me. I was taken back for a moment. Then I wrapped my arms around her slim waist. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. You can make it up when you visit."

"I will, I promise."

We let go and faced each other. She had tears in her eyes. "I wish we hung out more often. Instead of. . ." She cleared her throat.

I frowned and shrugged. "I'd better get going." After curtsying to my parents again, I walked out the door and to the harbor.

The ship was huge. I'd never seen anything so big in my life. I boarded with my head high but my heart was beating a million times faster than normal. As we set sail, I watched as Arendelle get smaller and smaller until it was just a dot on the horizon. "Goodbye, Arendelle," I whispered as the dot disappeared.

I was on the ship for a week. I often got seasick and stayed in my bed. As we landed on the Southern Isles my new maid, Jasmine, put my hair up, dressed me in a royal purple dress, and put on my gloves on. A carriage was waiting for me when the ship docked. When I got on, the carriage left. I watched out and to my surprise, everything had a strange resemblance to Arendelle. It's like I never left, I mused happily.

King Maximus and Queen Cambria were waiting for me outside the castle. I took a deep breath and gracefully stepped out of the carriage.

"Welcome Elsa, daughter of Angara and Induna, to The Southern Isles," King Maximus greeted stiffly, nodding at me.

"Yes, welcome," Queen Cambria said smiling happily. I curtsied and looked at them smiling.

King Maximus was a tall handsome man with light brown hair and dark brown eyes. He wore a stern face and had perfect posture, which made me unsettled. He reminded me of Jack's father.

Queen Cambria was a whole different story. She had reddish-brown hair and green eyes. She was slightly shorter than King Maximus but still taller than me. She had a soft caring face and she seemed friendly enough. I liked her at once.

"Prince Marius is waiting for you in the great hall where supper is served. We'll show you where it is," Queen Cambria slip her arm around King Maximus's muscular arm, and stirred him towards the door. I followed them tentatively, wondering where this was going.

I was amazed at how big their castle was. Everything was decorated expensive and elaborate. At home, my castle wasn't too big and everything was decorated with things that felt homey. This palace was meant for show, not for comfort.

Without the kings and queens help, I would have been hopelessly lost. We went through hall after hall hitting lots of corners and turns. Just when I thought there was no end, we entered the great hall where Prince Marius was waiting for me.

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Here's TWO chapters for anyone reading this!!! Sorry I couldn't update over the weekend but I was super busy and had no Internet :(  Who can live without Internet? NOT me! That's for sure.

Since I don't have internet at this point I'll be updating randomly but I'll try to update once or two times a week!! Sorry about that but I'll be trying my best.

Love you all

Taken Back 》A Jelsa FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now