Chapter Two

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Elsa's P.O.V.

The next morning I got up before the crack of dawn and grabbed my gloves and a light coat. As quietly as I could, I snuck out of my room and tiptoed across the hall, not wanting to wake up anyone. I stopped momentarily at Anna's room and heard her gentle breathing. It took all my willpower not to tiptoe in her room and take a closer look at her.

It didn't take long to navigate my way through the castle and on to the main floor. There, I opened a window and jumped out. Luckily, the window was only a few feet high. I hoped that no one was looking through any of the windows or else they could see me, I thought, glancing uneasily at the dozens of windows.

I went into the stables and got my horse, Snowy. She whinnied happily and nudged my hand, hoping I had some snacks.

"Sorry, no presents today," I said, giggling as she nibbled at my coat. "We are going for a ride."

I brushed and saddled her in no time. In one fluid motion, I swung my legs over the saddle and we trotted off. The guards saw me, bowed, and let me out. I went through the village and marveled how it had changed so quickly. It's been eight years since I've been in this village, I thought with a start. Wow, eight years have gone so quickly.

I put on my light coat and pulled my hood over my face so no one would recognize me. Although I doubt anyone would be up. If anyone saw me they'd think I was a young merchant or traveler going along with my business.

Snowy and I trotted aimlessly through Arendelle. I watched merchants getting ready for another hard day of work and I saw mothers getting breakfast ready for their families. I felt a pang of jealousy at how normal their life was. But I quickly dismissed it. There was no need to dwell on those thoughts.

It was almost dark when I came to the end of Arendelle and stumbled upon a forest. Snowy pawed the ground uneasily and I felt her nervousness. I, too, was a little intimidated at the vast forest.

"Come on," I said, kicking Snowy lightly. "Let's go." I could tell snowy wasn't thrilled to go into the woods, but she did as she was commanded.

As soon as we stepped into the woods I could feel a presence in the woods that I couldn't quite put my finger on. I felt like someone was watching me. I wanted to go back, but I changed my mind. When am I going to have another day like this? I asked trying to convince myself.

We walked a long time- or at least it felt like a long time- through the woods. Every step Snowy took she became uneasier. Slowly the light became denser and denser before it was almost pitch black. But I could see everything in front of me. Everything was illuminated in a silvery light. I looked up but there was no moon or sun that light could get through the top of the trees. Weird.

Throughout the whole ride, I couldn't hear any birds tweeting, or any sign of wildlife. I was about to turn around when I heard a low growl in front of me.

I gasped when three men walked out from the darkness. They were all unusually tall, and very dirty. I could smell them from where I stood and it wasn't a pleasant smell. I was petrified.

"Hello, child," the first man said- he was obviously the leader. He had a patch over his eye and his hair was a dark brown. "Are you out here alone? Where are your parents?"

They don't know who I am! I thought. I closed my mouth and refused to say anything.

"I'd say," The second man said from my left. "We've been watching 'er for almost an 'our."

"Who are you pretty thing?" He asked, eyeing my clothes. "Are you a noble?"

"None of your business," I said in a pathetic voice. "Leave me alone!"

They all chuckled darkly.

"Such spirit! I like this one. Can I have her?" The third man said. He stepped towards me and pulled out a knife. It came out of its scabbard with a sickening shing.

Snowy saw the blade and reared, throwing me off, and galloped away. "No!" I screamed.

One man gasped and pointed at me. "It's Princess Elsa!" My hood had come off exposing my white blonde hair, and face.

"We can be rich," Mumbled the second man. There was a moment where everyone was quiet. They were all staring at me like I was gold. My heart was beating so fast and my hands started to shake. I could feel my powers rising. I quickly got up, trying to calm myself, and looking at one man to the other.

"Get her," the leader said.

They started closing the space around me. I did the only reasonable thing to do. I throw off my gloves and shot my powers at the third man. The ground turned into ice beneath his feet and he fell, hitting his head against a rock. He was still. Maybe a little too still.

The other two men gasped and staggered back.

"A witch!" The second man exclaimed. I heard rustling beside me, but I paid no attention to it.

"Leave me be," I said. My confidence started to rise when I saw the two men's faces stricken with confusion and terror. "I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Get her!" The leader yelled, and they both started charging at me. I threw a flurry of snow at the leader to slow him down.

I heard someone yell and saw a boy charge out of the woods. At first I thought it was another man joining the other two men, but I glanced at him and he had tackled the second man to the ground.

"AH!" The leader screamed, as he charged through the snow like it was nothing. I focused my attention on him and frowned. I threw more ice at him, but he seemed to be immune to it. He just swatted it away like it was nothing. My heart went to my throat and I threw more and more at him. He just laughed like it was a big joke.

I looked into his eye and felt myself freeze. Suddenly everything I'd ever feared popped into my mind and I felt my whole body shake with fright. . .

Mom and Dad dying, me killing Anna, Arendelle in ruins. I covered my ears when I thought I heard Anna scream in pain.

I took a step back and backed into a tree. I was cornered. "Stop!" I screamed, tears running down my cheeks.

I heard a crack and all my fear disappeared. I looked up to find the leader with an arrow sticking out of his chest. He fell to the ground. Standing behind him was the boy holding the second man's bow. The second man was also on the ground, laying very still. He slowly put it down and strode towards me. He had messy brown hair, bright brown eyes, and fair skin.

"Are you okay?" He asked. My eyes flickered to all the men on the ground and suddenly I felt sick. I felt my legs give out and before everything went dark I felt the boy's warm arms around me.

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Yo sup peeps! Do you like this chapter? It was super stressful/ amazing to write!! I can't wait to write more about you know *wink, wink* 

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