Chapter Ten

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Elsa’s P.O.V
There were thirteen men sitting at a table together; laughing and talking loudly as I walked into the hall. They all
immediately shut up when I entered the room. Every eye was on me. My hands started to shake as I followed the King
and Queen. So many thoughts were zooming through my mind, I didn’t know which one to focus on.
One of the men stood up and met me halfway. “Princess Elsa, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” He said in a baritone
voice while bowing elegantly.
“And you, Prince Marius,” I curtsied awkwardly.
“Please call me Marius.”
“And me Elsa.” I cringed at how formal we were. I hoped it wouldn’t be like this every day.
“Come and join us, I’m sure we can spare a seat for you.” He put his hand on my lower waist and lead me to an empty
spot at the table. The servants placed a plate and silverware in front of me and Marius poured some red wine in my glass.
“Cheers to Elsa, my future bride, who had a safe journey here,” He said lifting his glass in the air.
“Cheers,” Everyone said in unison, lifting their glasses in response.
“Cheers,” I said weakly.
“So. . .” One of the men said across from me. “You’re getting married on your birthday?”
“Lars!” Queen Cambria exclaimed. “He hasn’t properly asked her yet.”
Lars blushed. “Sorry, Mother.” I sneaked a look at Marius and saw him staring at me. I quickly looked away.
“I guess so,” I said chuckling. I was getting married on my sixteenth birthday?
Throughout supper, I kept stealing glances at Marius. He was very handsome. Yes, I wouldn’t mind getting married to him. He had short brown hair, tan golden brown skin, and hazel eyes. He was a head taller than me with broad
shoulders. He resembled his father. He had a stern face with no hint of mischief in his eyes, unlike Jack. He was much manlier and maturer than Jack. Wait why was I comparing him to Jack?

Everyone kept bombarding me with questions, which I answered politely and ladylike. I smiled like I was taught and
kept a neat orderly posture. I barely ate anything, for my stomach was still a little queasy from the seasickness.
After supper, Marius escorted me to my room. “Thank you,” I said.
“It’s my pleasure.” He hesitated. “I was wondering if you’d like to go out for a picnic at noon tomorrow.”
I blinked. Wow, that was quick. Of course, we had a little under two weeks until we were to be married. “I would like
that a lot,” I lied. All I wanted to do was to stay indoors and adapt to where I was.
Marius nodded. “Until then.” He kissed my gloved hand and briskly walked away. I went into my room and was
greeted by an older woman.
“Your majesty,” She said in a dry crackly voice. “It’s an honor to meet you.” She had dark black hair, golden eyes, and
gray wrinkled skin.
“Is my stuff here yet?” I asked in a small voice. I was so tired. I felt like I could fall asleep right on the ground if I was
allowed to.
“No, your majesty,” she said. “I’m sure it’ll be here tomorrow morning.”
I sighed. “Help me get undressed. . . Um, what’s your name?”
“Pitla,” She responded.
I nodded and she helped me undress and dress into an overly big shirt since my stuff wasn’t with me. I slipped into
my bed and was instantly asleep.
Unknown P.O.V
She slept so peacefully. I was standing before her observing everything about her. Yes, she was such a beautiful girl.
Her hair seemed to glow in the moonlight. I touched her cheek with my cold hand and chuckled when she drew back
I could practically see her sitting beside me at my castle. . . The day I could take her as my bride. I could almost feel
her lips on mine. I stopped fantasying. All do time, she would be mine. I just had to be patient. “You’re mine, Elsa. All
mine.” I whispered. “And nothing can change that. Not even Jack.”

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