Chapter Fifteen

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Roughly One Year Later

Jack’s P.O.V

We kept our relationship secret from her parents. My parents were thrilled when I told them about Elsa and I. My father stopped pestering me about marriage after I told him he was she wasn’t ready yet… It wasn’t exactly a lie, she wasn’t ready but she was sure her parents wouldn’t let her marry me. For two reasons.

The first reason was I wasn’t a prince. How am I supposed to rule Arendelle when I couldn't fold my own clothes correctly? I was just a peasant beside Elsa. Elsa, the heir to Arendelle.

And the second reason is her father hates us. By us I mean my whole village. I haven’t told Elsa that we were sworn, enemies. How could I? It was a matter of time before her parents found out about us… about me.

“Hey, Overland.” I turned to Elsa’s voice startling me out of my reverie.

I broke into a smile, the sight of her made all my worries melt away. “Hey, Snowflake.”

Elsa, like always, looked magnificent. Over the last year, she had gotten taller and more defined. Her hair was down to her waist, and her waist had gotten smaller- if that was even possible. Her face had gotten more mature look them and her eyes had turned even bluer.

She giggled and ran to me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I buried my face into her coat and smelled her familiar scent. I swear this woman was going to be the end of me.

“What do you have planned night?” She asked, letting me go. She still had to look up to see my face. She tried to seem calm but her eyes betrayed her excitement.

“How about we just stay here tonight. Enjoy the stars and moon,” I said.

“Stargazing,” She said, “my favorite thing to do with you.” I laid out my blanket and we both laid down to look up at the stars. I grabbed her hand and felt her stiffen a little but relaxed as I kissed it.

Pitch’s P.O.V

My blood boiled as I watched Elsa and Jack stare up at the sky. I had to hold my anger in check or else I could ruin everything. I hadn’t made contact with Elsa since I helped her escape the Southern Isles but the day was coming. There was only one thing I had to do. I had to split Jack and Elsa apart or else everything could be ruined.

King Agnarr’s P.O.V

I sighed and I ran my fingers through my hair as I read yet another report. Trouble was brewing between the countries surrounding us. Something about a trade deal but I hadn’t gotten the full story of it yet.

“Agnarr,” My wife said softly. She peaked in my office and smiled. “Are you almost done with your work?”

“Almost, Darling,” I said, putting my papers in a folder. “Go to bed without me.”

“I tried. I can’t sleep without you by my side,” She said, pouting.

I chucked and stood up and enveloped her in my arms. “Iduna, I love you.” I kissed the top of her head.

“I love you too, Agnarr,” She chirped happily. I felt her shiver in my embrace.

“What is it?” I asked, looking down at her.

“I don’t know. I felt some presence just now and… it was frightening.” She laughed nervously. “Maybe it was nothing. I’m just tired.”

“Go to bed, darling. I’ll be there in a minute.”

She reluctantly stepped away from me. “Okay.” She smiled weakly. I watched her walked out of my room and I went back to my desk. Surprisingly there was a note waiting for me. I picked it up and read it. I furrowed my brow and gasped.

I crumbled my note up in my fist and briskly walked out of the room, straight to Elsa’s room. I knocked on the door. No answer. I pushed it open and saw her room empty. Where was she? I groaned in frustration. My head was spinning with anger.

“Your Highness!” Anita gasped. She was standing at the door curtsying awkwardly. “What are you doing in here?”

“Where’s Elsa?” I demanded. I watched her as she nervously glanced at me. She dared not lie to me.

“Um, She-She’s in the garden.”

I pushed past her and ran towards the garden. As I hit the cold air, I immediately regret not bringing a coat with me. Too late to turn back now. I silently walked through the dark watching out for my daughter.

I heard her before I saw her. My heart constricted when I heard another voice, a boy. I hid behind a bush and watched. Her voice started getting louder and louder until she came into view. She was walking hand in hand with a boy with brown hair. I didn’t recognize him.

“I really had fun, Jack,” She said in a sing-songy voice. It was obvious she had feelings for that boy.

“Me too, Snowflake. See you tomorrow?”

“Of course.” She giggled as he kissed her on the cheek. “Jack Overland!” She gasped, playfully swatting him.

Overland? I hadn’t heard that name in seventeen years, I’d nearly forgot about it. And yet one of them was standing in front of me. How did my daughter know one of those. . . traitors? I thought I ran them out of the kingdom. If an Overland was still in the land was the other families too?

I took a deep breath to keep my anger in check. When they walked out of sight I stood up and walked back into the castle. My anger was past the line. I had to split them up. I had to erase all traces of the Overlands and other families. Even if it meant hurting Elsa.

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Sorry for the such slow update. I had a major writers block and this is all I really for. Also sorry if this chapter totally sucks.

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