Chapter Eleven

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Elsa’s P.O.V
At noon sharp, Marius knocked on my door. I had requested to stay in my room so I could be refreshed for Marius and
I’s date. Pitla dressed me in a lovely off the shoulder outside gown. It was green. I was staring in the mirror at myself
when Pitla answered the door.
“Wow you look stunning,” Marius commented, strode up to me.
“Thank you,” I said smiling weakly. Marius also looked dashing in his white shirt and dark pants.
“You ready?”
I nodded. He offered me his arm and I took it. I could feel the hard muscle through his thin shirt. He escorted me
outdoors and to the stable. “Do you mind riding to the meadow?”
“Not at all,” I said. He saddled a black and white horse.
“He’s so beautiful!” I gasped as I stroked the horse’s mane. “What’s his name?”
Hersir was so pretty. Horses were my favorite animal. Whenever I gazed into their eyes I felt like they understood
everything about me. It was our unspoken language.
Marius seemed surprised at my interest in animals. He looked at me like I was crazy. “It’s just a horse,” He said.
I frowned. “He’s a living thing too. They are part of this world like you and me.”
“If you say so,” He said shrugging.
Jack would have agreed with me, or he would have hit me in the shoulder and tell me to stop thinking so literally, I
thought smiling. Elsa, don’t think of him! He’s back in Arendelle and there is nothing you can do about it.
I wondered what he was doing right now. Did he miss me? Does he care? Did he think of me often? Oh God, I missed
him so much.

Jack’s P.O.V.
I couldn't go a minute without thinking of Elsa. I wanted to rewind time to the night she was in my arms. My hands ached
to touch her, feel her. I missed the smell of her hair, the gleam in her eye when she told a joke, and even when she
scolded me for being so reckless. I missed her.
I frowned and kicked a rock into the lake in frustration. Why was I thinking of Elsa so much? I picked up a pebble and
threw it in the air then caught it in midair. Did it matter? Elsa was probably enjoying her time in the Southern Isles with her
fiancee… what was his name? Max? Oh yeah, Marius.
I yelled and threw the stone in the lake with all my might. Why was life against me?
“Jack!” Emma yelled. “Jack come to play with me!” I inwardly groaned. Why couldn’t she just leave me alone for one
“No!” I said as she approached me. “Go away.”
Emma stopped in front of me with her hands on her hips. “You’re grouchy this morning. Did you wake up on the wrong
side of the bed again?”
“What? No. I just want to be left alone.” I ran my fingers through my hair. I really needed another haircut.
“Then what’s wrong?”
“None of your business,” I snapped. Emma flinched and hurt flashed in her brown eyes. I immediately felt bad. I’d
never yelled at Emma before. “I’m sorry, Em. I’m just… there’s a lot of things going through my head.” I sat down and
placed my hands on my knees. I felt so empty. Why did I feel so full when Elsa was around and without her, I felt like an
empty bucket.
“Like what?” she asked curiously.
How could I form what I was feeling in words? Would she understand? Probably not but I had to get it out.
“It’s Elsa,” I sighed. “I miss her. I feel so empty without her.”
Emma started giggling.
“What?” I asked annoyed.
“You’re in love!”
“What? No, that’s… that’s,” I couldn’t find the right word to finish my sentence. “She’s like my sister!”
“Excuses!” She cried laughing. “You love Elsa.” She started singing and started dancing around me. “Elsa and Jack
sitting in the tree. . .”
I covered my ears. “I can’t hear you!”
Emma always had an obnoxious way to cheer me up. I couldn’t help but jump up and run after her. “Come here you
little rascal!” I caught up to her easily and I wrestled her to the ground. “Gotcha!” I laughed pinning her down.
“Why do you always win?” Emma complained.
“Because I’m stronger.”
“More like fatter!” I looked down at my body. I was not fat.
“Made you look!” Emma taunted.
I rolled my eyes and chuckled. “You got me!”
“When I get older I’m going to beat you to the ground.”
“Yeah right!”
“Just you wait, Jackson Overland. I’ll be sorry!” We both laughed.

“Jackson, get off your sister,” I heard my father’s stern voice demand. My head snapped up and saw my father glaring
at us with his hands on his hips. I obeyed and stood up.
“Yes, Father?” I said through gritted teeth.
“Walk with me.” I turned my head to see Emma shaking her head as she walked dejectedly towards the house.
I followed close behind him like he expected me to do. My father was always on my tail about everything. He was
constantly nagging me about growing up. What fun was growing up anyways? I was perfectly happy the way I was.
“Son,” He said stopping and turning to face me. “We need to talk.”
“Aren’t we talking right now?” I joked.
Father’s frown deepened. “Jackson, your mother and I have been talking and we’ve decided that it’s time you became
a man and start a family of your own.”
I was taken back. I gaped at my father, a loss for words. Mom actually agreed to this? She usually didn’t mind my
behavior and was satisfied with how I was. I momentarily felt betrayed then angry. “W-when did you decide this?”
My father shrugged. “We’ve been discussing it since you were thirteen.”
“I won’t go through with it!” I yelled. Elsa crossed my mind but I pushed it away. “You can’t control my life.”
Father’s face got a dark red. “Don’t disrespect me, Jackson. I am your father and I will do what I please. Now if you
don’t find a suitable wife by your next birthday I will pick one out for you!”
I huffed and crossed my arms. “I don’t want to.” The next thing I knew I was on my bottom with a stinging cheek. I reached up to my cheek and winced.
“Don’t you talk back to me again,” Father growled. Tears formed in my eyes but I blinked them away. I didn’t want him to see me cry.
I clambered up and faced him. We both were eye level. “Yes, your highness,” I spat and readied myself for another blow.
His eyes flashed dangerously but he somehow controlled his temper and muttered, “Don’t get smart, boy. You’re lucky
I’m not throwing you out of the house.” He pushed me out of the way and stomped to our house. I stood there a while
longer trying to control my temper. I know how you feel now, Elsa, I thought angrily, It feels like my parents are making me
get an arranged marriage also. The only thing was I got to choose who I was to marry.

❆ ❆ ❆

Hey guys! Sorry for such a slow update but homework and junk has been getting in my way *sighs* I hate homework and school

I just figured out I'm going to get this done by THANKSGIVING!!  Less than a month away! I'm inwardly freaking out but yet so excited. Just bare with me.

Love ya all

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