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“I’m so nervous, Elsa,” Anna said as she straightened out her dress for the third time that minute. “Do I look okay?” 

I giggled. “You look fine. Why are you nervous? It’s my wedding,” I pointed out. 

“There is so many people here it’s like the whole kingdom of Arendelle is here… what if I fall flat on my face? You know I’m super clumsy and like to fall-” She gasped- “What if I ruin the whole wedding?” 

I put my hand on her shoulder. “Anna, take deep breaths. You’re not going to fall and you definitely aren’t going to ruin my wedding. ” 

She took a few deep breaths. “Okay…”

“Besides if anyone was going to embarrass me it would be, well, me! I can barely move in this dress! I mean I feel like it takes up half of this room!” I reassured her while looking down at my puffy dress. I wanted a simple elegant white dress but Anna insisted I had to get the prettiest one. And the prettiest one had to be the heaviest and puffiest. 

“Madam Adran did outdo herself,” Anna commented. 

I nodded. My eyes wandered to the clock. The wedding was going to start soon. I absentmindedly started fidgeting with my hands. 

“You are so lucky,” Anna sighed. 

“Why?” I asked. 

Anna’s eyes glassed over. “You found your true love. I wish I found mine.” She was thinking about Hans again. After Pitch brainwashed him we managed to unbrainwash him and he went back to the Southern Isles after he broke off Anna and his engagement, also breaking Anna’s heart in the process. 

“Come here Anna,” I said embracing her. “You’ll find him soon. I swear.”

Anna smiled shakily. “Okay.” She cleared her throat. “Do you have to go? Can’t you stay in Arendelle a little longer?” 

I smiled sweetly at her. “No, Jack and I have to travel around the world to do our job, remember?” After I unfroze Arendelle I gave Anna the kingdom since I was a guardian now. Let’s just say Anna wasn’t exactly too thrilled at that.

Anna’s face fell. “Oh yeah, I forgot.” 

“We’ll visit often.” 

She nodded. “I know you will. You’ll never forget me.” 

“Never,” I agreed.

A servant ran in. “It’s time! Places everyone!” I maneuvered to the end of the line. Since Father and Mother weren’t here, I asked Anna to lead me down the aisle.

“How’s my hair?” I asked nervously. 

Anna looked over my hair. She fixed a pin and adjusted my veil. “Perfect.” 

The servant opened the door, giving me a wide display of the audience. I nearly gasped in shock. Anna was right! It looked like everyone from Arendelle did come to see the wedding. 

“I hope they all believe in me,” I whispered as I glanced at all the visitors. 

“They do,” Anna replied confidently. “I just know it. No one would ever not believe in you or else I’ll knock sense into them. Also why else would they come to the wedding if they couldn’t see you or Jack? They’d be watching a wedding for no one.” 

I giggled at my stupidity. 

The wedding song started playing and my eyes went to Jack. He was staring at me with his mouth wide open. I felt a blush creeping up to my cheeks. 

“Shut your mouth or else you’ll catch some flies,” I joked as I took his hand when I reached him. 

He shut his mouth. “It’s just, you look, you look amazingly beautiful.”

“I can’t say the same thing about you,” I smiled. “Because you’re unbelievingly handsome.” 

We both chuckled. The priest started speaking. We both said the stuff we reherseased. 

“Do you, Elsa of Arendelle take Jack Frost as your husband?” The priest asked. 

“I do,” I said, Jack put a ring on my finger. I looked closely at it. In the diamond, there was a snowflake design. On the edges there was an inscription: I love you to the moon and back, Snowflake. Tears welled in my eyes, I was so happy. 

“And do you, Jack Frost, take Elsa of Arendelle as your wife?” 

“Well, duh. That’s why I’m here,” Jack responded, winking at me. Low chuckles echoed throughout the church. I put his ring on his finger. I chose a ring that had frost designs on it. I chose not to write an inscription.

“Then I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” 

Jack’s hands went to my waist and he pulled me into him. My hands went up to his neck. “Dang your dress is so big,” he commented. 

“It’s Anna’s fault. She made me get it,” I responded my face barely an inch away from his. 

“I’ll have to speak to her tonight,” Jack chuckled. 

“Oh no, you’re all mine tonight,” I said seductively. Jack lowered his lips to mine, sealing our marriage. He was finally mine forever. 

Okay I know I said I competed the story but um putting an epilogue on here because I noticed a lot of plot holes. Oops. So here you are 😁

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