Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jack’s P.O.V

I left Elsa to change and I peeked into Anna’s room. She was getting her hair done, and barely sitting still. She kept getting scolded by her maid. I chuckled and flew back to Elsa’s room. She was just leaving her room. I followed her, wondering what she was doing.

She went into her mother and father’s room. She looked up at a painting of her father. She bit her lip and looked down at a candlestick thingy and a jewelry box? I’m sure they meant something to them. She took her gloves off and picked them up. She turned around and acted like she was in the coronation. Where she held them ice covered them.

She set them down and put on her gloved, sighing. “It’s only for today.” She went to the window and looked out at the crowd gathering in the courtyard.

“It’s not that bad,” I said rolling my eyes playfully. Sometimes I forget she can’t hear or see me.

“It’s agony away.”

I laughed.

She went to the doors and opened them saying, “Tell the guards to open up the gates!”

I’ve never been to an actual party before. Or that I know of. I was in the corner of the room watching ladies and gentlemen start to dance to the catchy music with fascination. I wanted to join them, it looked like so much fun. But I remained where I was. No one would make sense if I accidentally froze something.

Suddenly I heard a man say, “Queen Elsa of Arendelle.” He gestured to Elsa, who was gracefully walking onto the stage. Everyone stopped what they were doing to bow to Elsa.

“Princess Anna of Arendelle.” I laughed when I saw Anna run out and awkwardly stand at the bottom of the stage waving to the guests. The man sighed with annoyance and lead Anna to stand by Elsa. He placed her right next to Elsa. The guests got up from their bowing positions to clap for the two royals. Anna and Elsa got into a conversation. Out of curiosity I walked over to them to listen to them.

“Hi,” Elsa said, smiling at Anna.

Anna jumped a little. “Hi-hi me?” Poor Anna. She didn’t know how to act in front of her older sister.

Elsa nodded.

“Oh! Um hi.”

“You look beautiful,” Elsa commented.

“Oh thank you. You look beautifuller. I mean not fuller but more… more beautiful.”

Elsa giggled. “Thank you.” I watched Elsa’s face. I saw her… happy. The most happy I’ve ever seen her. Like talking to Anna made her happier. She truly did care about her sister. “So this is what a party looks like.” Elsa gazed at all the guests milling around the room.

“It’s warmer then I thought,” Anna commented.

Elsa nodded in agreement. “What is that amazing smell?”

They both smelled the air. “Chocolate!” They said in unison, giggling. This was a whole personality switch. Before Elsa was quiet and reserved and now… she was actually making conversation to the girl she kept on ignoring! Maybe this was a change for the best.

“Your majesties,” the man, Kia I think someone called him, said, “the duke of Weaseltown.” A short older man stood in front of them.

“Weaselton,” The man said irritably. “Duke of Weselton, your majesty. As a your closest partner in trade, it seems only fitting that I offer you your first dance as queen.” The man did some funk dance moves and bowed. His white hair on top of his head falling off his head. I nearly died of laughter.

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