Chapter Four

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Elsa P.O.V

I trust you. His voice echoed in my head like a bell. How could he trust me? He didn't elaborate. Do I look like I was trustworthy? He barely knew me.

"There you two are!" Emma's voice yelled. She stormed up to us and kicked Jack in the leg. "You tricked me!"

Jack yelped in pain. "Sorry, Em."

"Don't you 'sorry' me, Jackson Overland! Mom is gonna be furious!" She looked and pointed at me. "Grandpa is waiting for you in the house." My heart leaped to my throat.

She turned on her heel and marched away.

"Ouch," Jack groaned, rubbing the spot where she kicked him.

"Wow. She has a temper," I observed.

"I know. She usually does. We'd better get a move on it. Grandpa doesn't like to wait." We started jogging towards his house.

Mrs. Overland was standing by the window when we approached the house. I took a deep breath and went in. The small kitchen area was crowded with Emma, Mrs. Overland, Mr. Overland- a tall buff man with brown hair and a stern expression on his face- and another older man- Jack's grandpa. I noticed Jack stiffen at the sight of Mr. Overland.

"Princess Elsa." Everyone either curtsied or bowed to me. I felt uncomfortable. "Come here, child." Jack's grandpa held out his hand. I walked over to him and he kissed my gloved hand. "It's been a long time since I've seen a royal."

I didn't know what to say so I nodded. "I take it you were attacked by Huntsmen?"

"Y-yes," I stammered. I cleared my throat, "well, I believe they were anyways."

"Tell me about what happened. Jack already recounted what he saw but I want to hear it in your own words."

I told him everything that happened that night- telling him everything except for what happened with Anna and I- when I told him about Jack being brave and killing the second man I glanced at him and noticed he was blushing. When I was done, Jack's grandpa sat back and nodded gravely.

"Yes, I do believe you were attacked by the Huntsman. Which is odd."

"Why me," I asked, he seemed so wise. "I'm just a mere child."

"Your powers, my dear."

"My powers?" I asked uncertainly. I looked down at my gloves.

"Let me what you can do," He requested.

I looked around to everyone in the room, afraid. What if I hurt one of them? But finally, I sighed and prayed I wouldn't hurt anyone. I took them off slowly. "What do you want me to do?"

"Whatever you want, my dear."

I thought for a moment and smirked. I started rotating my hands and watched as a warm blue glow started surrounding my hands. I felt my powers getting stronger as the snow started getting bigger. Before I knew it, I built a snowman. Anna used to love it when I built a snowman.

There was a stunned silence. Even Jack, who knew about my powers, was staring at me in amazement. "You're the one," Jack's grandpa said, nodding.

"Excuse me?"

"The prophecy, of course."

"What prophecy?"

Jack's grandpa sighed and started reciting, "It will be the second fullest moon of the year when a girl with ice powers will walk the earth. Every year her powers will grow until she must a decision that will change the course of history. A boy with the same powers will rise up from the dead. A guardian, he will be for the girl until it's time. Together, if they choose, will defeat evil or help it. One will betray the other and the other will lose their life.

"My grandad used to tell me that prophecy every night so I wouldn't forget it. It was nonsense until I saw you."

"Who is the boy?" I asked curiously.

"I don't know," He said honestly. "I'm sure you'll find out over time."

"Oh okay," I said a little disappointed.

"Don't be disappointed," he said, patting my cheek gently, "I'd just be careful."

"I will," I promised.

"Good," He nodded. "Now I get it you need to get home?"

"Yes!" I said excitedly.

Jack's Grandpa got up slowly, and went over to a table and grabbed a cup. "Just drink this and think of your home."

I was suspicious at first, but I brought the cup to my lips and started drinking it. I pictured my room and the castle. The drinks tasted like grapes and lemons. Before I knew it I felt sleepy and I yawned. "Go to sleep, Princess Elsa. Sleep, my child."

I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"There you are!" I woke up to Antia's shrill voice. "Elsa!"

"W-what?" I moaned. I was laying in the middle of my room, curled up on the floor. I looked down and saw my dress and coat I'd snuck out in. They were covered in mud and dirt. My gloves were also on.

Anita was standing before me looking furious. "You had me so worried when you didn't show up last night. The Queen and King are hysterical. They were close to having the soldiers search for you! Oh but I'm glad your back." She hugged me.

"I-I'm sorry." I stammered, getting up. "I just. . . had the most amazing experience!"

"Okay one moment," She sat down on a chair. "Tell me everything."

I told her everything that happened to me in the woods, about the Overland's, the prophecy, and even about Jack.

Anita frowned when I was done talking. "That was an amazing dream you had." She got up looking very nervous and she started running her fingers through her hair.

"Anita, it wasn't a dream. It actually happened!" I insisted.

"No it didn't," she said through gritted teeth. She looked at the door like she expected someone to barge in. She ran to me, grabbed my shoulders, and said in a low voice, "Between you and me, you cannot tell anyone about what happened yesterday, okay?"

"What? Why?" I struggled against her grip but she wouldn't let go. I was getting scared. Snowflakes started falling down around us.

"The village in the woods is top secret. You cannot tell anyone about it. No one."

"Okay," I whispered, nodding.

"If anyone asks, you were in the library asleep, okay?"

Again, I nodded. She let go of me and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry. I wish to explain more but. . . it's too dangerous." With that, she rushed out the door mumbling something about the prophecy and slammed the door behind her. I looked down and saw a note that had fallen out my dress when she had shaken me. I picked it up and looked it over. In the worst handwriting I'd ever seen, it read:

Meet me in the gardens tomorrow at midnight

- Jack

I was confused. Why would he want to see me? I sighed. It looked like I had a date.

❆ ❆ ❆

Thank you, everyone, who is viewing my story! I really appreciate it. I'm super excited to find my story has been ranked and I haven't gotten to the best part yet! 

I'm sorry for not putting Jack's P.O.V yet, but the next chapter I promise he'll be in there. Also, do you want a part with the mom and dad? If so comment! Vote! and FOLLOW!

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