Chapter Twelve

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A week and a half later

Elsa’s P.O.V

It took a little time getting used to Marius. He was always quiet and very serious. He liked everything neat and proper which was fine with me. I didn’t know how he would react if I showed or accidentally used my powers so I wore my gloves. He didn’t mind. He probably assumed I was a germaphobe or something.

He took me wedding dress shopping and I picked out an elegant white dress that hung on my curves but was very modest.

“Stunning!” The seamstress exclaimed happily as I tried it on. I stared at myself in the mirror, not believing how beautiful I looked. “The gloves don’t quite match though.”

I looked down at my gloves and shrugged. “Not everything has to be perfect.” I prayed Marius didn’t want everything perfect.

“Humph.” She started taking off the dress. “I’d want everything to be perfect. It’s your wedding day! The most magical moment in your life.”

It’s not going to be magical if you don’t love the man you’re marrying, I wanted to retort but I held it back. Love would come in time.

We had little “dates” frequently. Or as frequently as we could make them. Marius also had duties and wasn’t around very much. So I spent most of my time with Pitla, my only friend. She was pretty nice and always gossiping. I hated gossip but it filled my time so I listened to be polite. She kind of creeped me out though. Sometimes I’d catch her staring at me and mumbling under her breath in an unknown language. Once I asked her about it but she laughed and said it was just a habit. I had a feeling she wasn’t telling the truth but I let it slide. I try not to get into other people’s business.

“Elsa!” Pitla said, rushing into my room “You have to get ready!”

I jumped up from my spot on the couch where I was sewing. “Why?”

“Marius is taking you to the tailor shop to get you a dress for tomorrow’s party.”

“Party? No one informed me of this! What kind of party?”

“Your engagement party!”

I ran to the mirror and made sure my hair was okay. Then grabbed my shawl and rushed out the door. In the Southern Isles, winters were usually warm so I didn’t need a heavy coat to outside even though it was almost Christmas time.

Marius was waiting for me in the carriage. Once I was settled in he kissed me on the cheek and smiled sheepishly. He wasn’t much of an affectionate man but we both agreed that it would help our relationship to do small things like hugging and kissing. But mostly we kept to ourselves.

“Sorry for the short notice but I wasn’t informed of this ‘til this morning.”

“It’s fine,” I said dismissively. “I had nothing to do anyway.”

“Four more days until our wedding,” Marius mumbled to himself. I pretended not to hear him and stared out the window. Four days. The thought made my head spin and my stomach queasy. I placed my hand over my stomach to keep it steady. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths.

“Are you okay?” Marius asked, concerned. He put his hand on my shoulder

“Yes, I’m fine,” I said opening my eyes and giving him a small smile. “Just nervous.”

“Me too,” Marius replied honestly, “but it’ll be done in do time.”

We got the tailor shop and the tailor measured my head to my toes. I stood very still and listened as the tailor mumbled numbers under his breath and marked them down in a journal. I could feel Marius’s eyes on me the whole time. He insisted on coming in with me.

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