Chapter Three

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Unknown P.O.V

I watched silently as the boy picked up the girl and started walking away. I followed them. I was as silent as a shadow. I made no sound as I picked my way through the woods. It was easy to follow the boy. He made so much noise as he walked.

I walked almost next to him, as I looked at the girl in his arms. Yes, I thought with approval, She must be the one. The boy must have sensed my presence because he looked directly at me. Luckily, I was hidden in the shadows so he couldn't see me. I almost laughed when I felt his uncertainty and fright.

He resumed his journey but at a faster pace, and again I followed him. They came to a clearing with a bunch of little house. I muttered a spell and felt the girl stir in fright. I laughed and moved back into the shadows of the woods.

Elsa's P.O.V

I was in a cold dark room that smelled like hate. The stench was so powerful it stung my eyes making them tear up. I tried getting up, but some kind of force was holding me to the ground. I was in chains, bound hand to feet. I struggled but I cried out when the chains started burning my skin.

"Poor Elsa," A cold voice said in amusement. "How is she going to save the people so loves if she can't save herself?" That voice was so familiar but yet so distant.

Then the scenery changed. I was in the middle of Arendelle's town square. Everything was burning, women were screaming, children crying. I watched as shadows barged into the houses and drug out people. Each of them getting slaughtered.

"Elsa!" Papa's voice yelled. I turned to see Mother and Father running towards me with Anna in their arms. "Come here!"

"Papa!" I yelled, I ran towards them but I as I ran they were getting further and further away.

I watched in horror as a dark figure approached them and with a swipe of his hand, they dissolved in thin air. "Elsa!" Anna's shrill voice screamed.

"Anna!" I yelled. I sighed with relief when I realized it was all a dream. I groaned as I sat up and looked around. I was not in my room at the castle as I expected. Instead, I was in a small bedroom. I stared around in confusion, wondering how I got there. Then I started remembering what had happened.

Tentatively, I got up and moved to the window, opened the curtains, and looked out. The sunlight was blinding it took a few seconds to actually look outside without squinting.

There a little girl out in the garden with an older woman, about my mother's age. They were picking carrots. I smiled when the little girl looked up and waved at me. I waved back.

I placed my hand over the window and jumped back when it turned into frost. I gasped and started looking for my gloves. I looked everywhere but they weren't in that small room.

"Good morning, sunshine," A voice said.

I glanced up and saw the boy that saved me in the woods. I put my hands behind my back and nodded. "Good morning."

"Mom should be coming soon so you can get washed up," He said sounding bored. I nodded again and stared at the floor. We stood there in silence I could feel his eyes looking me over. "So you're a princess?" He asked.

"Yes," I said.

"Well in that case," He bowed so low his nose almost touched the floor. "Your majesty. My name is Jack. He looked so ridiculous that I giggled.

"Jack! Jack! Let's go and play!" The little girl's' voice said. Her head popped into the doorway. She had brown hair and brown eyes like her brother. She looks about the same age as Anna, I thought sadly.

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