Chapter Six

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Three Months Later

Elsa's P.O.V

Every possible night Jack and I snuck into the garden for my 'lessons', At first, I was skeptical. He acted like he didn't know what to do. But after the first month, I felt my powers changing. They weren't so pressured anymore. I felt one with my power. I was confident, although I knew I had a long way to go.

Jack made everything I learned exciting. He made up games that contributed my powers. My personal favorite was Freeze Tag, where I ran around trying to freeze him. He was quick and agile and I was slow and clumsy so I never got near close enough to tag him.

My careful, frightened demeanor soon melted replacing it with a brand new Elsa. The strong, confident girl I was supposed to be. I was pleased to see how I was turning out. Other people started noticing it too.

I was in my room humming when Anita walked in. She'd been ill for a month and this was her first day back. She took a look around my room in surprise. I unfreeze my room so everything was perfectly normal.

"Anita, you're back!" I exclaimed, running over to her and hugging her.

"Elsa," She said in surprise, "you look happy today."

All I could do was smile. I took her hand and led her to my windowsill. "Look," I whispered. Outside my window was a birds nest. There were three chicks waiting for their mother to bring back food. "Aren't they cute?"

"Okay," Anita said. "Who are you and where's the Elsa I know?"

I giggled. "Dead. The old Elsa is dead. This is the new and improved Elsa." I danced around my room laughing. "I feel so good." Anita also started chucking and joined me. Before long we were laughing hysterically.

"What's going on in here?" Anita and I both jumped at the sound of my father's voice.

"Your Highness!" Anita squeaked hastily getting up and clumsily curtsying.

"Papa!" I said, also getting up. My father came in my room eying it suspiciously. I could tell he was surprised how unfrozen it was. The last time he'd come in everything was practically ice. My mother also came in. She was always a step behind my father.

"Elsa," He nodded. I curtsied, like my mother showed me how, and looked directly into his eyes. My father was a tall man with golden blonde hair and a perfectly trimmed mustache. "I just wanted to see how you were doing and if you needed anything." He looked uncomfortable saying that. I felt a tiny tinge of guilt, for I was the one who held them at arm's length. Now he didn't know how to talk to his own daughter.

"I'm fine," I said giving them a smile. "I don't need anything so far."

Father smiled weakly back. "Just get me if you need anything."

"I will," I promised. "But I want to show you something." I wanted to show them what Jack had taught me. I could control my powers!

I started to take off my glove but mother and father both yelled at the same time, "No!"

I looked up at them stunned. I thought for sure they'd want to see what I could do. "Mama, Papa, I know what I'm doing."

"Elsa, you can't just take off your gloves. You might hurt someone," He reminded me. Anna's body crumbled on the floor flashed before my eyes.

"Please," I pleaded. "Just watch." I took off my glove and when I concentrated snow slowly came out of the palm of my hand. "I can finally control it."

Father and Mother stood silently, amazed. "H-how did you do it?"

I blushed when I said, "A friend helped me."

"I'm so proud of you," Father said, giving me an approving nod and a huge smile. I smiled back.

They left the room and laughed softly. "They're proud of me," I whispered in delight. I looked at Anita with a triumphant smile. "They're proud of me!"

"All because of Jack," Anita said. The way she said his name made me feel uneasy like she was planning something. "Are you sure you're both just friends?"

I gave her a confused smile. "Of course. He's like a brother to me."

"Nothing more?"


"Okay," Anita said winking. "If you say so."

The rest of the day, my thoughts were on Jack and what Anita said. We'll never be more than friends, I thought. I don't see him any other way than a brother.

That night I snuck out of the castle and to our usual meeting place. It was getting colder so we usually met up earlier. For him, of course. I could handle the cold.

He was waiting there for me, as usual. "Hey, Snowflake," He said using his pet name for me.

"Hey," I greeted.

"Are you ready for another lesson? I was thinking of a snowball fight." He looked me over and frowned. "What's up?" He could read me like an open book nowadays.

"I have an important question to ask," I said nervously. I kept clasping and unclasping my hands. Why I was so nervous? I had nothing to be afraid of.

"Ask away," Jack said, shrugging and smiling.

I took a deep breath. "We will always be friends? Nothing more, right?"

Jack cocked his head to the side. "Elsa, you're like a sister to me."

"And you're like a brother to me."

"So what's the fuss about? We'll be nothing less and nothing more."

I wanted to feel relieved but I wasn't. I got the answer I wanted but why wasn't I happy about it? Why did I feel like something was missing? Maybe it was the wrong answer. . . No, it wasn't. I'd never love Jack more than a brother. I couldn't. I wouldn't. That's the end of it, I declared inside my head.

"I bet I could beat you in the snowball fight," He challenged breaking into my thoughts.

I laughed making a snowball. I don't wear my gloves anymore. "You're so on."

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Hoped you liked the chapter. I'm gonna say this now but I'm sorry for the super short chapter next times I update. 

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