Chapter Twenty-One

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Pitch’s P.O.V

Who was this boy? I stared at him with wonder. He had white hair and blue eyes. He snuck into Elsa’s room and tried to talk to her. She couldn’t see him or hear him. Poor boy. I was lucky enough Elsa believed in me. Most-what do they call themselves again? Oh yeah- guardians didn’t get seen by people. This boy was no different, except he looked very familiar. 

I waited until the boy had flown away when I revealed myself. “Elsa,” I said. 

Elsa’s head shot up as she stared at me. “P-Pitch?” She gasped. “What are you doing here?” 

I smiled, trying to look sympathetic. “I heard about your parents and I just want to see how you’re doing.” I hated pretending I cared about things. All in reality, I didn’t. I didn’t care that Jack boy was dead or that Elsa’s parents were probably at the bottom of the sea. They were just obstacles in my plan. 

Elsa shrugged. “It doesn’t matter anymore. The more important question is, what am I going to do with this?” I pulled off my glove and immediately the air dropped a few degrees and ice began spreading on the floor. “I lost it. I lost my control over my power.” 

A surge of annoyance coursed through me. My plan wasn’t going to work if she couldn’t control over her powers. It took a bit of self-control to cover my annoyance with sympathy. “Maybe you can learn again,” I suggested. 

Elsa shook her head, biting her lip. “There’s a secret ingredient to my control but I don’t know what it is.” 

“I could help you,” I said. 

Elsa glanced at me. She was thinking about it. 

“Don’t you trust me?” I asked, using what Jack had once said to her. 

“Yes,” She said in a heartbeat. “I do.” 

Jack’s P.O.V

Three Years Later

It turns out my mission was harder than I thought it would be. Elsa was always so serious and unreadable. No matter what I did to cheer her up she just stared at it like it didn’t matter. Like one time I hid one of her favorite books and she tore around her room looking for it. When she found it she didn’t smile or anything. She just put it back on the shelf, mumbling under her breath. 

She was under a strict schedule. At night she’d wake up and get ready, at ten she would sit down and read, at twelve she’d eat lunch and at one she’d go out of her room to do paperwork- do you get my point? She was like a robot. She never was late for anything. She wasn’t scary or very frightening. It was like her sense or humor and cheeriness was sucked out of her. Her favorite thing to do is write in her diary. Once, I tried to read it but I couldn’t read. She spends at least an hour writing. It was weird. I mean why would you want to write when you could go outside in the sun and have fun? Writing is not fun.

I noticed lately, though, she looked more tired than normal. She’s been breaking her schedule and has been falling asleep sooner. I couldn’t make sense of it. I was watching her closely and she didn’t anything too exhausting. It was perplexing. Something was going on and I couldn’t figure out what it was. 

“Tomorrow,” I heard her mumble under her breath. “It’s tomorrow.” 

“What’s tomorrow?” I asked, even though I knew she couldn’t hear me. Talking to her kept my sanity since no one could see me (A/N: Sorry I didn’t put in how Jack found out that no one can see him. Please don’t hate me!)

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