Chapter Seven

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King Agnarr's P.O.V

I was proud of Elsa. I knew she could control them, it was just a matter of time. Now it's time to consider her future.

"This is absurd, Agnarr!" Iduna exclaimed when I told her what I was thinking. "She's only fifteen!"

"You got married when we were sixteen," I pointed out. "She'll be sixteen in a few weeks." I put my arm around her shoulders. She was shaking.

"I don't want to lose her," She whispered, pressing her cheek on my chest. A tear rolled down her cheek. I felt tears prick my eyes as well. "She's still my baby girl."

I thought about all the years with Elsa. We tried to help her, we showered her with love, but yet she refused to accept any of it. Iduna and I both watched Elsa grow up from afar. In my heart it felt wrong, but she was a grown woman who needed a life outside the castle. She wasn't my little girl anymore. 

"I know," I said tenderly.

"Can't we wait a few years?" She asked desperately, lifting her head to look in my eyes.

When I looked into the eyes of my wife I felt everything freeze. I loved Iduna more than anything else, other than my kingdom and my children. I wanted to please her but I'd already decided. "No. I think it's time."

Iduna's eyes fell and she sniffled. "Who is she going to marry?"

"I was thinking of Marius from the Southern Isles."

Iduna gasped. "But he's so old!"

I sighed. "He's only thirty-two."

"Sixteen years older than Elsa!"

I pinched the bridge of my nose. I could feel my temper flaring. "Honey, he's the only available bachelor close to here. Would you rather keep her close and see her all the time, or have her far away and never see her?"

She sighed. "I'd rather see her happy."

"Me too," I responded. "But it's part of life. There's no other way around it."

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I won't be able to update this weekend so here's an extra chapter. I had so much fun writing this. I hope to write more in the parent's P.O.V!!! Love you guys ;)

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