Chapter Nineteen

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Elsa's P.O.V

Life became so uneventful with sneaking out to see Jack. Every time I thought about him regret poured into my heart and mind. All those things I said to him made me want to break down.

I took a deep breath and set down my book. I walked to the window and peered out it. The world has become cold once again. Last night was our first snowfall and everything seemed frozen. I looked down at my hands and placed a finger on the window. Frost covered the place I touched.

"Elsa!" My door flew open and Anita ran in. She was out of breath and her face was a bright red.

"Anita!" I gasped, "Close the door." Anita closed the door and went to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm so sorry," She sobbed in my shoulder. "So so sorry."

I gently pushed her off me. "What's wrong? What are you sorry about?"

Anita's teary eyes widened in shock. "Didn't you hear?"

I tilted my head to the side. "Hear what? What's going on?" My mind went to the possibility of war. I knew the countries surrounding us were trying to get into a war.

"Oh my gosh! Your father didn't tell you?" Anita gasped.

"Tell me what?" I was dying of curiosity.

"I-It's Jack, Elsa. He-He-" Anita started bawling again. "He's dead."

At first, I didn't understand what she was saying. Then I got it. My whole body seemed to shut down. My legs gave out from under me and I slammed into the ground. Tears sprang in my eyes. Dead? Jack was dead? It couldn't be. She must be pulling my leg. It was a prank. It had to be! "How?" I whispered.

Anita hesitated.

I clenched my fists. "How!" I yelled impatiently.

"He and his sister were skating this morning and he fell into the water after saving his sister. He drowned." Anita hugged me and we both started crying together. I buried my head into her shoulder and tried to block out his face. His disheveled brown hair, bright caring eyes, his freckles that dotted his nose. No. He was still alive. I refused to believe anything else. I felt something snap inside me. Like a string being cut. I didn't care. Nothing mattered anymore. Jack was gone.

"Elsa! Your powers!" Anita said. I looked around the room and saw everything was freezing over. I tried to stop it but all my attempts were weak and didn't do anything.

"I can't control it!" I nearly screamed. Dread filled through me. Why couldn't I control my powers? What did I have then that I don't have now? I looked at Anita and I was sure her face looked as surprised as I felt. "I can't control it," I said softly. I ran over to my dresser and fumbled around my clothes, trying to find my gloves.

At last! I pulled them out and put them on my hands. I sighed with relief. The freezing stopped. I turned to Anita. "Get out," I demanded.

Anita flashed a hurt look at me. "What? Elsa-"

"GET OUT!" I yelled. "NOW!" I'd never used this kind of voice before. It was kind of frightening. Anita jumped up and nearly ran out of my room. I sank to the floor and put my hands over my eyes, blocking out everything. Nothing was going to hurt me again. I was going to make sure of it.

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