Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Elsa’s P.O.V

I was confused when Jack and Pitch disappeared from out of the blue. I winced when I moved. My head hurt and I felt like crap. The images of the nightmare were still swimming through my head. No matter how hard I tried to forget them, they came back clearer than before.

Then there was the matter with Pitch and Jack. If Jack didn’t win I would be in the mercy of Pitch. That is, if he shows me any mercy. I bit my lip until it started to bleed. I couldn’t think of it. Being with Pitch for the rest of my life.

“Elsa,” A deep voice said. I looked up and saw a man in his late forties walking towards me. He had silvery white hair- like mine- and was wearing a blue suit. On his suit was a pendant with a moon on it. Around him there was a halo was silver light. The light seemed to chase away the shadows. What shocked me the most was his skin. It was dark. I’d never seen anyone with dark skin before.

“W-Who are you,” I whimpered. I tried to make myself as small as possible.

“You don’t recognize me?” He asked, sounding shocked.

I shook my head.

He chuckled. I liked the way he talked. I knew I could trust him immediately. “Not many people do anymore. My name is Manny. I’m the man on the moon.”

“Manny,” I whispered. Didn’t Jack mention him earlier? “Y-you’re the guy who picks out the guardians, right?”

He nodded, crouching down so we were face-to-face. “Yes, Elsa. I’ve been watching you for a long time.”

“You have? How?” I asked. “Wait…” The light around him looked strangely familiar. Then it hit me. “You’re the one who was in the woods when I was attacked. You provided light for me!”

“Yes, child. I was the one who gave you ice powers when you were just a baby. I’ve been watching you from the sky for twenty-one years. But that’s not the point. I’m here to warn you.”

“Warn me? What do you mean?” My brow furrowed in confusion. Then it hit me. “J-Jack?”

Manny nodded sadly. “Yes. He’s going to come back… changed. You have to be strong. Believe in your powers and they’ll guide you.” He touched my wrists and I felt the warmth spread throughout me. I looked down and saw all my wounds were healing magically.

“Remember, Elsa. I’ll always be with you.” He smiled at me and kissed me lightly on the cheek. I looked him in the eye. They were gray like thunderclouds before the rain.

“I will.”

Jack’s P.O.V

I recognized where we were at once. It was the lake where I rose from. “What are we doing here?” I asked.

“Watch,” Pitch commanded. And I did. I watched a boy who looked exactly like me except for our eyes and hair come out with Emma. She was happy and giggly as she pulled the boy’s arm. They put on their ice skates and started skating. I remembered this memory. This was the memory where I fell into the lake and drowned.

Movement caught my eye and I saw Elsa standing in the shadows of the forest. I gasped in horror as she threw her powers at the ice where Emma was skating. Emma screamed when the ice cracked under her feet. I watched as the boy saved her and feel under the ice.

“This is not all, Jack,” Pitch said sadly. He swept his hand before us and the scene changed again. We were in an office Elsa was by the door talking to a guard. “Kill them all,” She said in a monotone voice. “They are traitors to Arendelle and make sure they have no mercy.”

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