Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Jack’s P.O.V

I flew back to the castle to find Anna. I looked into Anna’s window to see if she was in there. She wasn’t. Then I flew to Elsa’s room window. It was always unlocked. I opened the window and slipped inside. I had to find Anna. It was my first priority.

I searched throughout the hallways looking desperatly for her. For some odd reason, there were no people out. No servants, maids, butlers, no one. Everything was unusually quiet.

I found Anna in Elsa’s office. “Anna,” I sighed with relief. I ran to her. “Anna, can you hear me?”

Anna was staring out the window out at the frozen world. I put my hand on her shoulder. I wasn’t surprised to find out my hand slipped right into her. Why couldn’t anyone believe in me? I mean seriously! You’d think the most carefree person in the whole land could at least catch a glimmer of me.

It was no use. There was no way Anna would believe in me. She didn’t even know who I was. I took out the paper in my pocket and slammed it on the desk. Anna jumped and spun around. Her blue eyes wide with fear. “Hans?”

“Nope,” I said dryly. “Jack. You need to read this paper for me. Someone took your sister and I need to figure it out.”

Of course, she didn’t believe in me so she couldn’t hear me. I growled in frustration. Every minute wasted meant who knows what for Elsa. I missed Elsa terribly. When she was missing it felt like part of my body was missing. What was this foreign new feeling? Was this… love? The thought of Elsa hurt made my blood boil and made me want to punch a wall.

Suddenly I had an idea. I prayed it would work. I crossed the room and started to breathe on the cold window. Fog appeared on it and I outlined a dolphin. With all my powers I brought it out of the glass. The dolphin danced around the room.

Anna giggled and started chasing it. She’s such a child, I thought smiling. In a good way! If Elsa overheard me talk about Anna this way she’d probably freeze me into a popsicle. She suddenly froze and looked straight at me. “Who are you.” She sounded exactly like Elsa.

I nearly collapsed with relief. “No need for introductions. I already know who you are. Elsa is missing and we need to find her.”

“I know. Hans is looking for her at this moment. He’ll bring her back so we can figure out what’s really happening.” She acted like she was stating the obvious.

I shook my head. “No, Anna. Elsa is missing from her castle she built. She got attacked and now is missing!” Anna’s eyes widened with disbelief. “I found this at the ice castle.” I pointed to the note on the desk. Then I added sheepishly, “Can you read it for me? I can’t read.”

Anna nodded mutely. She walked over to the desk and picked up the paper. “Oh no,” She whispered after she read it. Her hand went to her mouth.

“What does it say?” I asked desperately.

Anna blinked back tears. “It says, The time has come. No need to look for her. She’s mine. Pitch.”

My eyes widened. Pitch has her? My mind went to my old village. All those people slaughtered. He slaughtered them. Innocent men, women, and children. I gripped my staff harder. I felt my blood boil with anger. “We need to find him.”

“Wait, who’s Pitch?” Anna asked.

“Someone you do not want to meet. He’s vile, mean, and power hungry. If he has Elsa, that’s not good news.” I heard Anna gasp.

How was I going to find Pitch’s liar? Then it dawned on me. Elsa’s diary! With Anna close behind me, we sprinted to Elsa’s room. I knew exactly where Elsa’s diary was. I’d seen her pull it out and write in it so many times it wasn’t even finny. Anna and I turned her mattress over and I grabbed her diary. I pulled it out and started flipping through the pages. Every page had Elsa’s neat orderly handwriting. Tears blurred my vision. What is she was dead? No! Don’t think like that, Frost, I scolded myself. We are going to rescue her. She will not die anytime soon.

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