Litte Mix- Little Me | Song Preference

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W A R N I N G:

May be triggering, so if your not comfortable by reading stuff like cutting, disorders etc, then stop reading now.


Run too fast and you'll risk it all

Can't be afraid to take a fall

Felt so big but she looked so small

"Who's she?" Ashton asked as he and the boys were sitting around their usual table in the canteen, jocks and cheerleaders gathered around it. "Who?" Calum asked, lifting his head up from the pasta salad he was eating, a little piece of dressing spilling down his chin. "God you're disgusting sometimes." Luke commented, making Michael chuckle, whilst Calum took a napkin cleaning his chin. "Who are we stalking?" Michael asked, ready to join the conversation. "That girl over there." Ashton pointed, letting Michael scan his finger towards a girl who was sitting up against a wall, eating a pear. "I don't know, she seems fragile though." Michael commented, making Ash snort in disagreement. "I think she's pretty." He mumbled, making Kathleen - the head cheerleader of the school let out a fake gag. "No no Ash, she's no good." She commented, walking over to the boys. "She's this antisocial quiet girl, who sits with her phone 24/7 like she's not a part of the world." Kathleen explained, making Ashton's eyebrows furrow. "Maybe we should talk to her?" Ashton suggested, making Kathleen's eyes go wide. "No fucking way, I've heard she has herpes. And she's one of those nerdy geeks, who make their homework during breaks. Wouldn't want our population to take a dip would we? She stated, placing her hands on Ash's shoulders, slowly massaging them. Leaning into her touch, Ash took another glance at the girl. Feeling a slight tension on you, you lifted your head slowly up to see one of the jocks starring at you. A reddish colour appeared on your cheeks, making you snap your head back towards your lunch, you pear suddenly becoming very interesting. "I'm gonna go talk to her." Ash announced, placing his napkin on his tray, lifting himself up from the bench. "Ash, are you crazy?" Kathleen asked in horror, pulling onto the jocks arm, as he headed towards mystery girl. Seeing a jock and a cheerleader heads towards your direction was a cue for you to leave urgently. Pulling yourself up to your feet, you left the canteen before they had a chance to pick up on you.


She lives in the shadow of a lonely girl

Voice so quiet you don't hear a word

Always talking but you can't be heard

Sitting quietly at the end of the stage, your feet dangling down from the front, a script in your hand, you hummed quietly to yourself. Tapping slightly on the paper, you rocked back and forth a bit before freezing when you heard the sound of foot steps behind your back. Feeling the anxiety through your body, you placed the script and the pencil to your right; and turned your gaze slowly, seeing 2 of the jocks, walking on the stage from the left, where the dressing rooms were. Trying to escape would be pointless. "Hey you're Y/N right." Michael asked, with a slight smile, already trying to start up a conversation with you. "Uh yeah." You mumbled as quiet as possible, but enough for them to hear. "Well I'm standing with your Romeo." He announced, making you turn your gaze towards the blond haired boy Luke, who was standing with a cocky smile. "What do you mean?" you asked timidly, shakily pulling at the strings of your hoodie, trying to not freak out any minute. "He auditioned at the cast as Romeo. And guess what? He got the part" Michael exclaimed pulling an arm around Luke shoulders. "And I know you already have the part as Juliet." He smirked, making you look at him maladaptive. As you were about to say something Luke placed his middle finger over your lips, silencing you. "How did you even get this part?" Michael laughed, making you flinch. "I mean, you're the schools absent. I didn't even think you were into acting." He continued, making your eyes snap up towards his. "But we'll see how great this play will go." He ended, with a cocky smirk. "For your information I take this really serious. Mess it up Hemmings and I'll mess up your whole life." You snapped, turning on your heel, now heading towards the exit of the school's theater. "Mate." Michael laughed, looking over at Luke's weird expression. "You just got threaten by the schools absent!" He remarked, making Luke snap his head towards your small form out in the audience chairs


I'd tell her to speak up, tell her to shout out

Talk a bit louder be a bit prouder

tell her she's beautiful, wonderful, everything she doesn't see

"Hey tits, kick the ball over here, would ya?" Calum asked towards a girl, who was sitting with her back pressed up against a tree, a book in her hands. He and Luke were outside at the field, practicing football for the next big game the school was supposed to attend. Looking up in curiously the girl turned her gaze away from the book and towards the black haired boy. When she looked up, her puffy curls fell in front of her forehead, almost covering her whole face. "Did you hear him?" Luke asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Nodding your head timidly, you pulled yourself up to your feet, before running a hand through your hair, revealing your shining Y/E/C eyes. Luke's eyes lit up, and turned his mouth towards Calum's ear, whispering some unknown words as "She will be an easy one." Calum let out a little smirk towards Luke as he let out a dark chuckle. Fiddling with the ball between your feet, you finally gave it a kick, letting it have direction towards the boys. "Holy shit." Luke exclaimed as the ball had direction towards his head, making him bow his head down, the ball almost touching his well-done quiff. "How did you make such a good kick?" Cal asked in amazement. "Practice. By the way, my name is Y/N not tits." You growled, as you took your bag up from the ground pulling your book in it, before placing the bag on your shoulder. As you walked by them, Luke let out a scoff. "What an attitude." He mumbled, as Calum stared gobsmocked at you, seeing you walked down the path of the field, heading towards the school. "Come on mate, she's just some other hussy, let's get changed before coach Hanson freaks out." Luke mumbled as he eyed Calum's freezing state. Taking once last glance towards your direction, Cal sighed before turning his attention to Luke. "Yeah let's get going." He mumbled, taking the football in his hands.


You can see it there if you catch her eye

I know she's brave but its trapped inside

Scared to stop but you don't know why

"Argh who the hell is Y/N?" Michael half groaned, half whined, to the other boys as he stood with them, in front of the list your science teacher had attached to the wall in your classroom. "I don't know is she even in our class." Ashton laughed, as he lightly shoved Calum, the boys goofing around a bit. "Whoever she is, she won't regret working with the Cliffo." Michael joked, as he pointed his thumbs towards his chest. "Class could you sit down for a minute." The teacher announced, and all the students around the list, headed towards their seats. Sitting with a notebook, you doodled different patterns around the squares, clearly not paying attention to anything. "Hey emo." Michael yelled, as he threw a scrambled paper towards your direction making you look up in annoyance, death insecurity in your eyes." I'd like to write angsty songs about you someday." He joked, making the others in the class laugh, Luke giving him a high-five from behind him. "She's Y/N." One of the other girls in the class announced, making Michael gasp in a sarcastic excitement. Walking over to stand in front of your table, he placed his hand on either side making you snap your head up. "Like what you see?" You remarked, as the intense stare, overwhelmed you, making you almost gasp at your outburst. Pulling your hoodie closer to your head, you turned your attention back to your notebook, trying to act like nothing happened. Looking up at him, you slightly squirmed in your seat, since he was still there. Getting eye contact with each other, Michael was about to fire of another pick up, when he noticed something. The braveness in your eyes. You weren't afraid of him. But all feelings in your body were trapped somehow. You're body was numb. When he realized that, he snapped his head towards the notebook you were doodling on. "I've got the razors if you've got the arms" Another remark from one of the other jocks was doodled with black and red colors.

Credit to bananashemmo on tumblr.

QOTD: Who's your favorite?

AOTD: It depends on the day, but for a while I was an Ashton girl.

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