You're Friends but the Fans Ship You

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"Don't worry, they love you," Ashton tells you as you follow him out of the hotel to greet his fans. "Are you sure?" You ask nervously. "I'm positive," Ashton assures you, "C'mon." He grabs your hand and leads you out of the hotel to where a small group of girls stood. "Ashton!" A girl shrieks. You flinch and Ashton pulls you closer to him, making sure you feel comfortable. "You're holding hands!" A girl points out, "Please tell me you're dating now." "You're dating?!" Another girl asks excitedly. "You're so cute together," a fourth girl sighs. "We aren't dating," Ashton laughs as you retract your hand from his. "Oh," a girl sighs, disappointed. "Why not?" The first girl asks curiously. "I, um, I don't -" Ashton looks to you for help, unsure of how to answer. "We just, er, we're friends," you say weakly. "But you like each other, right?" One of the girls asks. "I - we're friends," you repeat, blushing. "I ship you so hard, though!" A girl argues. Ashton laughs, shaking his head and blushing. "You'd be perfect together!" A girl adds. "We'll keep that in mind, thanks," Ashton chuckles. You laugh, burying your face in Ashton's side to hide your reddening cheeks, only to receive more comments about how adorable the two of you are together.


You walk through the city, sight seeing with your best friend Luke and the rest of his band. "I'm so glad you're visiting," Luke says with a shy smile. "Me too!" You smile up at him, bumping him gently with your shoulder. "Luke!" You look around and smile as a few teens in 5SOS merchandise approach you and the boys. He smiles and waves at them as they begin to talk excitedly with Michael. "Listen," Luke says turning back to you, "I know this is out of the blue, but -" Your phone rings, cutting him off. "Hang on, it's Y/BF/N," you smile apologetically and take the call, stepping away form the group. "Luke," a girl begins quietly as her and her friend scurry up to him, "Is Heartbreak Girl about Y/N?" "What - why?" He asks, startled. They look at him incredulously and he glances over at you out of habit. "You like her," the other girl states, rolling her eyes. "No I don't," Luke disagrees, "She has a boyfriend." "I think she likes you, too," the girl adds, ignoring Luke's answer entirely. "She has a boyfriend," Luke repeats. "Tell her how you feel," the girl whispers. Luke sighs, shrugging his shoulders. You rejoin him as you drop your phone into your bag and he smiles nervously. "What?" You ask, wondering why him and the girls suddenly got quiet. "Nothing," Luke says, shaking his head. "I ship it," one of the girls mumbles, giving Luke a knowing smile before moving away.


You wake up at Calum's house and slide out of his bed, walking into the living room to see him on the couch with his laptop. "Y/n is up!" He says, smiling. "You didn't have to sleep on the couch," you mumble sleepily as you sit next to him. He shrugs and you smile at him, grateful that he let you crash at his place after your fight with your boyfriend. You turn your attention to his computer and your jaw drops. "Are you doing a Twitcam?" You squeak. "Yep! Say hi," Calum says happily. You cover your face with your hands and shake your head before moving out of the frame. "I look awful," you mumble. "No you don't," Calum says with a frown, "You always look beautiful. Please do the Twitcam with me." You shake your head and Calum sighs, turning back to the screen. "Y/n is perfect OMG," he reads from the comments, smiling at you, "How does Y/n look hot when she just woke up! So unfair!" You chuckle at the comments, shaking your head as he continues to read comments. "Y/n and Calum would be the cutest couple," He reads. "Oh, um, this just got a little awkward," he mumbles, blushing, "Y/n and I aren't dating," he says, glancing at you. You laugh and he turns back to the comments to read more. "Okay, now they're all about people shipping us," he chuckles.


You sit in the front row at 5 Seconds of Summer's concert, waiting for your best friend, Michael, to come out on stage. "Are you Y/n?" The girl next to you asks in shock. "Oh, yeah, hi," you say with a smile, knowing her and her friend recognize you as Michael's friend. "You and Michael are so cute," her friend gushes. "We aren't dating," you laugh, used to the fans thinking this by now. "But you like him, right?" She asks. You laugh, shaking your head. She looks at you in disbelief and you shrug. "He likes you," the first girl states simply. "No he doesn't," you argue. "It's so obvious!" She insists. "We're just friends," you state again, to which she rolls her eyes. Just then the lights go down and the boys come onto stage, met with screams from the fans. "Michael, it's your girlfriend!" The girl next to you yells, waving her arms and pointing at you. Michael catches your eye and laughs, shaking his head but blushing nonetheless. He waves shyly, causing the girls next to you to squeal over how cute you two are. You blush and wave back, making him smile. He sticks his tongue out at you and you laugh, making a heart with your hands jokingly. He winks back and the girls around you scream. Throughout the set he continues to glance at you nervously. After the show the girl beside you turns to you saying, "You cannot seriously think he isn't into you." You shrug, wondering to yourself if maybe she's right.

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