Baby Fever - Part 2

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Ashton rolled over onto his side to face you with a lopsided grin. "Are you pregnant yet?" he asked playfully. "Probably," you joked, rolling over and straddling his torso. "My sperm works pretty fast," he informed you in his manliest voice. "Well, we had sex literally one minute ago," you reminded him, "So my guess is no, I'm not pregnant." "Maybe we should try it again then," he suggested with a casual shrug, although his smirk gave him away instantly. "You think so?" you laughed innocently. "For the sake of impregnating you, yes," Ashton sighed, trying his best not to laugh. "Hmm," you hummed thoughtfully, tapping your chin. Suddenly Ashton rolled you over so he was straddling you and grinning down at you, his curly hair flying in every direction. "If you want this baby, we better do it right this second," Ashton explained seriously, "Because I can feel some fighting sperm really hoping to make a home in a nice little egg, but they're getting impatient." "Are they?" you asked in concern. "They keep screaming for me to let them out," Ashton told you, shaking his head with worry. "Alright," you gave in with a giggle, "I'll do it for the sperm." "The sperm says thank you," Ashton responded with a triumphant smile. "You're dumb," you sighed in contentment, reaching your hands up into Ashton's hair and pulling him into a kiss.

Luke: The ride home from dinner was silent, and the two of you entered the house without breaking that. Not wanting to deal with Luke, you went straight to the bedroom, discarding your dress and slipping immediately into bed. "Y/n?" you heard a whisper from the doorway only seconds later. You pretended to be asleep, but Luke knew that wasn't possible. You felt the mattress sink as Luke crawled beside you. "Y/n," he repeated, gently shaking your shoulder. "What?" you muttered, refusing to turn toward him. "I don't wanna sleep when we're fighting," he admitted sincerely, "Can we please talk about this?" Hearing the pain in his voice, you sat up, turning toward Luke expectantly. "I know you want a baby," he sighed, "And I want nothing more than a family with you. It's just that, well, I have to provide for you and a future baby, too, ya know? And to do that I have to keep my job, which happens to include a lot of traveling and -" "Luke," you cut him off, "I know. And I know we can't have a baby right now. I get that you're committed to this tour and there's just no way we could possibly take care of an infant while you're doing this. I just - when does it end? When will you be home long enough for us to start this family?" You bit your lip to keep it from shaking, and your tear filled eyes looked up into Luke's. "I - I dunno," Luke admitted with a heavy sigh, "I'll figure it out. Maybe while we work on the next album, or maybe we could take a few years off from touring or - or I don't know. We'll do something. After this tour my focus is on you, deal?" "I don't want you to give up your dream," you explained, feeling guilty. "Hey, I'm not giving up anything," Luke assured you, "My dream came true when I married you." "You're so cheesy," you let out a watery chuckle and pushed Luke weakly. "Well then it sucks that you're stuck with a cheesy husband forever," Luke answered smugly, showing off his wedding band before kissing you.\


"So it says here we're supposed to have sex at least every other day," you informed Calum as you sat on the couch, deep in a book on getting pregnant. "We can manage that," Calum joked, making himself laugh. "But right before my ovulation period we should have it at least every day," you read out. "The more the merrier," Calum encouraged, hoping to take your attention from your book to him. He crawled across the couch toward you, sliding his hand up your leg. "Cal, I'm reading," you sighed impatiently. "Shouldn't we be getting to work?" he wondered, leaning over your book to kiss you. "I'm doing research," you pointed out with a smile. Discouraged, Calum sat back. "Okay, I'm supposed to stay relaxed," you read with a curt nod. "You aren't doing a very good job on that one," Calum mumbled. "Well, it's hard when you aren't helping," you retorted shortly. "I'm trying to help," Calum whined, "My sperm are up and ready to go! Let 'em in!" You sent him a pointed glare and he gave up with an exasperated sigh. "Oh, you're supposed to be less stressed, too," you shared. "I'm stress free and ready to impregnate," Calum insisted, leaning toward you yet again. "And you've been eating a healthy diet?" you questioned, placing a hand on his chest to keep him from coming closer. "You already know that," he groaned, growing tired of your research. "Right, right," you muttered, eyes back on the book. "Babe," Calum pleaded, finally pulling the book from your hands and placing it on the table, "Can you just let my little swimmers do their magic?"


"Can we talk now?" Michael asked the second the two of you were back in your hotel room. "You don't seriously want a baby right now," you stated with a shake of your head. "Yes I do!" Michael insisted, a bit offended that you didn't believe him, "They're adorable!" "They're also a ton of work," you reminded him, plopping down on the bed and patting the spot next to you for Michael. "I know that," Michael answered as he sat beside you. "Do you really?" you asked in disbelief, eyeing him to make sure he was really listening. "Well, yeah," he replied with a shrug, "But I can change diapers and stuff. How hard could it really be?" "Michael, if we had a baby our social lives would be over," you explained patiently, "And you're on tour! We can't have a baby when you're never gonna be home." "I guess you're right," Michael mumbled in defeat, examining his hands to avoid letting you see his disappointed eyes. "One day, definitely," you assured him, lifting his chin so his eyes met yours and then softly pecking his lips. "I was serious about marrying you, too, ya know," Michael reminded you quietly. "Good," you affirmed with a smile. "Probably soon, too," he added as he pulled you into his arms and fell back on the bed with you. "Maybe in the meantime we can buy a kitten or something," you suggested with a shrug. "Wait yes!" Michael shouted, jumping up suddenly, "Yes, yes, yes! Let's get a kitten!" His excitement made you laugh, although you knew he wasn't joking. "It can be our baby," you decided, to which Michael gladly agreed.

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