Safer- Song Preference

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"I think of all the hurt that caused the doubt to run through your veins"

Rumors. It was constantly rumors. People had made rumors all the time, and this time it was about you. "Ashton?" You called as you walked through his apartment. His car was out front but he was no where to be found. You ran up the stairs and you heard broken sobs. "Ashton, Ashton what's wrong?" you asked as you saw your boyfriend curled up on his bed. His face was red and stained with tears, his breathing was heavy and shaky. "Ashton please, what's wrong?" you asked, sitting next to him and pushing his hair back from his face. "They said I don't deserve anything, they said I don't deserve you, they said I don't deserve to be here" he said, you looked over to his desk to see that his twitter was open, full of hate. All you could do was hug him and rest your head next to his. "It's not true, none of it is true" you said, your voice cracking as you had tears running down your face as well. "I love you so much. Please don't cry" you begged him, holding him close to you. "I love you (Y/N), please never leave me" he whispered. "I never will" you whispered back.


"I promise, boy, I'm trying to move on."

You were going through your room when you came across one of his shirts. You thought you had given all of his stuff back already, but you must have missed this. Lifting the shirt up to your nose, you could still smell him on it. The two of you had broken up nearly three months ago. He probably didn't care, but you still had feelings for him. He was special to you, and you never wanted to lose him. You finger hovered his name on your phone. Taking a deep breath, you pressed the call button. "Hello?" he answered. "Luke?" you asked. "Yea, hi (Y/N)" you heard his voice on the other line, you hadn't heard that voice in so long. "Luke, I've been trying so hard. I've been trying to move on and see someone new. I just can't stop thinking about you, and I found your shirt in my room. I just don't know what to do anymore" you admitted. "(Y/N), to be honest I'm still not over you either. I miss you so much" his voice was needy and true. "Can we start over?" you asked. "Sure, so wanna go on a date with me tonight?" He asked. You smiled "Of course".


"Please believe me, won't you forgive me?"

You and Calum had gotten in a fight nearly 2 weeks ago and you hadn't talked to him since. He really hurt you, and you had to leave. He'd been calling you and texting you, but you hadn't responded. Eventually you just turned your phone off. You were so afraid to let him back in. Once the fights started with your ex, you two had a huge break up that left you broken for 6 months. You didn't want it to happen again. There was a knock at the door of your friends place where you were now staying. You got up to answer it and were greeted with familiar eyes. "Calum, I don't want to-" was all you could say before he interrupted you. "(Y/N) please. Talk to me, or let me talk to you. I just need to be with you" he said, looking down at his feet. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I haven't been the same without you" he said, taking your hands in his. "Calum, I can't. I can't be hurt again, not like the last time" you said, dropping your hands back to your sides. "I won't, I promise. I'm not like him. I won't hurt you anymore and I'm so sorry that I have already" He said, cupping your face with his hand forcing you to make eye contact. "Please forgive me" his voice cracked, you saw the tears well up in his eyes. You leaned in and pressed your lips to his. "I forgive you, Calum".


"I promise you, love, I'm a safer place"

Michael was your best friend, you could trust him with anything. One day you were laying around with him, just watching movies and spending the day together. Michael looked at your arm, "(Y/N)...where'd you get this bruise from?" he asked concerned. "Oh, that's nothing. I must have bumped it or something" you said, trying to hide your black and blue bruise. "No, somebody did this too you. I can see the outline of the hand" he said, looking you right in the eyes. "Michael, it was a while ago...he didn't mean to. We're broken up now anyways" you said quietly, trying to look away. "That doesn't matter, he still hurt you" he said, his voice got quiet and you knew he was upset. "Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, taking your hand in his lightly. "I didn't know how, I was afraid" you said, tears started to stream down your face. Michael pulled you into his chest and mumbled "I swear I'll kick his ass". "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, Michael" you whispered. "It's okay, you're safe with me now" Michael said, holding you for the rest of the night until you two eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

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