Hoy you Sleep

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Ashton always feels like he needs to protect you while you sleep. Whether it's just an arm draped over you or you were embraced by him. He always needed some sort of contact to know that you were safe. He'd be really sweet with you, making quiet conversation before going to sleep. He'd peck your lips lightly more than once before he finally fell asleep.


You and Luke would always lay facing each other. The two of you would talk for an hour or so before finally deciding to go to sleep. You'd talk about anything, your worries, what you were doing the next day, the music you'd been into lately. Your eyelids would start to grow heavy as your conversation grew quieter. You'd fall asleep next to Luke, his arm around you as your legs were tangled in each other.


Calum would cuddle you forever if he could. You two would always spoon, him being the big spoon. His arms wrapped around your waist with his head resting on your shoulder. He'd leave kisses along your neck while you played with his fingers. It was usually a silent time for you, winding down after a long day.


Michael loved his sleep. He'd pull you on top of him, and wrap his arms around you. You'd rest your head on his bare chest, listening to his heartbeat. He'd sleepily mumble things to you. Michael would never be able to sleep unless he let you know how much he loved you.

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