He Gets Jealous when You Spend Time with a 1D Member

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"Where have you been?" Ashton asks as you enter the tour bus. "Out with Niall," you answer, "There's this little burger place down the street and we loved it! I have to take you." "You should've taken me," Ashton mumbles bitterly. "What?" you ask, not sure if you heard correctly. "Nothing," Ashton says dismissively, "You've just been spending a lot of time with Niall recently. "Yeah, he's one of my best friends," you answer slowly. "I know, I know," Ashton sighs, "But sometimes I feel like you might as well be dating him." "What do you mean?" you ask, taking a seat next to your boyfriend on the couch. "You just spend so much more time with Niall than with me," he explains nervously. "I'm sorry," you sigh, "It's just I've barely seen him since One Direction got so big and it's been weird. We used to be so close." "I know," Ashton agrees, "I'm just jealous, I guess." "Niall and I are friends, but he'd never be as good of a boyfriend as you are," you say honestly, "Besides, I know way too much about him and what he's done with girls to ever date him." Ashton chuckles lightly and you smile, glad that he isn't too upset to laugh at your jokes. "The best thing about Niall is that he introduced me to you," you say softly. He looks up at you with a smile and you return it easily. "I guess I owe him for that one," Ashton mumbles. "I love you," you remind him seriously. "I love you, too," Ashton responds with a smile. "Wanna go get burgers?" you offer hopefully. "Didn't you and Niall just eat?" he asks, remembering the start of the conversation. "I can always eat again," you laugh, pulling him from the couch and out of the bus.


Your best friend, Luke leans against the bathroom counter in your hotel room and observes you silently. "What?" you ask, growing self conscious under his stare. "You look really nice," he notices, "Who are you going out with?" "Harry," you respond simply. "Oh," Luke says quietly. "Oh what?" you ask, noticing his frown. "Nothing," he begins, "It's just you came into town to spend time with me and now you're going out with Harry." "Luke, you're going to band practice," you remind him, "Why do I have to sit around the hotel while you go out?" "You don't!" Luke answers quickly, "I just meant that - well, why Harry?" "What do you mean?" you ask, crossing your arms and looking up at him, jaw clenched. "I mean, do you like him?" Luke asks, flustered. "So what if I do?" you say seriously. "I don't approve," Luke says, crossing his arms to match yours. "I don't need your approval, Luke," you remind him, each word spoken through gritted teeth. "Yeah, but - but," Luke stutters, his face turning red, "I don't trust Harry. He, uh -" "He took an interest in me?" you finish for him, "Why can't you ever let me be happy?" "It's not that! It's just, I dunno, I'm jealous okay?" Luke blurts out. "Sorry, did you want to go on a date with Harry?" you ask in mock concern, not understanding what he means. Luke opens his mouth to respond but you cut him off, "I don't have time for this. I'm gonna be late." You brush past Luke and out the door, not waiting for him to explain himself.


You hear a knock at your hotel room door and open it to find your friend Calum standing outside. You invite him in and seat yourself next to him on the bed when he finally speaks. "How was your date with Liam?" he asks eagerly. "It was really good," you answer, smiling as you remember it. "Really?" Calum asks in surprise. "Yeah! We got dinner at some really nice restaurant and we walked along the pier," you inform him, "It was really romantic." "So, do you think you'll see him again?" Calum asks quietly. "I doubt it," you answer honestly, "It was great, but I'm only visiting you lot for a week and I really don't want to do long distance right now. It'd be better not to get involved, I think." "Oh, thank you," Calum breathes out, collapsing onto your bed in relief. "What?" you laugh, observing him. "I just didn't want you to date Liam," Calum laughs lightly. "Why not?" you ask with interest. "He's so, I dunno," Calum answers, "He's not your type." "I have a type?" you ask, raising your eyebrows at him. "Everyone has a type," Calum answers with a shrug. "Okay, love expert," you chuckle, "What's my type?" "Funny, talented, great body," Calum ticks off qualities on his hand. "Sounds like Liam," you observe with a laugh. "In a band," Calum continues, "Kiwi, a bassist..." He trails off, looking up at you shyly. "Calum we've been over this," you sigh, knowing he's referring to himself, "The 'I'm Not Dating Long Distance' Rule applies to you, too." "I know," Calum groans, "But when tour is over and I'm back in Australia things can be different, right?" "You'll be touring again next year," you remind him gently. He makes no response, so you add, "I'm getting tired. I'll see you tomorrow, Cal." Getting up from your bed, you hold open the door to let your best friend shuffle out, defeated.


"What's this?" Michael asks, storming into the living room and tossing a tabloid at you. "What's what?" you ask, confused. "Page twelve," Michael answers as he paces back and forth. You flip to page twelve and find a few paparazzi shots of you with Zayn Malik, along with a short article speculating that Zayn was cheating. "What's the big deal?" you ask, looking to Michael for answers. "What's the big deal?" Michael repeats loudly, "You went out with Zayn!" "I went shopping with Zayn to help him get a birthday present for Perrie," you say, surprised that Michael is actually accusing you of cheating. "Oh," Michael says, his step faltering as he turns back to you, "Really?" "Really," you confirm, tossing the gossip magazine back at him. "I can't believe you actually think I'd cheat on you," you say in disbelief. "The magazine said -" "Who cares what the magazine says?" you interrupt, "What about what your girlfriend says?" "I just didn't know you and Zayn went out," Michael mumbles weakly. "I told you last week that while you were at band practice I was gonna help Zayn shop," you remind him. "Oh yeah," Michael recalls, blushing as he realizes he freaked out over nothing. "You really have to stop reading those gossip articles," you sigh, "You know they never print anything true." "I know," Michael admits, "I was just jealous." "Don't be," you say, moving toward Michael and wrapping your arms around his neck, "You're the one I love." "I am?" Michael asks with a grin. "Of course, you idiot," you laugh before connecting your lips to his.

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