He Proposes on Christmas

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You wake up Christmas morning to your phone ringing. "Hello?" you say groggily. "Hey, babe, it's Ashton. Um, Merry Christmas." "Merry, Christmas," you respond, "Where are you?" "I'm still at the airport," he sighs, "My flight was cancelled." "So you won't be here for Christmas at all?" you ask, your heart suddenly heavy. "No," he admits. "Oh, well, that - that's alright. We can have our own Christmas tomorrow when you get in." "Definitely!" Ashton confirms, "Anyway, your present was mailed and should be on your doorstep by now." "Oh, okay, I'll get it," you say, hopping out of bed and padding along your cold floor to the door. "Wait," Ashton instructs, "I'm gonna go, but I need you to film yourself while you open up your present, or presents, so I can see your reaction later alright?" "Sure, Ash," you chuckle, unsure of why he would need to see your reaction. "And don't give up on your presents," he says seriously. "What's that supposed to mean?" you ask, confused now. "You'll see. Love you!" With that Ashton hangs up, leaving you to grab a camera and open the box from your doorstep. Inside you find a letter, reading, "Merry Christmas from your loving boyfriend. Even though I'm not here, I know with this gift you'll have a great day. Follow the instructions on each card and great things will come your way." Beneath that was a simple card that said, "Check. Your. Mail. Box." "Okay," you say to the camera, "Maybe I should get dressed first." You pull a simple outfit of a dress and tights out of the box and change before heading out to your mailbox. "Here's a napkin from this awful restaurant we went to on our first date," you laugh, "There's writing on it! It says 'Something Old'. Ooh and a card! Box. On. Your. Balcony." You hurry back through your house and up the stairs, reaching your balcony and locating a simple cardboard box. "What's in here?" you ask yourself as you open the box. "Oh my gosh, it's Ashton's stupid ponies shirt," you laugh, "Ooh and a sticky note that says 'Something Borrowed'." You make a face of confusion to the camera before pulling out the card, and reading, "Your. Favorite. Pet. Store. Ooh, kitties!" With that you head out, taking your car and driving to the pet store you and Ashton love to visit. "Are you Y/n?" the woman working asks you. "Yeah," you say, "Do you have a clue for me?" "No, but I have this," she says, handing you a soft kitten with a bow around its neck. "It's so precious!" you say to the camera. "Do you have a name, kitty?" You look to the collar and find a tag inscribed with, 'Something New'. Noticing a card attached to the bow you read, "Early. Morning. Coffee. Trips. Oh, good, I need some coffee." You make your way to the coffee shop you and Ashton so often visit, and the barista greets you warmly. "Merry Christmas, Y/n!" he says with a smile, "And Congratulations! Here's your order." He hands you a cup and you thank him before sipping it gratefully, ignoring the fact that you have no clue what he could be congratulating you on. You inspect the cup and find a card on the bottom. "Our. Favorite. Date. Spot," you read from the card, "Okay that's definitely just the couch. Looks like we're going home, kitty," you say to your new cat before going back to your car. Once home, you carry your new kitten to the couch where you find a movie, The Proposal. "Ashton, what are you doing?" you mutter to yourself as you pick up the movie, turning it over to find a card. "Under. Our. Christmas. Tree," you read, turning around to find a neatly wrapped present under the tree. "This wasn't here before," you state, confused. You unwrap the present to find a photo album full of picture of you and Ashton. "Aw, cute," you coo, flipping through the album and noticing a familiar key painted blue and taped to the page. "The key to our first apartment," you say, in awe that Ashton still had one. Under the key was written 'Something Blue'. You continue to flip through the pages, looking at the pictures of you and Ash until you find the next card, which reads, "Almost. Done! Our. Tree." You tear out of the house and down to the park. You head through the grove of trees and a few brambles to a nearly secluded tree. You gasp when you see the tree covered in lights, and gasp again when under the tree you see your boyfriend, smiling nervously. "Ashton!" you squeal, running to him and knocking him off of his feet with a hug. He laughs, handing you the last card. You look to it and read off, "Will. You. Marry. Me?" looking back to Ashton to see him down on one knee and holding out a ring. "I love you," Ashton informs you, as if you didn't already know, "Will you marry me?" "Oh, Ashton, yes!" you answer immediately. Ashton shoots up, slipping the ring onto your finger and kissing you instantly, murmuring "I love you's" all the while.L

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