You Have A Panic Attack

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You were going over to Luke's house because the boys were celebrating finishing the tour. You put on a dress and did your hair and make up all nice. When you came down the stairs Ashton let out a low whistle. You giggled and took his hand and led him out the door. He drove you two over to Luke's house, there were tons of people there. It made you a bit nervous considering how many people you didn't know. You took a deep breath as you got out of the car. You could do this, everything was going to be fine. The night started out alright, you spent most of the night with Ashton. Luke called Ashton over to meet someone who you didn't recognize so you stayed off to the corner where you were. He walked over leaving you there standing by yourself. You looked around at all the people, it seemed as if they were getting closer to you. You felt trapped and uncomfortable. You tried closing your eyes and breathing but it wasn't working. You looked around for Ashton but you couldn't see him overtop of everybody's heads. You needed to get out. Somehow you pushed your way through the crowd of people, apologizing as you walked towards the door. You quietly slipped outside and walked towards Ashton's car. When you got there you stood and tried to breathe. Your heart felt like it was pounding a thousand times a minute. That's when you heard somebody shout "Y/N?" That somebody was Ashton. You called out back to him, "I'm here." And he walked over to you. He put his hand on your back, "Do you want to go home?" he asked. You really did want to go home, but you felt terrible saying that. "No, I'll be fine...I don't want to ruin your night just by my stupid anxiety." you looked down at your feet. "It's fine, really. I want to make sure you're okay." So he drove you two home and spent the rest of the night cuddled up on the couch with you.


You decided to go to a concert tonight and watch Luke. Most of the time you would stay backstage and wait for the concert to be over, but tonight you wanted to try and watch from the crowd. Luke was very cautious about this because he knew how claustrophobic you got. "Are you sure, (Y/N)?" he asked you with worry in his eyes. You nodded your head and smiled. You were the first one in the venue to avoid the crowds outside. Once everyone had filled the building and the lights went down you started to feel it in your stomach. The panic. You knew when panic attacks were coming on because you always felt this nervousness in your stomach. You tried to focus on Luke on stage singing and jumping around with his best friends. You just couldn't get your mind away from all the people around you. It was becoming too much so you walked over to the door leading out of the main venue. While you were leaving, you heard Luke stop singing and mumble into the microphone "Uh, excuse me" and he ran off stage. The whole crowd arose with confusion. When you walked out into the hallway of the building you sat right on the floor, ignoring what everyone probably thought of you at the moment. Your breathing was heavy and you had your head in your hands. "(Y/N)!" You heard Luke yell while he was running over to you. He sat right down on the floor in front of you "(Y/N) breathe. You're gonna be okay, I promise." Once you calmed down he hugged you lightly. "You didn't have to do that" You said a bit upset. "What?" he asked. "Run off stage like that, it's not like I was dying." you replied. "Yea, but I wanted to make sure that you were okay." You nodded your head, liking the way that he cared. He led you backstage to see the rest of the concert.


You hadn't told Calum about your anxiety disorder. You didn't want him to think you were weird, it was something you weren't very open about telling people. Calum invited you on a date to the movies. You hadn't been to the movies in really long time, every time you went you would have a panic attack and spend most of the time wanting to go home and not even watching the movie. You agreed to go because you really liked Calum, you wanted to spend as much time as you could with him. Calum started to walk towards the front of the movie theater. The front always made it worse for you, so you said "Calum, why don't we sit more towards the middle?" he agreed and walked over to you. The lights went down in the theater and the movie began. For some reason you always had to look for all the exits in the theater, if something went wrong you needed to know how to get out. You tried to pay attention to what was going on in the movie but you couldn't focus on watching it. You checked your phone to see what time it was, it wasn't even an hour into the move yet. You excused yourself and told Calum that you were going to the bathroom. You walked out of the theater and into the main area. You sat on a bench and stared at the wall. Why did this have to happen to you? You looked at a movie poster of a girl standing happily with a boy. You thought to yourself: I bet she doesn't have anxiety. I bet she can go to the movies and have a good time with that boy. Apparently a lot of time had gone by because you saw Calum leave the theater. "(Y/N), what are you doing out here?" he asked when he saw you. "Uhh, well" you were thinking of an excuse. "If you didn't want to go on a date with me, you should have told me." Calum said. "No!" you exclaimed "It's not you Calum, I really like you. It's just that...I get panic attacks when I go to the movies." You looked down, ashamed of how pathetic you were. "(Y/N), why didn't you tell me? I would have understood. We didn't have to come here" He sat down on the bench next to you. "I was embarrassed, I thought you would think I was weird." He hugged you and said "No, I really like you. Wanna go out for ice cream instead?"


Michael knew about your anxiety. You would always try to leave somewhere before too many fans were outside of a store or restaurant. You were out with Michael at Lunch, having a great time. Everything was going fine, you loved being able to spend time with Michael. You must have not noticed how fast time went by or people must have found out where you were faster. You looked out the window and saw a bunch of people outside. "Oh, shit" you mumbled to yourself. Michael looked up at you confused "What?" he asked. You pointed to the window near the door of the restaurant. "Oh..." he said quietly. Michael paid for your lunch and led you towards the door. "Are you gonna be okay?" He asked you. You nodded slightly and opened the door. As soon as you did all of the fans started screaming. You heard people yelling "Michael sign this please!" and "Michael take a picture with me!" You looked around at all the people nearly squishing you. You felt so claustrophobic you wanted to melt into the sidewalk and just leave. With tears in your eyes you yelled out for Michael. He looked at you and grabbed your hand. People were still trying to get autographs from him and completely ignoring that he was trying to get out. He yelled at the people "Get out of the way! She needs to get out!" most of the people moved for you. You clung to Michael's arm until you got to his car. He kissed you on the forehead. "I'm so sorry" he apologized. You sighed "It's okay, it's not your fault" he shook his head "Yes it is. I wish there was a way avoid all this." You looked into his eyes "Michael, this is your job. I just can't deal with crowds and tons of people." he kissed you again. You two drove back to your house to watch movies.

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