You Bring Him to Your Family's Christmas Party

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"Come watch a movie with me," your youngest cousin, Anna, begs, pulling on your hand. "Can Ashton come?" you ask her with a laugh. "Of course!" she confirms before dragging you and Ashton into the living room. You take a seat on the couch with Ashton beside you as your cousin begins "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas". "This is boring," Ashton whispers to you ten minutes into the movie. "It's this or go socialize with my parents' friends," you inform him with a shudder. "Or," Ashton mumbles, "We could do something else." "Shh!" your cousin says, glaring at the two of you, "Watch the movie!" "Sorry," Ashton mutters before turning back to you. "What'd you have in mind?" you ask, moving closer to him. "I dunno," Ashton whispers, his hand moving slowly up your thigh. He pulls a blanket over the two of you, his hands roaming your body unnoticed by your cousin. His hands begin to slide up your dress, sending chills through your body when the lights are flicked on. Ashton quickly retracts his hands from you, even under the blanket, feeling as though your aunt will know exactly what is going on. "Anna, it's time for bed," your aunt says to your cousin. "But the movie isn't over," Anna whines. "I'm sure Ashton and Y/n won't mind pausing it for you to finish in the morning," she says, eyeing you knowingly. You scoot away from Ashton, blushing, and your aunt laughs. "I'm not your mother," she chuckles, "Do what you want." With that she shoos Anna out of the room, flicking the lights off before leaving you and Ashton alone.


Luke sits on the couch, surrounded by your cousins while you help your mom in the kitchen. "Are you Y/n's boyfriend?" your 7-year-old cousin, Spencer, asks him. "Um, yeah," Luke responds, smiling as he always did when he suddenly remembered that, yes, he was yours and you were his. "Are you gonna get married?" Spencer asks eagerly. "Oh, I dunno," Luke mumbles, his cheeks reddening. "Do you love her?" your nine-year-old cousin, Stephanie, chimes in. "Yeah, I do," Luke says honestly. "Then why wouldn't you marry her?" she asks, confused. "Well, I guess I would," Luke answers, seriously considering the prospect of spending the rest of his life with you. "Does she love you?" Spencer questions. "Yeah," Luke laughs. "Then you will get married!" Spencer announces in triumph. "Maybe we will," Luke chuckles, nodding. "What are you two harassing Luke about?" you ask, entering the room. "Luke says he wants to marry you!" Spencer informs you proudly. "Oh, did he?" you ask, blushing as you turn to Luke. "I didn't - well, I mean, I did but -" Luke stutters hopelessly. "He said you loved him," Stephanie adds, "Do you?" "Of course," you laugh, taking Luke's hand and pulling him off the couch. "So are you gonna get married?" she demands loudly. "I dunno," you say, smiling up at Luke, "That'd be alright with me." Luke blushes, smiling down at you lovingly and wrapping his arms around you. "Maybe we will," Luke mumbles, more to himself than you. You grin and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down and kissing him softly. You receive shouts of disgust from your young cousins, making both you and Luke pull away, chuckling.


"I'm nervous," Calum breathes as the two of you walk up the driveway of your parents' house where the Christmas party is being held. "Don't be," you chuckle, "My parents already love you and have talked you up to everyone." "That's what I'm worried about," Calum admits, "What if I don't live up to their expectations?" "You'll be even better than they expect," you assure him, as you enter the house. Once inside, you are met with hugs from cousins, family friends, and of course, your parents. "Everyone's so excited to meet Calum," your mother informs you, smiling at your boyfriend. "He's excited to meet everyone," you answer, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. You begin making your way through the house, introducing Calum to everyone who stops you. "Y/n, will you help me in the kitchen?" your mom asks after a few minutes. "Are you alright to hang here?" you ask Calum, not wanting to let go of his hand. "I'll be alright," he laughs, pecking your lips before releasing you to go help. You return minutes later to see Calum surrounded by a group of twenty-or-so people, all listening attentively to a story he tells. "Oh! Here's Y/n!" he says, waving to you, "Babe, come here." You make your way over to Calum and take a seat on his lap, letting him wrap his arms around your waist. "What's this audience for?" you ask curiously. "I'm telling the story of how we met," Calum giggles, "You can help." "Calum, finish the story!" your younger cousin begs. "I told you they'd love you," you say so only Calum can hear. He laughs, nodding that you were right before continuing his story.


"You're a cute boy," your grandma says to Michael, patting his shoulder, "Who brought you here, though?" "Oh, Y/n," Michael answers, "She's my girlfriend." "Oh!" your grandma exclaims, "You're Michael! I remember Y/n used to talk about your band all the time before she met you." "Did she really?" Michael asks, smirking. "Oh yes," your grandma says with a nod, "You were her favorite." "That's so funny," Michael chuckles, "What would she say about us?" "She'd always tell us that you two were perfect for each other," your grandmother informs him, "She'd write Y/N Clifford on everything." "No way!" Michael says in disbelief, "I can't believe I've never heard about this. Excuse me." He leaves your grandma to find you on the other end of the room. "Hey, babe," you greet Michael, "Is my family being nice?" "They're great," Michael answers, "Your grandma is particularly nice." "What'd she do?" you ask, fear suddenly gripping you as you think about all of the things she could have said. "She just told me some interesting things about you," he responds vaguely. "Tell me what she said," you command seriously. "I didn't know you were such a big fan of me before we met," Michael states, smirking. "Oh no," you groan, knowing he's found out about your huge 5 Seconds of Summer obsession. "It's cute," Michael insists, laughing. You shoot him a glare, but a grin breaks through easily. "At least you were always my favorite," you point out.

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