You're Friends with Benefits and the Boys Find Out - Part 2

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"So your friends are mad because they think we'll fall in love?" you ask Ashton as he lays on your unmade bed and watches you search the floor for the discarded clothing. "Yeah, but not mutually," he explains, "They think one of us will like the other and get hurt and really they're just immature and dumb." "That is dumb," you agree, pulling Ashton's shirt over your head and joining him on your bed. "I mean, neither of us want that, right?" Ashton asks carefully. "Pshh, of course not," you laugh. "What if we did?" Ashton laughs back, although you detect a hint of seriousness in his voice. "That'd be - that'd be weird," you respond, wondering to yourself if you really did want Ashton romantically. "Yeah," Ashton agrees quietly. "We could - we could try it," you mumble. "Yeah we could," Ashton answers, "And if it doesn't work we could go back to how things are now." "Definitely," you affirm. "Do you - do you want that?" he asks hesitantly. "I don't not want it," you answer evasively. "Okay then," he says as he sits up and takes your hands. "Y/n," he begins, "Will you be my girlfriend?" "I'd love to, but I wanna take things slow," you joke before leaning over and kissing Ashton's laughing mouth.


You answer your door expecting Luke, but you are surprised to find his three band mates instead. "Uh, hey," you greet, letting them in a bit awkwardly, "What's going on guys?" "We, uh, we wanted to talk to you about something," Ashton begins shyly. "Okay," you respond as the four of you take seats in your living room. "You need to stop sleeping with Luke," Michael blurts out. "I what?" you respond as you feel your cheeks redden. "You need to stop sleeping with Luke," he repeats, his cheeks reddening as well. "Oh, he told you," you mutter, embarrassed. "Yeah, but - but, well, he likes you," Michael admits. "Michael, we weren't gonna tell her that," Calum groans. "He likes me? Like, he likes me likes me?" you ask, not wanting it to be true. The three boys nod slowly. "Oh," you say as your thoughts wander to Luke. A knock at the door saves you from any further response, but you know the knock comes from Luke. "Excuse me," you say before heading toward the door. "Hey," Luke says once the door is opened. "Luke. hey," you say, trying to sound normal, "Um, you can't come in right now." "What? Why?" Luke asks in confusion. "I, uh, I think we need to stop seeing each other like this," you explain immediately. "Oh," Luke says, his face falling instantly, "Okay." A crash from inside followed by Ashton's distinct voice telling Michael to shut up grabs Luke's attention. "Who's here?" Luke asks, although you know he already knows. "Luke, I - they didn't -" He pushes past you into the house and stops when he sees his three friends on your couch. "I should've known," he mutters to himself before brushing past you and out of the house again.


You avoid the stares of the three boys in the hallway with you. Ashton's disappointed glare, Michael's laughing eyes, and Luke's wondering glance are too much for you. "What?" you say finally. "What are you doing?" Ashton sighs, shaking his head at you and your decisions. "I can do whatever I want," you respond defensively. "Do you really not care at all about your friendship with Calum?" he asks seriously. "Our friendship is fine," you insist, rolling your eyes, "And it's really none of your business anyway." "Well we're friends with both of you and we don't wanna see someone get hurt," Luke answers weakly. "Thanks but Calum and I are adults and we can take care of ourselves," you respond, glaring at Luke with eyes like daggers. He turns away, unable to stand the death glare rarely sent his direction. "Friends with benefits never works out well," Michael reminds you. "I don't need to listen to this," you say, turning to leave. "Where are you going?" Luke calls as you head off down the hall. "To find Calum," you answer without stopping, "So we can talk about what judgmental friends you all turned out to be."


"Michael, what's with you?" you finally ask, after hours of Michael avoiding you. "What do you mean?" he asks as if he hasn't noticed. "You've been avoiding me all day," you point out, "Every time I enter the room you run the other way. What's going on?" "Nothing," Michael lies, "I just - I dunno." "What don't you know?" you ask, confused now. "Well, I didn't know you liked me," Michael answers without thinking. "What?" you ask, even more confused. "The guys say it's obvious but I've never noticed and - and now I'm afraid I've led you on. I mean, I thought everything was just kinda sex, ya know? It didn't really mean anything but if you thought it did then...well I don't want us to not be friends." He looks at you hopefully and you can barely find an answer. "No, I know it doesn't mean anything," you manage to answer weakly. "Oh, good," Michael sighs in relief, "I didn't want you to think that I liked you or anything." "Of course not," you say with a forced smile, hiding the pain that every one of his words was causing you. "Cool," Michael says dismissively. "I, uh, I gotta go, though. I'll see ya around," you hurry out of the room before Michael can notice the tears welling in your eyes. Rushing out of the door, you bump into his three band mates ihn the hallway. "What's wrong?" Ashton asks, noticing your tears. "Nothing," you lie instantly, "Don't, uh, don't tell Michael you saw me okay?" "Okay?" Ashton agrees questioningly before you hurry off.

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