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"Ash?" You throw open the door to the tour bus and jump inside, wrinkling your nose at the distinct aroma of sweaty boy. Pulling the door shut, you look around, wondering why the boys had told you Ashton was in here when he was nowhere to be seen. Frowning to yourself, you set your hands on your hips and try to think about where he could have gotten too when a soft moan fills the bus. You tense, eyes widening and your mouth parting in surprise when the moan deepens, followed by the gentle, shaky exhale of breath. Curiosity getting the better of you, you make your way down the aisle, a wet, rhythmic sound making you frown harder. The thought of what it is rises in the back of your mind, but you're pretty sure that you can't be right. One of the bunks has its curtain pulled shut, shielding whatever is making the sounds from your eyes. Your fingers itch to pull it back, your tongue swiping nervously over your bottom lip. The moans come again and without thinking to much about it, you curl your hands in the fabric and shove it back. "JESUS!" Ashton yells, hand shooting out of his tented sweats.He sits up, smacking his head into the ceiling of the bunk, "Fuck." he whimpers. You stand there, a blush flaring wildly on your cheeks. This wasn't quiet the reunion you'd imagined. "Hey." you mutter. Ashton takes but a second to recover before a grin splits his face and he's dragging you into his bunk, rolling you over so that he looms over you. "You're really here?" he asks, not seeming at all embarrassed. He kisses you hard. "Now, you fancy making that up to me?"


You take the stairs two at a time after yelling a quick hello to the rest of Luke's family, who all seemed to be enjoying the weather in the backyard. It's mid afternoon and you're only over because Liz had text you, telling you Luke refused to get out of bed, the lazy shit. She knew he'd listen to you, having been best friends for practically your entire life. You don't knock, just barge your way in, stopping short only because Luke's naked, tangled in his sheets. You've seen him naked before, but never when his cock was hard, demanding attention and wet at the tip with pre-cum. Luke's hand is going a mile a minute, his abs tense as his shoulders jerk. That all stops the moment he realises what is happening. "(Y/N)! Oh my god!" he grabs at the sheets, yanking them over himself as you close the door. His cheeks are a vivid red and he can barely look you in the eyes, "Get out!" he mutters with no conviction. You take a breath, tugging on the courage you know is buried deep inside of you. "Need any help?" you ask, arching a brow, as though this was normal. You wish it was, but no, here you are propositioning your best mate. Luke gapes, mouth opening and closing like a goldfish, "Seriously?" You nod, moving towards him and swinging a leg over his, "Up for it?" you smirk, well aware of your pun. He looks towards the door than back to you, eyes drifting towards you lips before he finally speaks again, "Hell yes!"


It's the sound of the shower running that wakes you, pulling you from a nice sleep earlier than you would have liked. You reach across the bed, your arm swiping through the empty space next to you before you open your eyes, realising that it was pretty obvious that Calum's in the en-suite, what with the noise. You slip from the bed, rubbing your hand over your face as you tiptoe towards the bathroom, the door is ajar so you push it open just enough to stick your head around it. The sight that greets you is a million times better than you had imagined. Calum is standing under the steaming water, visible through the slightly misty glass screen. His head is tilted back, eyes closed and plump lips parted as his chests heaves with deep breathes, the muscles in his stomach tightening every now and then. Its the large hand around his dick that's causing it, the one moving with sure, tight strokes as his wet body shudders. There is no way you're going to interrupt, he's too close for you to do that, so instead you watch as he draws closer and closer, your own body throbbing. You have to bite hard on your lip as he comes, his hips jerking and a rough grunt escaping his mouth as he braces one hand on the wall in front of him, the water raining down on his back as his head hangs. You slide back into the bedroom before he notices you, stripping and lying on the bed, your own hand moving between your thighs, ready for him to catch you.


You're at your desk, fingers tapping wildly against the keyboard as you desperately try to get your assignment finished at a reasonable time. With Michael back from tour, you'd gotten stupidly behind on your assignments and with no will to pick them up again, you were struggling big time. You purposely ignore him when he steps into your room, the door clicking shut behind him. His sock covered feet shuffled against the floor as he walks over to you, arms folding around your neck as he leans down to kiss your cheek. "Hey baby." he purrs and you know immediately from the deep tenor of his voice want he wants. You lean your head back, groaning, "I can't!" you say, your eyes refocusing on the textbook to your left seconds later. "Please?" "Mikey, I have to get this done." It sucks just as much for you as it does him, but you don't worry when his arms disappear and he sulks off quietly. You're so focused on your work that its only the sound of a thick, rumbling groan, that you know all to well, that brings you back to earth. You whip around, almost falling off your chair in your hurry. Michael's lying, completely naked, on your bed, propped up against the pillows and staring right at you. His eyes are hooded, his puffy bottom lip caught between his teeth, as his hand wraps tightly around his rock hard cock. He strokes himself long and slow, meant for not much more than teasing you. It's working. Your body thrums, tightens, heats up to the point of no return. You cast a look back to your work, eyebrows drawn down, but he lets out a breathy, needy moan and when you look back his cock is flushed a dark pink and a bead of pre-cum glistens on the tip. "Oh, fuck this!" you jump up, yanking your tee over your head as he grins like the Cheshire cat. "With pleasure."

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