Amnesia Part 2- The brake Up

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"Feeling better?" Calum asked throwing yet another slide a pizza onto Ashton's plate, him grabbing it immediately, almost throwing it down his throat. "Much better." Ashton said with a nod, before grabbing his glass taking a sip of it as he finished his pizza. "So uhm are you ready to talk now." Calum asked timidly but in a pushing way. He had wanted to ask throughout the evening since he came in through the door, but never felt the time was right before now. Ashton placed his glass carefully on the table by the mention of you, sitting up straight as he pulled on a serious face. "I still uhm... Love her. But I don't uhm... Really have the balls to go call her up or even text her. I'm so afraid of being rejected it's effecting my whole life currently. I just feel really stupid." Ashton said quietly. "Why do you feel stupid?" Cal asked placing the pizza back on his plate, giving Ashton his full attention. "Because I accused her of cheating with her cousin."

"So who's Nathaniel?" Ashton asked with his arms crossed as he was leaning against the counter in the kitchen, you looked at him wide eyed in confusion. "Okay can I get a chance to at least put my stuff on the counter before you start up a whole interrogation?" You mumbled, walking over to the counter before placing your jacket and purse on it. Turning around to Ashton, you lifted yourself up on your toes in a trial of giving him a kiss on the cheek. But Ashton rejected by turning his face away from yours making you fall back onto your heels giving him a weird look. "Who is Nathaniel?" He asked yet again, his face expression never changing. You gave him a questionable look, not getting what he was referring to but as your eyes landed on your unlocked phone next to Ashton on the counter, your eyes widen in anger and surprise. "You looked through my phone?" You almost shouted, your eye brows knotting as you looked at him. "Ashton suddenly felt bad as he saw how wrong it actually was of him to look through your phone as you had forgot it before you went out shopping. But as the messages he had read felt back into his head he started to grow furious again. "You think you can just cheat on me behind my back without telling me?" He asked grabbing your phone before shoving it into your stomach. Grabbing your phone you unlocked it, seeing through the messages from Nathaniel. "Ashton Fletcher Irwin you are the most pathetic person I've ever met." You said in disbelief looking deadly at him before turning around heading over to the counter where you placed your stuff. "I'm the one who's pathetic here?" He asked walking closer to you. "Yeah because everyone cheats on their boyfriend with their cousin." You shouted sarcastically at him, making Ashton let out a spurt of hair, looking at you in disbelief. "Don't give me that bullshit Y/N, your cousin's name is not Nathaniel." "What is it then Ash?" You yelled as you grabbed your jacket. "Nathan." He yelled without realizing the logic in it, you giving him a death glare waiting for his brain to progress what he just said. The silence felt over the both of you and that was went all the pieces felt back on place in Ashton's head making him let out a small "Shit.". "Yea... Shit." You said quietly, putting your phone back in your pocket. "Ashton relationship is based on trust.." You said hesitantly and he nodded his head knowing where this was going. "I think we maybe need some time away from each other." You mumbled. "So we're breaking up?" Ashton asked even though he had said in his head 30 times that he shouldn't ask. Knowing that if you said something out loud, you would break so you just nodded your head at him before grabbing your purse, swinging it over your shoulder.

"I've been feeling like shit. I lost my freaking girlfriend because I thought she was cheating with her cousin. Y/N is right I am fucking pathetic." Ashton said, fiddling with his hands in his lap. "Nooo man don't blame yourself. You just gotta win her back you know." Calum tried to help making Ashton raise his head in confusion. "Like how?" He asked making Calum let out a giggle before grabbing his phone. "First of all, get yourself together and go clean this flat. It looks like world war 3 has started." Calum laughed as he was in the middle of sending a message. "Yea I guess that's a good idea." Ashton mumbled already standing up from his chair, grabbing his and Calum's plate. "But what about after that?" Ashton asked confused as he placed the dishes into the dishwasher. "Just let me and the boys deal with that." Calum winked making Ashton give him a nervous but also curious look.

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