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You looked down at the flowers that you held in your hands. Today was the day. You let out a deep breath as you looked down the aisle. Taking your first few steps, everyone was looking at you. Although you weren't looking at them, you were looking at the man at the end of the aisle. He had the same smile with the beautiful dimples that he had the day you met him. You were ready to spend the rest of your life with him.


You were spending the day with Luke at a park. Walking along the lake, sitting in the grass, it was a perfect day. You were walking with Luke, hand in hand, when he stopped walking. When he turned back to you he had a flower in his hand. "Look, I got you this" he said, holding the flower out to you. You took the flower in your hand and looked at it. "Luke I'm pretty sure this is a weed" you said, giggling. "Fine, I'll take my flower back" he said, jokingly acting offended. "No, I want it" you smiled.


After coming home from your anniversary dinner with Calum he led you to the stairs. There were rose petals lining them, along with candles. You followed the trail to your bedroom where there were even more rose petals laid on your bed. You knew exactly what Calum had in mind for the rest of the night.


You weren't one for holidays. Especially ones that were created just for stores to sell you things, such as Valentine's Day. It was just a normal day, somebody just decided to make a huge deal out of it so people had to go out and buy things for people that they love. You had told Michael not to buy you anything, and when you woke up on February 14th, he hasn't. You went through the day normally, as if it were any other day. It wasn't until you came home that Michael stood there in a suit with a dozen red roses, "Come on, we're going to dinner. Also, these are for you". He kissed you on the lips before handing you the flowers. "Michael I told you not to get me anything" you said, shaking your head. "I couldn't help myself!"

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