Spending the Holidays with His Family

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"That's great, Harry!" you say, nodding your approval at his lineup of newly frosted cookies. "Here's the next batch," you offer him a stack of cookies and he gets right to work frosting when you hear a soft chuckle behind you. Turning around, you see your boyfriend leaning against the counter and watching you with amusement. "What?" you ask, unsure of what his bemused smile means. "You're good with kids," Ashton tells you with a shrug. "I am?" you ask, laughing a little. "You're good with Harry and Lauren," Ashton clarifies. "They're good kids," you remind him, "I'm not good with annoying kids." "We'd never have annoying kids," Ashton tells you confidently, taking your hands and pulling you toward him as he speaks. "You want kids with me?" you ask quietly, searching his eyes for any sign of regretting what he had said. "Of course," he admits, blushing, "We could bake Christmas cookies with them every year and buy them a drum set for Christmas and take them to Christmas shows and watch Christmas movies." "How many kids?" you ask him, interested in the future Ashton had dreamed up. "Three," Ashton says instantly. You laugh and he quickly corrects himself, "I mean, of course you get a say in it if you want, but I think three is really nice." "I think three would be great," you giggle, smiling up at him. He leans in to kiss you when you stop him short, "But Ashton," you begin, "What would we name them?" "Well, I haven't decided," Ashton informs you, "I think if we have a baby girl we'd name her -" "You're having a baby girl?!" Ashton's sister, Lauren suddenly asks from her spot at the table. "Please tell me I didn't just hear that you're pregnant," Mrs. Irwin sighs as she enters the room. "No, no, no," Ashton says hurriedly, "No one's pregnant." "Good," Mrs. Irwin says, relieved, "Because you're welcome to stay here as long as you'd like, Y/n, but if you get pregnant under this roof then -" "Mom, we're fine," Ashton cuts her off quickly, his face almost as red as yours. Mrs. Irwin turns away and Ashton sends you a scared look, making you giggle and his mother turn back in suspicion, only to set both you and Ashton off in another fit of laughter.


"Luke, we're gonna wake your parents," you whisper as Luke pulls you down the hall in the dark. "Not if you're quiet," he points out, making himself laugh and you glare at him in the dark. "Luke, you can't see it but I'm glaring at you," you whisper back flatly. "Thanks for the update, babe," he replies, making you laugh despite yourself. "Shh," he says as you continue through the house. "Oh!" you shout inadvertently as you trip over something in the dark. Luke catches you easily, steadying you before repeating, "Shh." Suddenly the sound of footsteps reaches your ears from somewhere in the dark living room. "Luke, did you hear that?" you ask, clutching his arm in a panic. "It was nothing," he reassures you. The lights flick on instantly and you and Luke both scream when you see the figure in the living room. You peak out from behind Luke to see that it's only his older brother, Jack. "Oh," Luke sighs, relieved, "You scared us." "I noticed," Jack laughs, approaching the two of you, "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Luke replies. "I was," Jack informs him, "On the couch - until you two woke me up." "I forgot you were in here," Luke mutters guiltily. "What are you guys even doing up?" Jack sighs, eyeing you both, grateful that you seem to be fully clothed. "We were just gonna go look at Christmas lights" Luke mumbles, blushing. "At three in the morning?" Jack asks in disbelief. The two of you nod and Jack sighs, shaking his head at you both. "We just thought it'd be fun," you pipe up. "You know, most kids would be sneaking out to hook up or get high," Jack says, laughing a little, "But you two are going to - to what? Look at twinkling lights?" Luke shrugs as you laugh at Jack's shocked expression. "You are the weirdest kid," he mutters, ruffling Luke's hair until Luke pushes Jack's hands away and glares at him. "Okay, okay," Jack laughs, "You kids have fun." "We will," Luke answers shortly, grabbing your hand again. He pulls you out the door without another word to his brother, who watches you two leave as he chuckles to himself about how him and Luke couldn't possibly be related.


"It's present wrapping time," Calum says seriously, setting a large box of wrapping paper rolls and another box of bows on the carpet of his living room. "Let's get to business," you say with a nod, pulling out the gifts you two picked out for his family. "So you wrap and I'll put the bows on?" Calum offers with a hopeful grin. "Fine," you sigh, knowing you won't be able to convince him to do any more. "Perfect!" Calum cheers, taking a seat on the floor. You take a seat next to him and begin to wrap the first box as he watches eagerly. "This is boring," Calum whines within the first five minutes of wrapping gifts, "Isn't it time for a break?" "Your parents aren't out that often," you remind him, "So we have to hurry and get all of their gifts done while they're out." "Exactly," Calum begins, scooting closer to you and running a hand up your thigh, "They aren't gone that often. Shouldn't we, er, use the time wisely?" He gives you a meaningful look and your breath hitches, but you shake your head. "Gotta wrap the presents," you insist, moving to the next gift. Calum returns to adding bows, grumbling to himself the entire time. Growing bored again quickly, Calum entertains himself by sticking bows to you instead of the presents. "Cal," you sigh, looking at him reprovingly. He giggles, seeing the bow in your hair and the other one stuck to your cheek. "You're such a cute present," he chuckles, leaning over to peck your lips. You move to turn back to wrapping presents when his hand catches your chin, turning your face back to him and reconnecting your lips. You open your mouth to protest but Calum takes the opportunity to slide his tongue in as he pushes you back onto your back. "Finally," he sighs as he kisses you and begins to slide his hands up your shirt. You give in, pulling his shirt off of him and rolling over so that you're on top, straddling Calum. Neither of you take notice of the wrapping paper underneath you now - or the sound of the garage door opening. "Woah!" you hear, making you both pull away instantly. You quickly push Calum's hands off of you and roll off of him, straightening your shirt before turning back to Calum's very surprised parents. "Oh, hey," Calum greets them, his face reddening. "Wrapping presents?" his dad observes, nodding to the wrapping paper and bows surrounding you. "Er, yeah," Calum answers with a guilty smile.


"That's adorable!" you laugh, pointing to the picture of Michael covered in frosting and eating Christmas cookies. "He was the cutest kid," Mrs. Clifford agrees as she flips through the photo album. "Wait," you stop her on a picture of Michael as a baby in nothing but a Santa hat. "I have to save this," you tell her, pulling out your phone and taking a picture of baby Michael and his bare bottom. "What's going on?" Michael asks as he enters the room. "Oh, Michael, you're up," his mother says with a smile, "We're just looking at some of your baby pictures." "No," Michael says in disbelief, his eyes widening as all of his embarrassing pictures run through his head. "No, no, no," he hurries over to your side, spotting the picture of him in the Santa hat. "Mom!" he shouts in embarrassment, "How could you?" "Oh, relax. it's cute," Mrs. Clifford answers. "Yeah, Michael, you were so cute! What happened?" you ask, laughing. "I don't need your sass, Y/n," Michael says, shooting you a glare. "You're right," you agree, "I'll just be quiet and go on twitter." Michael eyes you skeptically and you add, "Maybe I'll even upload this photo." "No!" Michael shouts, pulling your phone away from you, "No baby pictures on social media!" "Fine," you laugh, taking the phone back and pocketing it. "But you were a really cute baby," you inform him. "I'm a really cute adult, too," he grumbles, jutting his bottom lip out in a pout. "Well, of course," you grant, laughing. "I'll leave you two with the baby albums," Mrs. Clifford chuckles before handing you the book and exiting the room, laughing to herself. "No more of this," Michael says, taking the book from you and shutting it instantly. "Please, Michael!" you plead, grabbing his arm and pulling the book back, "I promise I won't tell anyone." "Fine," Michael gives in, "But this counts as your Christmas present then." "This is all I need," you joke, opening the book back up and laughing at another picture of him. Michael wraps an arm around your shoulders and cuddles against you, laughing with you at the old pictures.

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