Another Member Walks in on You Changing

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You search through your suitcase in your bra and underwear looking for a dress for tonight. You pull out a little red one, examining it carefully and holding it up to yourself in the mirror. You see the door open in the reflection and you turn, expecting to see Ashton. Ashton are you guys - oh!" Calum stops in surprise. "Uh, Ashton's not in here," you say, covering yourself with with the dress. "Sorry," Calum mumbles, looking away. "Did you, uh, did you need something?" You ask. "No, no, I'm fine," Calum says quickly, "Have you seen Ashton?" You shake your head, but remembering that he isn't looking at you, you say, "No." "Okay," Calum says, "Um, if you see him can you just uh, tell him that I'm looking for him?" Calum asks. "Yeah, sure," you mumble. "Maybe leave out the part that you were, uh, not fully clothed," he suggests. "Will do," you say, blushing. "Right, er, bye!" Calum says, leaving in a rush.


You step out of the shower and wrap a towel around yourself before searching through your suitcase for shorts, sighing in exasperation when you can't find them. You hear the door open and call over your shoulder, "Luke, have you seen my shorts?" You turn around and are met with a very surprised Ashton. "Oh, I thought you were Luke," you mumble, re-situating your towel. "Is, uh, Luke not in here?" Ashton asks, blushing. You shake your head. "Where is he?" Ashton asks, looking anywhere but at you. "He should be around," you say, shrugging. "What's up?" You hear Luke's voice from the hallway. He appears in the doorway and Ashton turns quickly toward him. "I was - I was just looking for you," Ashton stutters. Luke peers into the room and cocks an eyebrow, looking at you in confusion. "I told him you weren't in here," you explain, blushing. "Then you probably don't need to be in here," Luke says to Ashton. "I - right, er, I was leaving," Ashton mumbles, brushing past Luke on his way out.


"How about this one?" You ask, holding up yet another dress. "Sure," Calum replies, bored. You sigh and he glances up at you from his phone. "You'd look great in any of them," he states, smiling, "But we really need to get going." "Fine," you say, glaring at him, "I'll just wear the blue one." You strip down to your bra and underwear and pick the blue dress up off the floor. "Calum, we gotta go!" You whirl around to see Michael in the doorway. "Oh!" He says, seeing you, "Hello." "Hi," you reply, covering yourself with the dress. Calum hops up quickly, moving to the door and pushing Michael out. Calum stands in the doorway, blocking you from sight. "What's up?" Calum asks. "We're already late," you hear Michael say, annoyed. "Someone is trying to decide what to wear," Calum explains, looking back at you. "Well someone isn't very much help," you retort. Calum grins at you sheepishly and you hear Michael laugh. "We'll be right out," Calum tells Michael before shutting the door.


You toss your pajamas in the hamper and slide into a pair of jeans, slipping a bra on before rummaging through a drawer of t-shirts. You hear the door open and turn around. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Luke says in a rush, looking down at his feet, "I'm really, really sorry I should've knocked and -" "You're fine," you laugh, pulling a t-shirt over your head and turning back to him. "What did you need?" "Michael just wanted me to make sure you were up," Luke explains, "He's getting ready." "He would send his friend to wake me up," you laugh, rolling your eyes. "Well, er, he's still getting ready," Luke mumbles. "Tell him I'll be right out, then," you say, turning to the mirror to do your makeup. "Alright," Luke says, tuning to leave, "And I'm really sorry again about not knocking." "It's fine!" You insist. "You should tell Michael, though" you add thoughtfully, "Serves him right for not coming himself." You smirk at Luke and he laughs and nods before exiting.

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