He finds out you Smoke

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"Here, want one?" Your friend asks, holding out a cigarette for you to take, just as she was used to doing for the last three years. You stare at it, longing gnawing at you. "I can't." you sigh heavily, leaning back against the wall of the club. You've stepped outside, desperate for fresh air but have realised a little late that it was a mistake. the smoking area was just that and for someone who was in the midst of quitting, it wasn't the best place for you. "Given up?" "Trying." (Y/F/N) chuckles, sticking the end her smoke between her lips and lighting up. "Because of Ash?" you nod, licking your dry lips, "He's not a fan, so I'm trying to stop before he finds out." smoke swirls in the air in front of your face and your body begs for a taste. "How's that going for you?" "Fuck off." you smirk, snatching the stick from her and taking a long, desperate drag. "(Y/N)?" You freeze, wincing as you turn your head. Ashton's standing there, looking slightly amused at your deer-in-the-headlights expression. He shakes his head slowly, "Something you want to tell me?" he asks, although from the grin on his mouth, you'd say you weren't in too much trouble.


You're hiding out on the balcony of the hotel room while Luke is out with the boys, taking desperate drags of your biggest weakness. You'd starting young, when it was cool and all your friends had been doing it but now its a habit you cant stand yet can't stop. You've kept it a secret because you know it's one of Luke's biggest pet peeves, plus his mum abhors it, and you were sure you'd be able to stop. But here you were, an addict getting your next fix. You didn't hear the door but you heard the faint call of your name and hurry to get rid of the evidence. you're too slow and he finds you stubbing out the end of your cigarette on the balcony rail, shock written all over his innocent face before it morphs into faint disgust. "You have to stop!" he demands and in any other situation you would have thought he was being a giant dick. Instead, you slump back against the rail, nodding, "I know."


"(Y/N) really?" you look up at the sound of your boyfriends voice, noticing the annoyed tone immediately. Your face scrunches up as soon as you spot the packet in his hand that you thought was safely hidden at the bottom of your handbag. "Um...they're not mine?" you try, though its a rather pathetic attempt. He gives you a look that tells you to cut the bullshit. It's a dominant look, the kind he normally gives you in the bedroom. "Your bag fell over." he's mad and guilt floods you. "I'm sorry." you wince and he sighs, collapsing on the couch beside you. "I don't care about the smoking, but I hate the lying." "I know, I'm sorry." you squeeze his hand and he gives you another stern look that sends shivers through your body. "Don't lie to me again." he says and you can't help but promise.


You're a social smoker, so when you manage to escape for a bit of fresh air at the album release party, you think nothing of accepting the cigarette offered to you by one of the guys that work at the label. It's only when Michael steps outside, searching for you, and his eyes widen in surprise that you realise it's the first time you've ever smoked in his presence. "Babe." he smirks, as though he's caught you doing something very naughty. He walks up to you, sending the guy away with a glare before turning that beautiful gaze on you, "You didn't tell me you smoked." You flick away some ash, "I don't do it that often." you shrug unapologetically. He takes the cigarette from your fingers, lifts it to his mouth and inhales deeply, turning his head away as he expels clouds of smoke into the night. "I won't tell if you don't." he winks.

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