Snowed In

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"It's snowing!" Ashton sings, jumping up and down on the bed in his Christmas pajamas. "It's snowing!" you echo, laughing hysterically. You sit on the edge of the bed, admiring your beautiful boyfriend as he jumps enthusiastically. Suddenly he stops, catching you staring, and he giggles. "May I have this dance, my lady?" he asks, reaching a hand down to you. "I'd be honored," you laugh, accepting his hand and his help as he pulls you into a standing position on the bed. "What is this dance, my good sir?" you ask, holding back your laughter. "Have no fear," Ashton instructs, "I will lead." He takes your right hand and places it on his shoulder while his left rests on your waist. His free hand takes yours and he pulls you closer, your chest against him. "So far so good," he mutters, smiling down at you and easily getting lost in your smiling eyes. "Do we move at all?" you ask, waking him from his trance. "Oh, of course!" he says, "Step forward, and left, and back, and right." He instructs your every step as the two of you step across your mattress with difficulty, your feet sinking with every step. "Wow, you're a natural!" he giggles, "Are you ready for the advanced portion?" "Born ready," you say with a decisive nod. "One," he breathes in concentration, "Two, Three. GO CRAZY!" Ashton releases your hand and jumps up and down, waving his arms above his head. You follow his lead, jumping across the bed and laughing hysterically. In a matter of seconds you lose your balance, falling to the side. You grab Ashton's arm to steady yourself, but end up taking him with you. The two of you fall to the floor, luckily landing on the pile of sheets and pillows that had been pushed off of the bed in the mayhem. You sit up, leaning against Ashton's chest as you catch your breath from laughing. Finally your laughter subsides, and you wrap your arms around Ashton's torso, pulling him down onto the pile of pillows. "I love you," Ashton sighs, kissing your forehead. "I love you more," you argue, rolling on top of him. "Oh, really?" Ashton challenges, flipping you and ending up on top, "Because I'm pretty sure I love you the most."


Luke sits cross-legged on the carpet of your living room, his hot chocolate mug warming his hands as he admires you while you sit directly across from him. He wants to take in every detail of the moment - your reindeer-covered pajama pants and flannel shirt, your chipped nail polish, and your fuzzy Christmas socks that you always insist upon wearing on snow days. He memorizes the way you sip your hot chocolate with such concentration, making sure not to get too many marshmallows in one gulp, and the way you hum along absent-mindedly to the Christmas music floating through the house. He feels a pang in his heart, knowing full well that these little things are the ones he misses most while he's on tour. So busy admiring you, Luke doesn't notice your eyes watching him wonderingly. "What are you thinking about?" you ask in a hushed voice, afraid to interrupt his thoughts. "How much I love you," Luke admits, blushing lightly. "Oh," you say, looking down at your hot chocolate as you feel your face heat up. "I wish I never had to leave you again," Luke sighs, "I wish we could have snow days every day so it could just be you and me forever." "That'd be nice," you agree, trying not to think about how you only have a few weeks before Luke is back on tour. The two of you fall silent as you sip your hot chocolate, wondering how you are going to manage to get through the months alone while Luke is touring. "Now what are you thinking about?" Luke asks. "How much I love you," you answer with a sad smile. "Hmm," Luke begins thoughtfully, "How much is that, exactly?" "Enough for me to really wish you weren't leaving in a few weeks," you sigh, "But also enough to want you to go live your dreams." Luke breathes out a sigh, sipping his hot chocolate as he considers your statement. "Let's just enjoy our Christmas together," he suggests finally, "No more talk about what happens after." "Good idea," you say with a grateful smile. "Guess what?" Luke says suddenly. "What?" you reply, grinning. "I love you," Luke answers right away. "Oh, do you?" you ask with a wry grin. Setting your hot chocolate cup down, you crawl toward Luke, letting him set his own mug on the ground before you press your lips to his, pushing him back so he is laying down beneath you. He kisses back, rolling you over when your foot connects with his hot chocolate mug. "The carpet!" you exclaim at once, sitting up as Luke rolls off of you, sighing. "That's never gonna come out," you groan, hurrying to find stain remover.


"Guess you can't go to work today," you say with mock sadness as you and Calum survey your snow covered yard through your window. "Guess not," Calum sighs, fighting a smile, "I guess I'll just have to stay here with you all day." "That's rough," you joke, "I really feel bad for you." "If only there was something we could do to occupy ourselves," Calum adds, his eyes traveling across your body, "And maybe something to keep us warm." He steps closer to you, his fingers brushing a hair out of your face. "I have an idea," you smirk up at him, stepping even closer. "Hmm?" Calum hums distractedly. "We...could," you pause after each word for dramatic effect, "play„,hide-and-seek!" With that you tear off down the hall, leaving a very disappointed Calum where you had been. "Y/n," he groans, following the path you had taken, "You're such a tease!" "Come and find me!" you sing. Calum checks each room on his way down the hallway, finally opening the door to the coat-closet you are in. "Boo!" you shout when the door opens. Calum jumps back in surprise and you take the opportunity to run out and in the opposite direction, hiding again. "Y/n, that's not fair!" Calum whines. "Gotta catch me!" you taunt. You bury yourself in the mass of pillows on your bed and wait with apprehension for Calum to come. Silently, Calum makes his way into the bedroom, spotting your foot peeking out between pillows. You don't hear a sound as he tiptoes to the side of the bed. He lunges forward, grabbing you around the waist and beginning to tickle you. "Gotcha!" he yells in triumph, his large hands squeezing your sides as peels of breathless laughter escape you. "Stop! Stop!" you plead, kicking out wildly. You fight back, your own hands finding their way to Calum's rib cage and tickling him until he releases you. His hands grab your wrists, attempting to pull you off of him. "You aren't gonna win this time!" he mutters through gritted teeth as he uses all of his strength to pry you off of him. Finally he frees himself from your grasp. He moves on top of you, holding you between his legs as his hands tickle your stomach and legs mercilessly."Okay! I give up!" you surrender finally. Calum releases you, dropping to the side of you breathlessly. He rolls to his side to meet your eyes before breathlessly panting, "It's my turn to pick the activity."


You groggily open your eyes, shivering in the cold and snuggling closer to Michael. You roll over and look out the window, surprised to see snow falling. You sit up, peering farther out the window at the smooth snow stacked a few feet up. "Mikey!" you say excitedly, shaking his shoulder. He groans in response and you sigh, shaking him with more vigor. "Michael Clifford wake up right this second," you command, unable to keep the whiny tone from your voice. "What?" Michael asks in his low morning voice. "It's snowing!" you say with a wide grin. "That's nice," he sighs, trying to roll back over. "Michael," you groan, climbing on top of him, "It's so pretty come look." Michael sighs, tipping you off of him to the empty space on the bed. You hop right up, taking his hand and dragging him to the window to admire the scene. "Mhm," he hums, clearly not impressed, "So pretty." "If I wasn't in such a Christmas-y mood I'd punch you," you mutter. "It's just snow," he chuckles. "It's pretty!" you insist, turning from the window to your boyfriend. "You're pretty," he says, tapping your cold nose lightly. You giggle and wrap your arms around Michael's neck, standing on tip toe to kiss him. You notice Michael shiver inadvertently and you chuckle. "Are you cold?" you ask, already knowing his answer. He juts out his lower lip in a pout and nods. "Hang on!" you say before scurrying from the room. You return seconds later with an armful of blankets. Dropping them on the bed, you move to the stereo and put on some Christmas music, smiling cheekily at Michael because you know he doesn't understand your love for cheesy Christmas songs. "Come on," you invite, taking his hand and pulling him onto the bed. Without warning you burrow under the pile of blankets, making Michael laugh. "It's warmer in here!" you call, your voice muffled by the layers of fabrics. You hold the blankets up and Michael crawls under beside you, enveloping you in his warm arms. "This is so much better than looking at the snow," Michael sighs in contentment, cuddling closer to you and placing a kiss on your nose. "I'd have to agree," you admit, nuzzling your head into his chest and tangling your legs with his, wanting to be as close as possible.

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